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Game of June 20, 2012 at 07:07, 4 players
1. 606 pts jimbo
2. 292 pts kellybelly
3. 175 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelmpvy   H4    38    38   vampy
 2. aiknnru   G6    26    64   auk
 3. ?eglnny   F2    37   101   genny
 4. ?eeiitu   E3    22   123   teel
 5. aefgrrt   D1    40   163   graft
 6. ehlnorr   C2    26   189   oh
 7. ?eerrrt   5H    64   253   arrester
 8. aabentu   O4    83   336   arbutean
 9. efglnoz  N10    66   402   zone
10. acehino   1A    36   438   chog
11. eeinost   L3    66   504   essonite
12. aadijor  14K    54   558   jird
13. aelnors  11F    72   630   loaners
14. fiostvx   M1    44   674   vox
15. abcistw  H10    39   713   tawais
16. aaegios   1J    33   746   ogives
17. deiiopw   N1    37   783   epode
18. acdeiim  13A    78   861   acidemia
19. adfiluw  A12    42   903   waif
20. abdllqu   J3    36   939   burqa
21. diilllu   G1    20   959   lid

Remaining tiles: illu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6295 Filejimbo       4 16:27  -353  606     1.7407 kellybelly  3  8:02  -667  292 
  2.7407 Filekellybelly  3  8:02  -667  292            Group: intermediate
  3.6340 Fileannelhynz   2  8:00  -784  175     1.6295 jimbo       4 16:27  -353  606 
  4.5122 Filespellcheck  0  3:40  -885   74     2.6340 annelhynz   2  8:00  -784  175 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5122 spellcheck  0  3:40  -885   74 

On 1st draw, VAMPY H4 38 --- VAMPY like a vamp [adj]
Other tops: VAMPY H8 38
Other moves: PEAVY H8 34, AMPLY H8 32, PALMY H8 32, PEAVY H4 32, LEAVY H8 30

On 2nd draw, AUK G6 26 --- AUK a diving seabird [n]
Other moves: KUMARI 6F 24, RUMAKI 6F 24, AUK I7 23, UNAKIN G7 22, MIKRA 6H 21

On 3rd draw, GENNY F2 37 --- GENNY a large triangular sail [n]
Other moves: GEL(L)Y F2 36, GEN(N)Y F2 36, GEN(T)Y F2 36, GE(L)LY F2 36, GE(N)NY F2 36
G(*)Y F4 30 jimbo

On 4th draw, TEE(L) E3 22 --- TEEL an East Indian plant [n]
Other tops: TEI(L) E3 22
Other moves: E(L)ITE E5 20, E(L)UTE E5 20, (C)UTIE E1 19, (S)UITE I7 19, (T)UTEE E1 19
(S)UITE F8 15 jimbo

On 5th draw, GRAFT D1 40 --- GRAFT to unite with a growing plant by insertion [v]
Other moves: FRATE D1 36, FRAG D1 35, RAFT D2 32, FEAR D1 31, FEAT D1 31
GRAFT D1 40 jimbo

On 6th draw, OH C2 26 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: EH C2 26
Other moves: HONG 1A 24, HEATER 3B 20, EH I8 19, H*NKY 8D 19, OE I7 19
OH C2 26 jimbo, annelhynz

On 7th draw, ARRE(S)TER 5H 64 --- ARRESTER one that arrests [n]
Other moves: TE(N)GE 1A 20, (S)ERER I7 19, (S)ERRE I7 19, (S)EER I7 18, (S)ERE I7 18
ET B1 10 jimbo, annelhynz

On 8th draw, ARBUTEAN O4 83 --- ARBUTE an evergreen tree [adj] --- ARBUTEAN pertaining to an arbute [adj]
Other moves: ARBUTEAN J4 68, BRUNET O4 33, BRANT O4 30, BRENT O4 30, BRUNT O4 30
BRUNT O4 30 jimbo

On 9th draw, ZONE N10 66 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZEL N10 65, ZOL N10 65, ZO N10 64, FOGLE N10 49, FELON N10 47
ZONE N10 66 jimbo

On 10th draw, CHOG 1A 36 --- CHOG the core of a piece of fruit, a stubby penis [n]
Other moves: HANGI 1A 33, HINGE 1A 33, HONGI 1A 33, HANCE M11 32, CANEH M11 31
HIC O13 29 jimbo

On 11th draw, ES(S)ONITE L3 66 --- ESSONITE a variety of garnet [n]
Other tops: E(S)SONITE L4 66
Other moves: ONERIEST J2 62, SEROTINE J3 62, TONIES 14I 44, ETENS 14J 42, NETES 14J 42
TONES 14J 42 jimbo

On 12th draw, JIRD 14K 54 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: JIRD 14L 52, AJAR 14K 50, JAR 14L 48, JOR 14L 48, AROID 14J 46
RAD 14L 38 kellybelly
JOE 10J 26 jimbo

On 13th draw, LOANERS 11F 72 --- LOANER one that loans [n]
Other tops: ORLEANS 11F 72, RELOANS 11F 72
Other moves: LOANERS 9A 68, ORLEANS 9A 68, RELOANS 9A 68, LANOSE 15H 35, REALOS 15G 33
LOANERS 9A 68 jimbo

On 14th draw, VOX M1 44 --- VOX voice [n]
Other tops: FIX M1 44, FOX M1 44
Other moves: FIXES 3I 38, FOXES 3I 38, SIX M1 38, SOX M1 38, TIX M1 38
FOX M1 44 jimbo, kellybelly

On 15th draw, TAWAIS H10 39 --- TAWAI (Maori) a New Zealand beech [n]
Other moves: ABACI H11 36, ABACS H11 36, AWAIT H11 36, WASABI H10 36, STAW 10G 34
AWAIT H11 36 kellybelly
AW 10I 28 jimbo

On 16th draw, OGIVES 1J 33 --- OGIVE a pointed arch [n]
Other tops: AGAVES 1J 33
Other moves: GIVES 1K 30, OAVES 1K 27, AVAS 1L 24, AVES 1L 24, AVOS 1L 24
OGIVES 1J 33 kellybelly
GIVES 1K 30 jimbo

On 17th draw, EPODE N1 37 --- EPODE a poem with alternate long and short verses [n]
Other moves: IWI 2I 30, PEW 2H 29, POW 2H 29, TEW 10H 29, TOW 10H 29
TOW 10H 29 kellybelly, annelhynz
POW 2H 29 jimbo

On 18th draw, ACIDEMIA 13A 78 --- ACIDEMIA a condition of increased acidity of the blood [n]
Other moves: ITEM 10G 26, CADE 15J 25, CANED I9 25, MADE 15J 25, MANED I9 25
AMI 2I 24 jimbo
TAM 10H 23 kellybelly, annelhynz

On 19th draw, WAIF A12 42 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: AFALD A11 39, DWAAL A11 39, WADI A12 36, WAID A12 36, WALD A12 36
WAIF A12 42 annelhynz, kellybelly
FAIL A12 33 jimbo, spellcheck

On 20th draw, BURQA J3 36 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: QUAKY 8D 31, SQUAD 15H 31, QUAD D10 28, TUBAE 10H 27, BAD 12C 25
SQUAD 15H 31 spellcheck
QUAD D10 28 kellybelly, jimbo, annelhynz

On 21th draw, LID G1 20 --- LID to provide with a lid (a movable cover) [v]
Other tops: LUD G1 20
Other moves: ID G2 19, LID 12C 19, DUE 10J 17, DUEL 13L 17, TID 10H 17
LID 12C 19 kellybelly
TID 10H 17 annelhynz
FLUID 15A 10 spellcheck
MID F13 8 jimbo

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