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Game of June 20, 2012 at 08:41, 4 players
1. 585 pts spellcheck
2. 573 pts fatcat
3. 551 pts annelhynz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aefnrs   H8    76    76   serafin
 2. cinortv   9A    68   144   contrive
 3. agmotuy  11H    78   222   autogamy
 4. ?aclort   A8   158   380   acrolect
 5. adhlort   N4    68   448   thraldom
 6. dilnops   4H    78   526   diplonts
 7. aemnosy  15H    72   598   seamy
 8. abekswx   8K    60   658   axels
 9. abepqru   3I    56   714   quep
10. bdeinou   D5    74   788   bountied
11. aijnnvz  14J    66   854   za
12. eknorrt  O11    39   893   yoker
13. adegilo   6G    62   955   dialoger
14. aeghirv  14A    40   995   creagh
15. eeeinuw   N2    32  1027   enthraldom
16. beintuv   9K    27  1054   bundt
17. eeeitvw   E3    33  1087   view
18. eefiijt   O1    37  1124   jees
19. fiiiitw  C11    28  1152   wife

Remaining tiles: iiit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5137 Filespellcheck  2 23:17  -567  585     1.6350 annelhynz   2 14:05  -601  551 
  2.5799 Filefatcat      2 14:27  -579  573     2.6753 dragons11   2  8:32  -946  206 
  3.6350 Fileannelhynz   2 14:05  -601  551            Group: novice
  4.6753 Filedragons11   2  8:32  -946  206     1.5137 spellcheck  2 23:17  -567  585 
                                             2.5799 fatcat      2 14:27  -579  573 

On 1st draw, SERAF(I)N H8 76 --- SERAFIN a silver coin [n]
Other tops: FAN(N)ERS H4 76, FARNES(S) H4 76, FARNE(S)S H4 76, FAR(D)ENS H4 76, FAR(R)ENS H4 76, FA(N)NERS H4 76, FA(R)RENS H4 76, FA(W)NERS H4 76, F(U)RANES H4 76, SNARFE(D) H8 76, (I)NFARES H2 76, (U)NSAFER H8 76
Other moves: FAN(N)ERS H2 70, FAN(N)ERS H3 70, FAN(N)ERS H6 70, FAN(N)ERS H7 70, FAN(N)ERS H8 70
FEARS H4 24 fatcat
F(L)ARES H4 24 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, CONTRIVE 9A 68 --- CONTRIVE to devise [v]
Other moves: CORVINA 11B 24, NORIT(I)C 13C 24, TIRON(I)C 13C 24, CAVORT 11G 22, FICTOR 12H 22
VECTOR 9G 18 fatcat
VOICE 9D 13 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, AUTOGAMY 11H 78 --- AUTOGAMY fertilization of a flower by its own pollen [n]
Other tops: AUTOGAMY 11C 78
Other moves: GAUCY A6 33, MOTUCA A5 30, MYC A7 30, MY 10B 28, OOGAMY B9 28
MY 10B 28 annelhynz
ACT A8 15 fatcat
NOUGAT C9 14 spellcheck

On 4th draw, ACROL(E)CT A8 158 --- ACROLECT a high form of a language [n]
Other moves: CARLOT(S) 15B 104, CROTAL(S) 15B 104, (S)CROTAL 15H 104, ACROL(E)CT A3 92, CORT(I)CAL A4 92
COAT(S) 15D 54 spellcheck
(S)CART 15H 48 annelhynz
CLAY O8 27 fatcat

On 5th draw, THRALDOM N4 68 --- THRALDOM servitude [n]
Other moves: HARDLY O6 39, LATH 10K 37, OATH 10K 37, CHLORDAN 14A 36, DOTH B11 36
HARDLY O6 39 fatcat
HOD 12K 28 annelhynz
TARDY O7 27 spellcheck

On 6th draw, DIPLONTS 4H 78 --- DIPLONT an organism having a particular chromosomal structure [n]
Other moves: DIPLONTS D3 74, DIPLONTS J5 65, PLODS 15D 63, PONDS 15D 63, PIONS 15D 60
SPOIL 15H 54 spellcheck
SOP 15H 45 annelhynz
SPILL 8K 30 fatcat

On 7th draw, SEAMY 15H 72 --- SEAMY unpleasant [adj]
Other tops: SAMEY 15H 72
Other moves: MAYOS 15D 69, MOYAS 15D 69, MYNAS 15D 69, MONEYS 15C 66, YAMENS 15C 66
MONEYS 15C 66 spellcheck
MEANS 15D 60 fatcat
SAY 15H 48 annelhynz

On 8th draw, AXELS 8K 60 --- AXEL a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: BAKES 14J 57, BEAKS 14J 53, KWELA 8K 48, KABS 14J 47, KEBS 14J 47
AXELS 8K 60 fatcat
KEAS 14J 43 annelhynz
AXLE 8L 36 spellcheck

On 9th draw, QUEP 3I 56 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: QUA 3I 49, QUAD H1 42, BARQUE 3C 39, PARQUET D3 38, BARQUE 5C 37
QUAD H1 42 fatcat, spellcheck
BA 14J 24 annelhynz

On 10th draw, BOUNTIED D5 74 --- BOUNTIED pertaining to a bounty [adj] --- BOUNTY a reward [adj]
Other moves: BONED 14J 47, BUNDE 14J 47, BONIE 14J 45, DOBIE 14J 42, BEND 14J 32
BEN 14J 30 annelhynz
BEDS O1 21 fatcat
DIBS O1 21 spellcheck

On 11th draw, ZA 14J 66 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: JANN 14J 61, JA 14J 54, ZANJA M10 53, ZEA M7 48, JIZ F8 39
ZA 14J 66 annelhynz
JA 14J 54 fatcat
JINS O1 33 spellcheck

On 12th draw, YOKER O11 39 --- YOKER one who puts a yoke on [n]
Other moves: ZANTE 14J 33, ENTHRALDOM N2 32, KO 5K 31, KOR I7 30, KRONER E1 30
YOKER O11 39 fatcat, spellcheck
KORA 7K 27 dragons11
KETS O1 24 annelhynz

On 13th draw, DIALOGER 6G 62 --- DIALOGER one that dialogs [n]
Other moves: LIDGER E4 32, LODGER E4 32, GAID I6 28, GELADA 7I 28, GID I7 28
GLADE E1 22 dragons11
GLAD C3 19 annelhynz
DIGS O1 18 fatcat
DOGS O1 18 spellcheck

On 14th draw, CREAGH 14A 40 --- CREAGH a foray [n]
Other moves: HEAR 2J 39, HAVER E11 35, HIVER E11 35, VIRGER E4 35, HAVE E11 33
HEAR 2J 39 dragons11
HAGS O1 24 fatcat, spellcheck
EH G12 22 annelhynz

On 15th draw, ENTHRALDOM N2 32 --- ENTHRALDOM
Other tops: WEINER E4 32, WIENER E4 32
Other moves: WEISE O1 29, WEENIE E1 28, ENEW E3 27, NEWIE E2 26, WEEN E4 26
WE N14 22 annelhynz
WEEK 13L 22 fatcat
WAE 7M 22 dragons11
WINS O1 21 spellcheck

On 16th draw, BUNDT 9K 27 --- BUNDT a type of cake pan [n]
Other moves: VEIN E4 26, VENT E4 26, VIBE E2 26, VINT E4 26, BAVIN M10 24
VIBE E2 26 dragons11
VIBE 5B 18 spellcheck
BI 15D 17 annelhynz
TUBE 5B 12 fatcat

On 17th draw, VIEW E3 33 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: WEETER E4 32, WIVE C11 28, WIVE E2 28, EWT E5 27, ETWEE E2 26
VIEW E3 33 dragons11, spellcheck
WIT 12K 25 annelhynz
WEEK 13L 22 fatcat

On 18th draw, JEES O1 37 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEE 13K 32, JET 13K 32, JEFE 11C 28, JIVE 3C 28, FEES O1 25
JEES O1 37 annelhynz, dragons11
JIVE 3C 28 spellcheck, fatcat

On 19th draw, WIFE C11 28 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: FIT 12K 25, IWI 12J 25, WIT 12K 25, WITE C11 22, WEFT 11C 20
FIT 12K 25 annelhynz
WEFT 11C 20 spellcheck
FEW 11C 18 fatcat

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