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Game of June 14, 2012 at 03:05, 2 players
1. 246 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 39 pts SOLOKOU1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. annorsx   H8    26    26   axons
 2. aefrtuv  11E    40    66   vaunter
 3. ??mnoty   8H    92   158   antimony
 4. efklmot   M7    94   252   folkmote
 5. aenorwy  N10    46   298   yowe
 6. ceiilsv   K3    76   374   civiliser
 7. adeegir  14I    48   422   agreed
 8. abejnpr  15E    44   466   japer
 9. degiipr  10J    30   496   perky
10. aaehlrt   3H    78   574   tracheal
11. bdeilou   H1    36   610   outbid
12. deenost   F4    65   675   endostea
13. agirsuu   8A    27   702   sargus
14. abdfiln  L12    33   735   bael
15. dehiino   O1    36   771   holden
16. cgiiinu   N2    21   792   gain
17. efinquz   4A    68   860   quinze
18. acefiio   E2    39   899   cozie
19. aefiitw   2B    24   923   twice

Remaining tiles: afii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6257 FileGrace_Tjie  0  6:42  -677  246     1.6257 Grace_Tjie  0  6:42  -677  246 
  2.  -  FileSOLOKOU1    0  1:16  -884   39            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  SOLOKOU1    0  1:16  -884   39 

On 1st draw, AXONS H8 26 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other tops: AXONS H4 26
Other moves: AXONS H5 24, AXONS H6 24, AXONS H7 24, AXON H5 22, AXON H6 22

On 2nd draw, VAUNTER 11E 40 --- VAUNTER one that vaunts [n]
Other moves: FATE G8 27, FETA G8 27, TUFA I8 27, AFTER 7F 26, FAUR I7 26

On 3rd draw, A(N)T(I)MONY 8H 92 --- ANTIMONY a metallic element [n]
Other tops: ANT(I)MO(N)Y 8H 92
Other moves: A(N)TONYM(S) 8H 86, A(N)TONYM(Y) 8H 86, A(N)TON(Y)MY 8H 86, A(N)T(I)NOMY 8H 86, A(U)TONYM(S) 8H 86

On 4th draw, FOLKMOTE M7 94 --- FOLKMOTE a general assembly of the people in early England [n]
Other moves: FOLKMOTE M3 92, FOLKMOT M7 42, FOLKMOT M3 40, KEF 7M 36, MOKE 7K 35
MOKE 10J 28 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, YOWE N10 46 --- YOWE a ewe [n]
Other tops: WANKY 10J 46, WONKY 10J 46
Other moves: YAW N10 43, YEW N10 43, YOW N10 43, RENAY N6 42, WANY L12 42
WAY L12 35 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, CIVIL(I)SER K3 76 --- CIVILISER
Other moves: VICES 14J 58, CIVES 14J 54, CIVIES 15H 54, CLEVIS 15H 54, VELES 14J 54
SEC 15M 33 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, AGREED 14I 48 --- AGREE to have the same opinion [v]
Other moves: GREED 14J 46, GEARED 14I 44, AERIED 14I 42, RAGED 14J 42, AIRED 14J 40
DIG O13 19 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, JAPER 15E 44 --- JAPER one that japes [n]
Other moves: JAPE 15F 41, JAB 15G 40, JA 13I 37, JANE 15F 35, JEAN 15F 35
JA 13I 37 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, PERKY 10J 30 --- PERKY jaunty [adj]
Other moves: DOWP 12L 26, GYRED O7 26, PED O11 25, PEG O11 25, PRICED 3H 24
PEE J10 21 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, TRACHEAL 3H 78 --- TRACHEA the passage for conveying air to the lungs [adj] --- TRACHEAL relating to the trachea [adj]
Other moves: HAET L12 37, HAE L12 33, THECAL 3H 30, HAT J6 29, HET J6 29
HAT J6 29 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, OUTBID H1 36 --- OUTBID to bid higher than [v]
Other moves: BIELD 4J 35, BILLED O1 30, BOLIDE O1 30, BOLLED O1 30, BULLED O1 30
BET J6 23 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, ENDOSTEA F4 65 --- ENDOSTEA bone membranes [n] --- ENDOSTEUM a bone membrane [n]
Other moves: OBEDIENT 4G 41, STOWN 12K 32, EDS 15K 31, DIENE 4J 29, DIETS 4J 29
DOLES O1 21 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, SARGUS 8A 27 --- SARGUS a fish [n]
Other tops: SAGS 12H 27
Other moves: RUES L12 25, SARS 12H 25, SIRS 12H 25, SUER L12 25, AS 15L 24

On 14th draw, BAEL L12 33 --- BAEL a thorny Indian tree [n]
Other moves: BIALI 4J 32, DOWF 12L 30, FAIBLE 4A 30, BALD O1 27, FABLING D2 26

On 15th draw, HOLDEN O1 36 --- HOLD to maintain possession of [v]
Other moves: HIED 4J 34, EDH 2L 32, HELD O1 30, HILD O1 30, HO 14F 30

On 16th draw, GAIN N2 21 --- GAIN near [adj] --- GAIN to acquire [v]
Other moves: RICING C8 20, UNAI N1 20, CUING D4 16, G(N)U I7 16, ICING D4 16

On 17th draw, QUINZE 4A 68 --- QUINZE a card game [n]
Other moves: FUZING D3 38, FIQUE 4B 34, FUZEE 4B 34, QUINE E1 34, QUAI B6 33

On 18th draw, COZIE E2 39 --- COZIE a covering for a teapot [n]
Other moves: FAZE E2 36, COZE E2 34, ZEA E4 31, ZOA E4 31, EAN 5D 30

On 19th draw, TWICE 2B 24 --- TWICE two times [adv]
Other moves: FA 13I 22, TREFA I2 22, WAIFT C2 22, WIFIE C1 22, FAW(N) I5 21

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