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Game of June 19, 2012 at 06:08, 4 players
1. 450 pts fatcat
2. 122 pts kellybelly
3. 56 pts ELCEE

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. anooptu   H4    20    20   panto
 2. aehnnos   5E    40    60   hosanna
 3. acprrsu   L1    35    95   craps
 4. befimnt   6B    42   137   metif
 5. aamorsu   1I    33   170   sarcoma
 6. dehortu   O1    98   268   authored
 7. eginost   C6    74   342   egestion
 8. aelnruw   8A    33   375   alew
 9. ijnorvw   3I    46   421   jowar
10. ?abdeet  14A    81   502   bestead
11. beginru  15F    34   536   beguin
12. eegirvy  A12    39   575   vibe
13. ?cefioy   D8    44   619   woofy
14. adeeior  14J    31   650   dearie
15. deltuxy  O11    51   701   yexed
16. ailoqrv   2J    34   735   vor
17. giillru  11J    20   755   uglily
18. cenqrtu  10F    40   795   quern
19. aceiklt   4A    38   833   cleik

Remaining tiles: aiitz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5791 Filefatcat      2 20:06  -383  450     1.7412 kellybelly  1  4:48  -711  122 
  2.7412 Filekellybelly  1  4:48  -711  122            Group: intermediate
  3.6145 FileELCEE       0  2:53  -777   56     1.6145 ELCEE       0  2:53  -777   56 
  4.  -  FileEX_MY       0  2:58  -789   44            Group: novice
                                             1.5791 fatcat      2 20:06  -383  450 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  EX_MY       0  2:58  -789   44 

On 1st draw, PANTO H4 20 --- PANTO a pantomime [n]
Other tops: PUNTO H4 20, PUTON H4 20
Other moves: NAPOO H4 16, NAPOO H8 16, PANTO H8 16, PUNTO H8 16, PUTON H8 16
PANT H8 12 fatcat

On 2nd draw, HOSANNA 5E 40 --- HOSANNA to praise [v]
Other moves: HONES G3 24, HENNAS 9C 22, HONANS 9C 22, NOAHS G5 22, NOAHS I5 22
PHONES 4H 22 fatcat

On 3rd draw, CRAPS L1 35 --- CRAP to throw a 2, 3, or 12 in a dice game [v]
Other tops: CARPS L1 35, CAUPS L1 35
Other moves: CARPUS 4A 33, SCRAP 6B 32, CARRS L1 31, CURRS L1 31, PARRS L1 31
SCRAP 9H 20 fatcat

On 4th draw, METIF 6B 42 --- METIF a child of a white and a quadroon [n]
Other moves: FERMI 2J 36, INFECT 1H 33, NEIF 6C 33, NIEF 6C 33, FINE 6F 32
CENT 1L 18 fatcat

On 5th draw, SARCOMA 1I 33 --- SARCOMA a type of tumour [n]
Other moves: MACROS 1J 30, MUCORS 1J 30, MUCOSA 1J 30, MUCROS 1J 30, SACRUM 1J 30
SCRAM 1K 27 fatcat

On 6th draw, AUTHORED O1 98 --- AUTHOR to bring into being [v]
Other moves: AUTHORED K5 74, DERRO 2J 39, DERTH 2F 36, DOETH 2F 36, DROUTH 2E 35
AUTHORED O1 48 fatcat

On 7th draw, EGESTION C6 74 --- EGESTION the act of egesting [n]
Other moves: TENTIGOS D6 70, MITOGENS B6 65, EGESTION C4 61, GOONIEST 8F 60, MOISTEN N1 41
STING 9H 15 fatcat

On 8th draw, ALEW 8A 33 --- ALEW a greeting cry, halloo [n]
Other tops: ANEW 8A 33, AREW 8A 33, ENEW 8A 33
Other moves: UNLAW 4B 31, WALE D12 28, WANE D12 28, WARE D12 28, WARN D12 28
ANEW 8A 33 fatcat

On 9th draw, JOWAR 3I 46 --- JOWAR durra (an Indian grain crop) [n]
Other moves: JOW B12 37, JOW 2H 36, JOIN B12 33, JOW N5 33, VROW 2G 33
JOW B12 37 fatcat

On 10th draw, BE(S)TEAD 14A 81 --- BESTEAD to help [v]
Other moves: DEBATE(D) N5 77, DEBATE(R) N5 77, DEBATE(S) N5 77, BETA(X)ED N5 76, TABE(R)ED N5 76
B(R)OAD 12A 20 EX_MY
D(R)EAM B2 14 fatcat

On 11th draw, BEGUIN 15F 34 --- BEGUIN a man living monastic life without vows [n]
Other tops: BINGER 15F 34
Other moves: BEGIN 15F 31, BEGUN 15F 31, BEING 15F 31, BINGE 15F 31, BRIBE A11 30
BEGIN 15F 31 fatcat

On 12th draw, VIBE A12 39 --- VIBE a vibration [n]
Other moves: YE 15A 38, GYBE A12 36, GEYER 14J 35, GIVER 14J 35, GYVE L12 35
VIBE A12 39 fatcat

On 13th draw, W(O)OFY D8 44 --- WOOFY dense in texture [adj]
Other tops: WO(O)FY D8 44
Other moves: FO(O)TY D11 38, FYCE L12 37, F(O)OTY D11 37, FO(L)IC 4A 34, YO(G)IC 4A 34
OF(F)ICE 12C 22 fatcat

On 14th draw, DEARIE 14J 31 --- DEARIE darling [n]
Other moves: DEAIR 14J 29, DEARE 14J 29, DOREE 14J 29, DEARIE L10 27, OREIDE L10 27
ORDAIN K10 14 fatcat

On 15th draw, YEXED O11 51 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other tops: DEXY 13L 51
Other moves: YEX 13L 44, EXED O12 39, LUXE 13L 39, LYTED O11 39, TELEX O11 39
YEX O13 39 fatcat
EX O14 27 ELCEE, kellybelly

On 16th draw, VOR 2J 34 --- VOR to warn [v]
Other tops: VAR 2J 34
Other moves: VIOLA 4A 30, VOILA 4A 30, VARIOLA L8 28, OLIVARY 11I 26, QAID 8L 24
VAR 2J 34 kellybelly
RAVE 12L 14 fatcat

On 17th draw, UGLILY 11J 20 --- UGLILY in an ugly manner [adv] --- UGLY displeasing to the sight [adv]
Other tops: GLUILY 11J 20
Other moves: GILL 13F 18, GILLY 11K 18, GIRL 13F 18, GIRLY 11K 18, GULLY 11K 18
GIRLY 11K 18 kellybelly
TOLL 10C 6 fatcat

On 18th draw, QUERN 10F 40 --- QUERN a hand operated stone mill for grinding corn [n]
Other moves: TORQUE 10C 35, TUQUE J8 34, REQUIN M7 26, REQUIT M7 26, QUIN M9 23
QUIT M9 23 fatcat
RECUT J8 13 kellybelly

On 19th draw, CLEIK 4A 38 --- CLEIK a kind of golf club [n]
Other moves: ALECK 4A 34, CALK 4B 30, LACK 4B 30, LICK 4B 30, TACK 4B 30
LICK 4B 30 kellybelly
KILT L9 16 fatcat

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