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Game of June 22, 2012 at 20:54, 4 players
1. 370 pts PIThompson
2. 302 pts una
3. 115 pts Davina

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ijknou   H4   100   100   jouking
 2. ?aegmrt   5E    90   190   ethogram
 3. adegily   9B    67   257   delaying
 4. cdelnot   8A    38   295   coted
 5. beenrrv   4K    34   329   bever
 6. adeirsu   M1    29   358   dervs
 7. aehiltu   1H    33   391   hauled
 8. binoruw   2C    78   469   unibrow
 9. adilqtz   O1    45   514   izard
10. aeeimnq   C1    32   546   queme
11. aaeegin   4A    26   572   gamine
12. efnostt   6A    31   603   efs
13. hiiopsu   1A    36   639   suq
14. aaopstv  10D    23   662   spa
15. aehiotx   6E    33   695   thou
16. alnnotx  10H    28   723   gox
17. ailnrtt  11I    23   746   riant
18. filopty   L9    38   784   pontify
19. aaeilnt  12C    71   855   antliae
20. cinoorv  15G    42   897   convoy

Remaining tiles: ilrw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7694 FilePIThompson  6  7:54  -527  370     1.7694 PIThompson  6  7:54  -527  370 
  2.6859 Fileuna         1 14:40  -595  302     2.7049 Davina      2  3:57  -782  115 
  3.7049 FileDavina      2  3:57  -782  115            Group: intermediate
  4.3932 Fileprimrose    0  1:46  -876   21     1.6859 una         1 14:40  -595  302 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3932 primrose    0  1:46  -876   21 

On 1st draw, JOUKIN(G) H4 100 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other moves: JOUKIN(G) H2 86, JOUKIN(G) H3 86, JOUKIN(G) H7 86, JOUKIN(G) H8 86, JOUKIN(G) H5 84
JOUKIN(G) H4 50 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, ET(H)OGRAM 5E 90 --- ETHOGRAM a list of the behavior patterns of a species [n]
Other moves: MORTGA(G)E 5G 70, MORT(G)AGE 5G 70, (B)ERGAMOT 5B 70, M(O)RTGA(G)E 10B 69, EM(I)GRANT 9B 65
MARG I3 24 Davina

On 3rd draw, DELAYING 9B 67 --- DELAY to put off to a later time [v]
Other moves: DAGGY I3 42, LEDGY 4K 38, DAILY 4K 37, DELAY 4K 37, LEADY 4K 36

On 4th draw, COTED 8A 38 --- COTE to pass by [v]
Other tops: CODEN 8A 38, CONED 8A 38
Other moves: CODE 8A 33, LODEN 8A 32, NOTED 8A 32, TONED 8A 32, CONE 8A 29

On 5th draw, BEVER 4K 34 --- BEVER a snack taken between meals [n]
Other moves: EREV 4L 30, BEVER 4A 28, BREVE 4A 28, NERVE 4K 28, NEVER 4K 28
BEVER 4K 34 Davina

On 6th draw, DERVS M1 29 --- DERV fuel for a diesel engine road vehicle [n]
Other moves: DEVS M2 27, DIVS M2 27, ERUVS M1 27, READS 10A 25, REVS M2 25
RAIDERS O4 24 Davina

On 7th draw, HAULED 1H 33 --- HAUL to pull with force [v]
Other tops: HAILED 1H 33, HALTED 1H 33, HILTED 1H 33, LATHED 1H 33, LITHED 1H 33
Other moves: HALITE 4A 30, EATH 10B 28, HAULT 4A 26, HAUTE 4A 26, HUTIA 4A 26
HAILED 1H 33 Davina

On 8th draw, UNIBROW 2C 78 --- UNIBROW a derogatory word for eyebrows that meet [n]
Other moves: BURROW O1 33, BROWN 2F 32, BROWN 4A 28, WON(G)I 10E 28, BOWR O1 27

On 9th draw, IZARD O1 45 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: QUIZ C1 44, IZAR O1 39, TZAR O1 39, QAID 6B 37, BLITZ F2 36
QUIZ C1 44 una

On 10th draw, QUEME C1 32 --- QUEME to please [v]
Other tops: UMIAQ C2 32
Other moves: AMENE 3B 30, QUIM C1 30, MANE 3C 28, MANI 3C 28, MENE 3C 28
QUIM C1 30 una, PIThompson

On 11th draw, GAMINE 4A 26 --- GAMINE a tomboy [n]
Other moves: GAMIN 4A 22, GAN(G) 10E 20, ENE 6J 19, AMENE 4B 18, AMINE 4B 18
GAMINE 4A 26 una, PIThompson

On 12th draw, EFS 6A 31 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: EFTS 10B 28, ONSET 6A 27, FENTS 10A 26, FEST 6A 26, FETTS 10A 26
EFS 6A 31 PIThompson
EF 10C 14 una

On 13th draw, SUQ 1A 36 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: SHOG A1 24, HO 10E 21, SPUG A1 21, GHI I5 20, IS 6N 20
SUQ 1A 36 PIThompson
US 6N 20 una

On 14th draw, SPA 10D 23 --- SPA a mineral spring [n]
Other moves: VAST 10A 21, VATS 10A 21, AS 6N 20, OS 6N 20, PAST 10A 20
SPA 10D 23 PIThompson
OS 6N 20 una

On 15th draw, THOU 6E 33 --- THOU to address as "thou" (the 2d person sing. pronoun in the nominative case) [v]
Other moves: EH 6E 30, (G)OX 10H 28, EXO 3I 23, AXE 2K 21, GHI I5 20
(G)OX 10H 28 PIThompson
AXE 2K 21 una

On 16th draw, (G)OX 10H 28 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: AXE 2K 21, KLAXON 7H 19, XI 8G 18, XI G8 18, AX 3I 17
(G)OX 10H 28 PIThompson
XI G8 18 una

On 17th draw, RIANT 11I 23 --- RIANT cheerful [adj]
Other tops: TITAN 11I 23
Other moves: AIRN 11I 21, AIRT 11I 21, NIRL 11I 21, RIAL 11I 21, RITT 11I 21
TINT 11I 21 PIThompson
TILT 11I 21 una, primrose

On 18th draw, PONTIFY L9 38 --- PONTIFY to play the pontiff [v]
Other moves: FLINTY L8 32, POLITY 12D 32, FITLY M9 30, NIFTY L11 30, OILY 12L 28
YIP 12L 28 PIThompson, una

On 19th draw, ANTLIAE 12C 71 --- ANTLIA the sucking proboscis of moths and butterflies [n]
Other moves: ANALITY 15F 30, ANALYTE 15H 30, INYALA 15J 27, LENITY 15G 27, LITANY 15G 27
NEATLY 15G 27 PIThompson, una

On 20th draw, CONVOY 15G 42 --- CONVOY to escort [v]
Other moves: IVORY 15H 33, CORTIN M8 31, CORNY 15H 30, CRONY 15H 30, IRONY 15H 24
CONVOY 15G 42 PIThompson
IVORY 15H 33 una

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