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Game of June 15, 2012 at 06:22, 5 players
1. 534 pts jimbo
2. 534 pts fatcat
3. 223 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aijnrs   H2    92    92   injeras
 2. aglorsw   2G    82   174   airglows
 3. ?abdeio   1A    89   263   ameboid
 4. aeimorz   1L    97   360   zoea
 5. aaelotu   3L    35   395   alto
 6. eennoot   D1    72   467   botonnee
 7. ceinpsv   O3    39   506   ovines
 8. aeflntu   E4    31   537   fault
 9. acdeeir   B1    74   611   medicare
10. himrtuv   A8    54   665   mirth
11. adinpru   L1    30   695   zoaria
12. deilmqr   N5    28   723   qi
13. bdekmtu   K5    38   761   kemb
14. deefglp   J6    25   786   pe
15. cdgorxy   C1    38   824   exo
16. aceiiow   9J    21   845   cow
17. einptuy   M9    40   885   piney
18. adelsty  12H    84   969   sedately
19. defghiu  H10    39  1008   fished
20. gnrtuuv  O12    21  1029   yurt

Remaining tiles: ggnuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6233 Filejimbo       5 17:19  -495  534     1.6233 jimbo       5 17:19  -495  534 
  2.5796 Filefatcat      1 18:56  -495  534     2.6601 argomearns  0  2:34  -929  100 
  3.5121 Filespellcheck  1 12:56  -806  223     3.6652 charmz      1  1:06  -990   39 
  4.6601 Fileargomearns  0  2:34  -929  100            Group: novice
  5.6652 Filecharmz      1  1:06  -990   39     1.5796 fatcat      1 18:56  -495  534 
                                             2.5121 spellcheck  1 12:56  -806  223 

On 1st draw, INJ(E)RAS H2 92 --- INJERA a type of Ethiopian bread [n]
Other tops: JARIN(A)S H4 92, J(A)RINAS H4 92
Other moves: INJ(E)RAS H3 78, INJ(E)RAS H4 78, INJ(E)RAS H6 78, INJ(E)RAS H7 78, INJ(E)RAS H8 78
JAN(E)S H4 38 fatcat
JARS H7 22 jimbo

On 2nd draw, AIRGLOWS 2G 82 --- AIRGLOW a glow in the upper atmosphere [n]
Other moves: JOWARS 4H 32, JOWAR 4H 30, JOWLS 4H 30, GOWLANS 3C 26, W*GS I7 25
JOWLS 4H 30 fatcat, jimbo

On 3rd draw, A(M)EBOID 1A 89 --- AMEBA a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape [adj] --- AMEBOID resembling an ameba [adj]
Other moves: A(M)EBOID I4 83, A(M)BEROID 6D 68, A(M)EBOID G6 67, ABOIDEA(U) 7B 64, ABOIDEA(U) 7H 64
BAI(L) 1L 38 argomearns
JADE(D) 4H 24 fatcat
BO(W)ED L1 20 jimbo

On 4th draw, ZOEA 1L 97 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: MAZIER G5 56, MAZER G5 55, MAZE G5 53, MOZE G5 53, AZO 1K 50
ZOOM L1 50 jimbo
ZOA 1L 50 fatcat
ZA G7 44 argomearns

On 5th draw, ALTO 3L 35 --- ALTO a low female singing voice [n]
Other moves: ALT 3L 33, LET 3L 33, AAL 3K 32, ALE 3K 32, ALT 3K 32
OE 3L 28 fatcat
ZOOT L1 26 jimbo
LATE 2A 18 argomearns

On 6th draw, BOTONNEE D1 72 --- BOTONNEE having arms ending in a trefoil [adj]
Other moves: ROTENONE 6H 62, TENON 2A 22, BOTONEE D1 18, ETEN 2B 18, NENE 2A 18
BONNET D1 16 fatcat
ONE I4 15 jimbo

On 7th draw, OVINES O3 39 --- OVINE a sheep or a closely related animal [n]
Other moves: OPINES O3 33, CIVES 8A 30, PICENE 8A 30, VICES 8A 30, CEPES 8A 27
VICES 8A 30 fatcat
VINES 8A 24 jimbo

On 8th draw, FAULT E4 31 --- FAULT to criticize [v]
Other moves: ELUANT C3 29, ZOAEA L1 28, FAUN E4 27, FAUT E4 27, FEAL E4 27
FLUENT 8A 27 fatcat, jimbo

On 9th draw, (M)EDICARE B1 74 --- MEDICARE a type of governmental health program [n]
Other moves: DECIARE G7 73, DECIARE N7 67, REARED I2 30, ZOAEAE L1 30, ZOARIA L1 30
CREED C7 23 jimbo
SCARED 8H 10 fatcat

On 10th draw, MIRTH A8 54 --- MIRTH spirited gaiety [n]
Other moves: THRUM A8 45, HUM A6 43, HIM A8 39, HUM A8 39, MIRV A8 39
HIM A8 39 jimbo, fatcat
ME 8A 12 spellcheck

On 11th draw, ZOARIA L1 30 --- ZOARIUM a colony of bryozoans [n]
Other moves: RAPID G5 25, RUPIA G5 23, DURIAN N5 22, HARPIN 12A 22, PADI N5 22
PAD G7 20 jimbo
HARP 12A 18 spellcheck, fatcat

On 12th draw, QI N5 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DELIME 7J 26, QADI 7G 26, MELD 7J 25, MILD 7J 25, QAID 7G 25
QI N5 28 jimbo
QI 5K 22 fatcat, spellcheck

On 13th draw, KEMB K5 38 --- KEMB to comb [v]
Other moves: BUKE G5 33, KEMB G7 33, KEB K5 32, DUKE G5 31, BEMUD K5 30
MUTED G7 21 spellcheck
BAKED 7G 20 fatcat
KEA 6J 17 jimbo

On 14th draw, PE J6 25 --- PE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: ELFED L8 25
Other moves: DEF G5 24, FED G7 24, FEED G7 24, FEG G7 24, HELPED 12A 24
PE J6 25 jimbo
ELFED L8 25 spellcheck
HELPED 12A 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, EXO C1 38 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other moves: OX A3 37, COXY 9J 33, ORYX B12 33, DOXY 9J 32, DOXY G7 32
OX A3 37 jimbo, fatcat
OXY I8 23 spellcheck

On 16th draw, COW 9J 21 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other tops: AWN 3F 21, OWN 3F 21
Other moves: HOWE 12A 20, OWE 9K 20, TWICE 11A 20, ECO 9I 19, OCA 9K 19
TWICE 11A 20 spellcheck
ACE B12 15 jimbo
BOWES 8K 11 fatcat

On 17th draw, PINEY M9 40 --- PINEY covered with pine trees [adj]
Other tops: PIETY M9 40, PUNTY M9 40
Other moves: PUY M7 31, YIPE M7 30, PYET M8 29, PYIN M8 29, PYNE M8 29
PUNTY M9 40 jimbo
YETI M9 27 spellcheck
HYPE 12A 24 fatcat

On 18th draw, SEDATELY 12H 84 --- SEDATE calm [adv] --- SEDATELY in a sedate manner [adv]
Other moves: STYLED N9 52, DELAYS N10 44, STALED N9 43, DELAY N10 42, DESALT N10 38
STYLED 13A 31 fatcat
STY 9E 19 spellcheck
DYES 12K 16 jimbo

On 19th draw, FISHED H10 39 --- FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v]
Other moves: FEH 11I 36, GUSHED H10 33, FEH 10H 32, EUGH 10G 31, DEF 11I 30
FISHED H10 39 jimbo, charmz, fatcat
SIGH H12 24 spellcheck

On 20th draw, YURT O12 21 --- YURT a portable tent [n]
Other moves: LUV N12 17, HUNG 12A 16, VANG K11 16, VAUNT K11 16, LUNG N12 15
YURT O12 21 jimbo
HUNG 12A 16 fatcat
GAUNT K11 12 spellcheck

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