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Game of June 20, 2012 at 01:49, 1 player
1. 136 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeefno   H4    26    26   fonda
 2. ?abeoru   9B    69    95   aerobus
 3. egiopry   6C    74   169   pigeonry
 4. ?cgnouu   5A    29   198   cougan
 5. eilnopu   A3    39   237   upcoil
 6. almnosv   5J    23   260   monals
 7. aceioru   O1    30   290   erics
 8. aeiknot   L4    30   320   intake
 9. deistwy  10B    49   369   stewy
10. agiltuv   2J    36   405   vulgar
11. adenrst  11F    74   479   endarts
12. ddeinsw  H11    39   518   dwine
13. aehjmot   8C    41   559   jota
14. beilnrz  14F    42   601   zineb
15. ehmostx   M7    57   658   hox
16. aeehlrv   8L    33   691   koha
17. deilnrt   C8    30   721   jettied
18. eimqrst  13G    42   763   qi
19. adelmrt  15J    37   800   armlet
20. definrv  D12    35   835   deif

Remaining tiles: einrsv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4176 Filedenbay      0  6:21  -699  136     1.4176 denbay      0  6:21  -699  136 

On 1st draw, FONDA H4 26 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other moves: DEAFEN H4 24, DEAFEN H3 22, DEAFEN H7 22, DEAFEN H8 22, DEAFEN H5 20

On 2nd draw, AEROBU(S) 9B 69 --- AEROBUS a small passenger airplane [n]
Other moves: AEROBU(S) I6 68, AEROBU(S) G7 66, AEROBU(S) I7 66, OBDURA(T)E 7F 65, ARBOU(R)ED 7A 64

On 3rd draw, PIGEONRY 6C 74 --- PIGEONRY a place for keeping pigeons [n]
Other moves: RYPE 8A 42, PYRE 8A 40, PYRO 8A 40, GYRE 8A 37, GYRO 8A 37

On 4th draw, COUG(A)N 5A 29 --- COUGAN (Australian slang) a rowdy heavy drinker [n]
Other moves: COGU(E) 5B 28, UN(D)UG 8A 27, AGON(I)C B9 24, C(H)OU 8A 24, C(L)OU 8A 24

On 5th draw, UPCOIL A3 39 --- UPCOIL to coil up [v]
Other moves: PINOCLE A1 36, PLEON 8A 33, POLICE A1 33, POUNCE A1 33, UNCLIP A3 33

On 6th draw, MONALS 5J 23 --- MONAL a Himalayan pheasant [n]
Other tops: OMS 10A 23, SMA 10A 23
Other moves: MA 10B 22, VENOMS C8 22, MANOS 5J 21, MASON 5J 21, MOANS 5J 21

On 7th draw, ERICS O1 30 --- ERIC a murderer's fine in old Irish law [n]
Other moves: CESURA O3 27, COARSE O1 27, COSIER O3 27, COURSE O1 27, CROUSE O1 27

On 8th draw, INTAKE L4 30 --- INTAKE the act of taking in [n]
Other tops: KINONE L1 30
Other moves: KRAIT D8 28, KRONA D8 28, KRONE D8 28, NAKED 7D 28, OAKED 7D 28

On 9th draw, STEWY 10B 49 --- STEWY having the characteristics of a stew (food cooked by stewing) [adj]
Other moves: DEWY 10C 44, WYTED 10A 40, SKYED 8K 39, TEDY 10C 38, WYTED M7 38

On 10th draw, VULGAR 2J 36 --- VULGAR a common person [n] --- VULGAR crude [adj]
Other moves: KIVA 8L 33, VITA 8C 32, LIKUTA 8J 30, VAGAL 8E 29, GILA 8C 28

On 11th draw, ENDARTS 11F 74 --- ENDART to dart in [v]
Other tops: STANDER 11F 74, STARNED 11F 74
Other moves: ENDARTS M9 71, STANDER M9 71, STARNED M9 71, ENDARTS K9 68, ANTED 11C 38

On 12th draw, DWINE H11 39 --- DWINE to pine or waste away [v]
Other moves: WIDENS 12A 37, WIDE M7 34, DWINES 12A 33, KNEW 8L 33, INDEWS 12A 31

On 13th draw, JOTA 8C 41 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: HAME M7 38, HOMA M7 38, HOME M7 38, HAJ 8C 37, HAM M7 37

On 14th draw, ZINEB 14F 42 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: BENZIN 14C 37, ZINE 14F 33, ZIN 14F 32, BIZE G1 30, JETLINER C8 30
KILN 8L 24 denbay

On 15th draw, HOX M7 57 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: SOX M7 45, HOXES 12B 40, OX M8 40, HOME M7 38, HOMS M7 38
SEX L11 20 denbay

On 16th draw, KOHA 8L 33 --- KOHA a gift or donation when visiting a marae [n]
Other tops: KOHL 8L 33
Other moves: HAVE 12L 32, HALE 12L 26, HARE 12L 26, HARL 12L 26, HEAL 12L 26
SAVER L11 18 denbay

On 17th draw, JETTIED C8 30 --- JETTY to jut out [v]
Other tops: JETLINER C8 30
Other moves: JETTED C8 28, JETTIER C8 28, DEXIE 9K 20, EXED 9L 20, UNTILED 3A 20
ASTRIDE B9 16 denbay

On 18th draw, QI 13G 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI G13 42
Other moves: TETRIS K9 33, TITERS K9 33, TITRES K9 33, STEM D12 27, STIM D12 27
STEMS L11 16 denbay

On 19th draw, ARMLET 15J 37 --- ARMLET an armband [n]
Other moves: DRAM D12 31, TEAM D12 27, TRAM D12 27, MEAD B12 26, DRAM B12 25
STEAM L11 20 denbay

On 20th draw, DEIF D12 35 --- DEIF deaf (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: FERINE N10 34, VENIRE N10 34, NEIF D12 31, DEFINE N10 28, DERIVE N10 28
VEIN 12A 22 denbay

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