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Game of June 21, 2012 at 07:42, 5 players
1. 408 pts spellcheck
2. 306 pts kellybelly
3. 229 pts babsbedi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaehmrt   H4    30    30   hamate
 2. beefnsw   G7    37    67   few
 3. aciorst   4H    78   145   haricots
 4. adegmtz   3M    50   195   zea
 5. ?diilnp   2I    37   232   lipids
 6. aimstuw   1H    46   278   wamus
 7. aeghkoo   O3    39   317   ashake
 8. cejlors   8A    33   350   corselet
 9. aenortu   A8    83   433   courante
10. ?abdgoo   C2    78   511   logboard
11. bdinotv   D3    34   545   bionts
12. deilnry  14A    78   623   trendily
13. eefgprs   E2    42   665   geeps
14. aegiluv  15H    45   710   eluvia
15. dfiortx   I6    42   752   ox
16. fijoruv   N8    35   787   fuji
17. deginty  O11    45   832   dying
18. einnrrt  13H    20   852   tinner

Remaining tiles: eoqrtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5153 Filespellcheck  0 17:39  -444  408     1.7425 kellybelly  2  9:47  -546  306 
  2.7425 Filekellybelly  2  9:47  -546  306            Group: intermediate
  3.6600 Filebabsbedi    1  8:24  -623  229     1.6600 babsbedi    1  8:24  -623  229 
  4.6741 Fileargomearns  0  2:38  -801   51     2.6741 argomearns  0  2:38  -801   51 
  5.6694 Filecharmz      0  2:00  -810   42     3.6694 charmz      0  2:00  -810   42 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5153 spellcheck  0 17:39  -444  408 

On 1st draw, HAMATE H4 30 --- HAMATE a wrist bone [n]
Other moves: ATHAME H8 28, HARAM H4 28, HAREM H4 28, HERMA H4 28, MARAH H8 28
HAREM H4 28 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, FEW G7 37 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: SEWEN I5 33, ENEW I4 31, ENEWS G6 31, ENEW G6 30, ENSEW 10F 30
EWES 10E 27 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, HARICOTS 4H 78 --- HARICOT the seed of various string beans [n]
Other tops: ACTORISH 4A 78
Other moves: CHARIOTS 4G 76, SCORIA I2 30, SCOTIA I2 30, CIAOS I3 29, CORIA I3 29
CHORIST 4G 24 spellcheck

On 4th draw, ZEA 3M 50 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZAG 3I 49, ZED 3I 49, MAZED F8 48, SMAZE O4 48, ZEA 3I 47
ZAGS O1 42 spellcheck

On 5th draw, LIPID(S) 2I 37 --- LIPID any of a class of fatty substances [n]
Other moves: P(A)DI I7 33, P(A)ND 2L 33, P(A)D I7 32, D(A)P 2L 31, LIND(S) 2J 31
P(E)AS O1 15 spellcheck

On 6th draw, WAMUS 1H 46 --- WAMUS a heavy outer jacket [n]
Other moves: WAMUS I7 44, WATS I7 35, WAT I7 34, SWAM 1G 33, TAMIS I7 32
SWIM 10H 23 spellcheck

On 7th draw, ASHAKE O3 39 --- ASHAKE in a shaking state [adj]
Other moves: HAE I7 34, HAKE F8 33, HOKA F8 33, HOKE F8 33, KOHA F8 32
MAKE 6H 20 spellcheck

On 8th draw, CORSELET 8A 33 --- CORSELET a piece of body armour [n]
Other moves: JOLES F8 30, JOES F8 29, JOLE F8 29, JOLS F8 29, JORS F8 29
JOLS F8 29 spellcheck

On 9th draw, COURANTE A8 83 --- COURANTE an old, lively dance [n]
Other moves: OUTEARN N8 70, OUTEARNS D1 68, COURANTE L4 61, OUTRANCE A2 61, OUTEARN E5 28
AT I6 14 kellybelly
COUNTER A8 10 charmz
TRUNK 7K 10 spellcheck

On 10th draw, (L)OGBOARD C2 78 --- LOGBOARD a hinged board containing notes for a logbook [n]
Other moves: LOGBOA(R)D F8 71, BODEGA(S) E5 40, AB(S) I6 32, OB(S) I6 32, AD(S) I6 28
AB(S) I6 32 charmz, kellybelly
BADGE 8K 10 spellcheck

On 11th draw, BIONTS D3 34 --- BIONT a living organism [n]
Other moves: VINO D1 31, BOVID I9 27, ABID I4 26, BIO D3 24, BOI D3 24
BOI D3 24 kellybelly
OB B5 24 babsbedi
BOVINE E3 22 spellcheck

On 12th draw, TRENDILY 14A 78 --- TRENDILY in a trendy manner [adv] --- TRENDY very fashionable [adv]
Other moves: CYLINDER L4 65, LINDY E2 45, RINDY E2 45, DENY E2 41, LINY E2 39
TRENDY 14A 36 kellybelly
LEY F8 20 babsbedi
BODY 5C 20 spellcheck

On 13th draw, GEEPS E2 42 --- GEEP an artificial cross of a sheep and a goat [n]
Other tops: FEYS H12 42
Other moves: FEERS E2 38, REEFS E1 38, GEEP E2 37, GEEPS E1 37, EGERS 15H 36
FEYS H12 42 babsbedi
PRYS H12 36 kellybelly
PREYS H11 33 spellcheck

On 14th draw, ELUVIA 15H 45 --- ELUVIUM a soil deposit [n]
Other moves: ALIVE 15H 42, UVEAL 15H 42, AGILE 15H 36, AVEL 15H 36, EVIL 15H 36
EVIL 15H 36 babsbedi, spellcheck
AGILE 15H 36 kellybelly

On 15th draw, OX I6 42 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: FOOD B6 39, XI I9 38, FIXT N8 35, FIX N8 34, FOID 13C 34
OX I6 42 kellybelly
FOXED C11 32 babsbedi
FOREX C11 30 spellcheck

On 16th draw, FUJI N8 35 --- FUJI a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: FJORD E10 32, FRO B6 32, JIVER C11 30, JOR 14M 29, MOJO 6H 29
JIVER C11 30 babsbedi
MOJO 6H 29 spellcheck, kellybelly
JOR 14M 29 argomearns

On 17th draw, DYING O11 45 --- DYING a passing out of existence [n]
Other moves: TYING O11 41, TYNDE O11 41, TYNED O11 41, DYEING 13H 37, DINGY O11 36
DYEING 13H 37 kellybelly
DEITY O11 33 babsbedi
DYE 14L 22 argomearns

On 18th draw, TINNER 13H 20 --- TINNER a tin miner [n]
Other moves: RORT B7 17, TERN 13F 17, TORN B7 17, TORR B7 17, NIE 13C 15
TINNER 13H 20 kellybelly
LENT F8 12 babsbedi
INNER K4 10 spellcheck

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