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Game of June 13, 2012 at 08:04, 4 players
1. 496 pts kellybelly
2. 380 pts spellcheck
3. 330 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deeguv   H4    28    28   venged
 2. abelnnr   3G    23    51   banner
 3. ?cdglnu   L1    82   133   curdling
 4. adiootz   1G    54   187   zodiac
 5. afnopsy   5B    82   269   payfones
 6. ellnosw   F4    65   334   woollens
 7. aaaeist   M3    32   366   seat
 8. aioorrw   E9    81   447   woorari
 9. ceeinty  15D    42   489   yince
10. gilmosu   4D    35   524   mow
11. aeehost   D8    37   561   eathe
12. fikorst   8A    33   594   fike
13. ehijors   B1    52   646   joseph
14. agilott   8J    24   670   loggat
15. adeervx   1A    36   706   ajee
16. aeiipqt  11D    26   732   hospitia
17. beirrtv   N8    30   762   arbiter
18. dimquux  M13    34   796   mux
19. diiqtuu   6J    32   828   quit
20. diirtuv  J10    21   849   virid

Remaining tiles: iitu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7510 Filekellybelly  5 18:44  -353  496     1.7510 kellybelly  5 18:44  -353  496 
  2.5127 Filespellcheck  1 21:02  -469  380            Group: intermediate
  3.6268 FileGrace_Tjie  0 11:03  -519  330     1.6268 Grace_Tjie  0 11:03  -519  330 
  4.5769 Filefatcat      1 13:49  -633  216            Group: novice
                                             1.5127 spellcheck  1 21:02  -469  380 
                                             2.5769 fatcat      1 13:49  -633  216 

On 1st draw, VE(N)GED H4 28 --- VENGE to take retribution for [v]
Other tops: VEG(G)ED H4 28, VE(G)GED H4 28, VE(R)GED H4 28, V(A)GUED H4 28, V(O)GUED H4 28
Other moves: VEDU(T)E H4 26, VE(N)DUE H4 26, VEGE(S) H4 24, VEG(G)ED H7 24, VEG(I)E H4 24
GU(I)DE H4 16 Grace_Tjie
G(A)VE H6 14 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, BANNER 3G 23 --- BANNER to furnish with a banner (a type of flag) [v]
Other moves: BALER 3G 22, VERBAL 4H 22, ABLER 3H 21, BAEL 3G 21, BALE 3G 21
BARN 3G 21 Grace_Tjie
BANNED 9C 13 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, CURDL(I)NG L1 82 --- CURDLE to congeal [v]
Other moves: GLUNC(H)ED 5B 72, CUDDL(I)NG 9F 67, CUDDL(I)NG 9E 65, GLUNC(H)ED 8B 62, (S)CAVE(N)GED H1 42
(S)LUG M3 24 Grace_Tjie
LUNC(H)ED 8C 10 spellcheck

On 4th draw, ZODIAC 1G 54 --- ZODIAC an imaginary belt encircling the celestial sphere [n]
Other moves: AZOTIC 1G 51, AZOIC 1H 48, DIAZO 2C 39, DZO 2E 37, AZO 2E 36
DZO 2E 37 Grace_Tjie
ZA 2F 35 kellybelly
D(I)TZ 6K 33 spellcheck

On 5th draw, PAYFONES 5B 82 --- PAYFONE a public phone which requires coins or a card [n]
Other moves: PAYFONES 8B 70, GAPY 8L 30, GYPS 8L 30, PAYFONE 5B 30, AGONY 8K 27
FA(N)NY 6F 26 kellybelly
GAYS 8L 24 spellcheck
YOS M7 23 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, WOOLLENS F4 65 --- WOOLLEN a garment made of wool [n]
Other moves: ENOW 4C 36, NEW 4D 32, NOW 4D 32, WELLY D1 30, WOLLY D1 30
WELLY D1 30 kellybelly
GOWN 8L 24 Grace_Tjie
SWOLLEN 8C 14 spellcheck

On 7th draw, SEAT M3 32 --- SEAT to place on a seat (something on which one sits) [v]
Other moves: SAI M3 29, SEA M3 29, SEI M3 29, ASTASIA 11E 28, SI M3 25
SEAT M3 32 kellybelly
GAST 8L 15 Grace_Tjie
GETS 8L 15 spellcheck

On 8th draw, WOORARI E9 81 --- WOORARI a plant yielding curare [n]
Other moves: WORRAL 8A 30, WORRY D1 30, WAIR E9 25, GROW 8L 24, WAI E9 23
WORRAL 8A 30 kellybelly
GROW 8L 24 spellcheck, Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, YINCE 15D 42 --- YINCE once [adv]
Other moves: CENTRY 14A 38, CYGNET 8J 36, NICETY 15D 36, YITIE 15D 36, NITERY 14A 34
YINCE 15D 42 kellybelly
NICETY 15D 36 spellcheck
GENT 8L 15 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, MOW 4D 35 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other moves: SUMO 4A 32, OLM 4B 30, GLOM D10 29, GLUM D10 29, MOGULS 8J 27
MOW 4D 35 kellybelly
SLIMY D1 22 spellcheck
GUMS 8L 21 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, EATHE D8 37 --- EATHE easy [adj]
Other tops: ASHET D9 37
Other moves: STAPH B2 36, ETHE D9 33, AHOY D12 31, ASHORE 14A 31, HEARE 14B 29
SHORE 14B 29 kellybelly
HEAPS B2 24 spellcheck, fatcat

On 12th draw, FIKE 8A 33 --- FIKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other moves: FORPITS B2 28, GROK 8L 27, FORPIT B2 26, OFT C11 25, STIRK N6 25
FIKE 8A 33 spellcheck, kellybelly
GIFT 8L 24 Grace_Tjie
FORKS 14H 19 fatcat

On 13th draw, JOSEPH B1 52 --- JOSEPH a woman's long cloak [n]
Other moves: SERIPH B1 38, ROJIS 14H 30, SIGHER 8J 30, JETONS 10B 29, ROJI 14H 29
SHORE 14B 29 kellybelly
ZODIACS 1G 19 spellcheck
HIS C12 18 fatcat

On 14th draw, LOGGAT 8J 24 --- LOGGAT a small log [n]
Other tops: GIGLOT 8J 24, LOGGIA 8J 24
Other moves: AIT C1 21, ZODIACAL 1G 20, AGO K5 19, GALIOT N5 19, GIGA 8L 18
ZODIACAL 1G 20 spellcheck
GATOR 14A 17 kellybelly
GOAL 8L 15 fatcat, Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, AJEE 1A 36 --- AJEE off the straight [adv]
Other moves: RELAXED J6 33, RAXED 14H 31, DEX 14H 30, RELAX J6 30, LAXER J8 28
AJEE 1A 36 kellybelly
RELAXED J6 33 fatcat
LAXER J8 28 Grace_Tjie
FAXED A8 18 spellcheck

On 16th draw, HOSPITIA 11D 26 --- HOSPITIA places of shelter [n] --- HOSPITIUM a nursing home for the terminally ill [n]
Other moves: ATAP A1 20, PETAR 14A 19, PARE 14C 17, PEAR 14B 17, ETA N4 16
PEAR 14B 17 kellybelly
PLATE 5K 14 fatcat
QAT O6 12 spellcheck

On 17th draw, ARBITER N8 30 --- ARBITER one chosen or appointed to judge a disputed issue [n]
Other moves: BET 10J 23, BE 10J 22, GRIVET M8 22, VIBIER J10 21, BITER 12K 20
BET 10J 23 kellybelly
TRIBE 12K 18 fatcat
BILE J6 12 spellcheck

On 18th draw, MUX M13 34 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other moves: MIX 14H 32, MIX 2D 32, MUX 14H 32, MUX 2D 32, QU(I)T 6J 32
MIX 14H 32 fatcat, kellybelly
QI J10 31 Grace_Tjie
QUIT O5 13 spellcheck

On 19th draw, QU(I)T 6J 32 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QI J10 31, DIT O11 16, ID 10I 16, TID O11 16, DIT 12H 15
QU(I)T 6J 32 fatcat
QI J10 31 kellybelly
QUIT O5 13 spellcheck

On 20th draw, VIRID J10 21 --- VIRID verdant [adj]
Other moves: DIV 12J 19, DIVI 14H 19, DIV 14H 18, DIV 2D 18, VIRTU J10 18
DIVI 14H 19 kellybelly
ID A3 12 Grace_Tjie
TUX 15K 11 spellcheck
DIVER 12A 11 fatcat

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