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Game of June 27, 2012 at 13:29, 8 players
1. 656 pts PIThompson
2. 578 pts charmz
3. 569 pts raggedy01

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beglnou   H4    24    24   blunge
 2. ?dlnoru   5D    82   106   unrolled
 3. beenotx   4B    42   148   box
 4. aeiirrz  10H    44   192   razer
 5. ?ijloos   L8    42   234   jarools
 6. adeinop   8J    42   276   adjoin
 7. acefgrt  11J    37   313   afore
 8. adehint  14F    72   385   handiest
 9. cefhisy  15G    55   440   hyes
10. agiootw   3A    26   466   taw
11. aeimotv   6J    37   503   motive
12. airstuy   2B    48   551   stray
13. degmotv   1E    42   593   moved
14. cefipqr  13C    46   639   prief
15. acegiuw   O1    36   675   gaucie
16. aceenpt   F4    70   745   preenact
17. aglnoqs   A1    45   790   qat
18. giiklos  D12    28   818   grok
19. eilstuw  15A    36   854   welkt
20. eiiinsu  M10    20   874   sri

Remaining tiles: eiiinu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7703 FilePIThompson  7 16:13  -218  656     1.7703 PIThompson  7 16:13  -218  656 
  2.6684 Filecharmz      3 23:02  -296  578            Group: intermediate
  3.6425 Fileraggedy01   4 25:21  -305  569     1.6684 charmz      3 23:02  -296  578 
  4.6311 FileGrace_Tjie  2 20:33  -309  565     2.6425 raggedy01   4 25:21  -305  569 
  5.6447 Fileannelhynz   3 14:51  -337  537     3.6311 Grace_Tjie  2 20:33  -309  565 
  6.6954 Fileargomearns  3 21:04  -340  534     4.6447 annelhynz   3 14:51  -337  537 
  7.5155 Filespellcheck  2  4:51  -717  157     5.6954 argomearns  3 21:04  -340  534 
  8.5263 Filestrykyster  0  0:38  -836   38            Group: novice
                                             1.5155 spellcheck  2  4:51  -717  157 
                                             2.5263 strykyster  0  0:38  -836   38 

On 1st draw, BLUNGE H4 24 --- BLUNGE to mix clay with water [v]
Other tops: BELONG H4 24, BUNGLE H4 24
Other moves: BEGUN H4 22, BELONG H7 22, BLUNGE H8 22, BOGLE H4 22, BOUGE H4 22
BUNGLE H4 24 PIThompson
BELONG H4 24 raggedy01
BUGLE H4 22 argomearns
GLOBE H4 20 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, UNROLL(E)D 5D 82 --- UNROLL to open something that is rolled up [v]
Other moves: GOLDURN(S) 8H 80, LOUND(E)R 10B 73, LOUND(E)R 10D 72, NODUL(A)R 10F 72, ROUND(E)L 10D 72
(F)LOUNDER 9B 62 raggedy01
ROUND(E)L 10D 22 PIThompson, argomearns
ROUND 10D 19 charmz
DON(S) 10E 15 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, BOX 4B 42 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: EXO 4C 40, OXEN I8 39, NOX 4B 38, TEX 4B 38, OX I8 37
BOX 4B 42 PIThompson
OXEN I8 39 Grace_Tjie, argomearns, raggedy01, charmz, annelhynz

On 4th draw, RAZER 10H 44 --- RAZER one that razes [n]
Other tops: RAZER 10D 44
Other moves: IZAR 10E 43, RAZE 10H 43, RIZA 10H 43, REZ 10H 42, RIZ 10H 42
RAZER 10D 44 PIThompson
BIZE B4 35 annelhynz
BIZ B4 34 argomearns
R(E)Z J4 31 raggedy01
ZEL I3 26 charmz
ZO C3 22 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, J(A)ROOLS L8 42 --- JAROOL a tree with purple blooms [n]
Other moves: J(A)ROOL L8 40, JIR(D)S L8 38, J(A)RLS L8 38, SIJO M10 37, SIJO(S) M10 37
SIJO M10 37 PIThompson
JOLS M7 35 annelhynz, charmz
JO(T)S M7 33 argomearns
JO(E)S M7 33 raggedy01
JO C3 18 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, ADJOIN 8J 42 --- ADJOIN to lie next to [v]
Other moves: JAPE 8L 39, JADE 8L 36, JEDI 8L 36, JANE 8L 33, JEAN 8L 33
ADJOIN 8J 42 argomearns, raggedy01
JAPE 8L 39 PIThompson, annelhynz, Grace_Tjie, charmz

On 7th draw, AFORE 11J 37 --- AFORE before [adv]
Other moves: FACER 6J 35, FACET 6J 35, FARCE 6J 35, FASTER 14J 34, FACE 6J 32
FACET 6J 35 PIThompson
FACER 6J 35 Grace_Tjie, annelhynz
FAG 3A 24 raggedy01
FOE M7 13 charmz

On 8th draw, HANDIEST 14F 72 --- HANDY convenient for handling [adj]
Other moves: HASTED 14J 36, HATED 6J 36, HEATED N10 36, HENTED N10 36, HISTED 14J 36
HATED 6J 36 PIThompson
HEATED N10 36 raggedy01, argomearns
HINTED 6J 35 charmz
HEAD 6J 31 annelhynz, Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, HYES 15G 55 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: HYE 15G 50, CHIEF 13C 48, FISHY 6J 45, HYLIC 13J 40, CHIEFS 11C 39
HYES 15G 55 annelhynz, argomearns, charmz
FISHY 6J 45 PIThompson
YES 15H 38 Grace_Tjie
HE 15G 26 raggedy01

On 10th draw, TAW 3A 26 --- TAW to convert into white leather by the application of minerals [v]
Other tops: TOW 3A 26, WALI 13J 26, WO 10N 26
Other moves: AGIO G9 25, TWIG 12G 25, AGO G9 24, AW 3B 24, GALIOT 13J 24
WO 10N 26 PIThompson, annelhynz
TAW 3A 26 Grace_Tjie
TWIG 12G 25 raggedy01
WAG 3A 24 charmz
OWT 15M 20 argomearns

On 11th draw, MOTIVE 6J 37 --- MOTIVE to inspire to action [v]
Other moves: MAVIE 6J 30, MOTIVE 4J 30, MOVIE 6J 30, VALET 13J 28, VOLAE 13J 28
MOVIE 6J 30 charmz, PIThompson
MOVE 6J 27 Grace_Tjie, annelhynz
MOTIVE 13A 27 raggedy01
MOVIE 4J 26 argomearns

On 12th draw, STRAY 2B 48 --- STRAY to wander from the proper area or course [v]
Other moves: ARTSY 13C 42, STRAY 13C 42, STAYRE O1 39, TRAYS 13D 36, RAYS 13E 35
STRAY 13C 42 charmz, Grace_Tjie
ARTSY 4K 28 PIThompson
YA 10N 26 annelhynz
RAYS 4J 22 argomearns

On 13th draw, MOVED 1E 42 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: MOVED 13C 40, MOVED 1F 40, MODGE 1E 36, MOVE 1E 36, VOTED 13C 36
MOVED 1E 42 PIThompson, annelhynz, raggedy01, argomearns, Grace_Tjie, charmz

On 14th draw, PRIEF 13C 46 --- PRIEF a proof [n]
Other moves: FIERCE O1 36, PREIFE O1 36, PRIEFE O1 36, PIERCE O1 33, RECIPE O1 33
PRIEF 13C 46 PIThompson
FIERCE O1 36 argomearns
REF 13E 28 charmz
FE 10N 26 annelhynz, Grace_Tjie
FICE 2H 23 raggedy01

On 15th draw, GAUCIE O1 36 --- GAUCIE portly [adj]
Other moves: GAUCIE 4J 29, GAWCIER D7 28, WAGE 4J 27, WAT A1 27, WET A1 27
GAUCIE 4J 29 PIThompson
WE 10N 26 annelhynz, Grace_Tjie
CREW D12 26 charmz
CRAW D12 26 argomearns
CAT A1 24 spellcheck
AWE 15M 20 raggedy01

On 16th draw, PREENACT F4 70 --- PREENACT to enact beforehand [v]
Other moves: CATENA 2J 28, PLACE 13K 26, PALET 13J 25, CAP 12H 24, CAT A1 24
PLACE 13K 26 argomearns
PAT A1 24 spellcheck
CAP 12H 24 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson
CRAP D12 22 charmz, raggedy01
PE 10N 20 annelhynz

On 17th draw, QAT A1 45 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: LONGAN 8A 27, SLOGAN 8A 27, QATS 11D 26, QAT 11D 24, ALTOS 11D 21
QAT A1 45 spellcheck
SLOGAN 8A 27 charmz
QATS 11D 26 PIThompson
GOAS 12B 20 Grace_Tjie
GALS 4J 19 argomearns
AGO 15M 14 annelhynz, raggedy01

On 18th draw, GROK D12 28 --- GROK to understand deeply by intuition [v]
Other moves: KO N2 26, KIS 12H 24, KOS 12H 24, SKOLIA 2J 24, ILK 15M 23
KO N2 26 Grace_Tjie, PIThompson, charmz
KIS 12H 24 raggedy01
KEGS N10 19 argomearns, spellcheck
KI 14B 16 annelhynz

On 19th draw, WELKT 15A 36 --- WELKT twisted [adj]
Other tops: WELKS 15A 36
Other moves: WELK 15A 33, ISTLE 13I 26, WE 10N 26, LISK 15A 24, LUSK 15A 24
WELKS 15A 36 charmz, PIThompson, raggedy01, spellcheck
WELK 15A 33 Grace_Tjie
WE 10N 26 annelhynz, strykyster
WEST N10 15 argomearns

On 20th draw, SRI M10 20 --- SRI mister; sir -- used as a Hindu title of respect [n]
Other moves: NELIS 13J 19, UTES 11E 19, UTIS 11E 19, PRIEFS 13C 17, SNY H13 17
UTES 11E 19 raggedy01, PIThompson, annelhynz
INS 12H 16 Grace_Tjie
TES 11F 14 charmz
LINE 13L 12 strykyster
SINEW A11 9 spellcheck

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