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Game of June 28, 2012 at 07:07, 5 players
1. 431 pts jimbo
2. 416 pts spellcheck
3. 205 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abgijmn   H4   104   104   jambing
 2. ??enrtu   4H    78   182   jointure
 3. cddostu   O3    33   215   deducts
 4. abdelss   9D    64   279   baldness
 5. denootw   E5    32   311   odonate
 6. aemnouv   D1    32   343   venom
 7. aaeegis   K1    70   413   agenesias
 8. aaehotu   C2    30   443   hote
 9. eilrvwy   1J    57   500   wavery
10. aehopry   8A    43   543   pyrone
11. aaiortu   1D    24   567   varia
12. aaeflru   N9    24   591   earful
13. acgilop  O12    29   620   agio
14. eilnprt   2B    30   650   phene
15. ehiortx   N4    54   704   rex
16. acilqtt   M7    27   731   qat
17. fhilotz   G5    39   770   zho
18. fikloru  D11    27   797   firk
19. ciiilou  14A    20   817   lick
20. iilnotw  A11    36   853   twill

Remaining tiles: iinou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6323 Filejimbo       1 15:26  -422  431     1.6323 jimbo       1 15:26  -422  431 
  2.5162 Filespellcheck  2 22:46  -437  416     2.6958 argomearns  0  2:59  -791   62 
  3.5257 Filestrykyster  1 12:19  -648  205     3.6815 sunshine12  0  1:49  -802   51 
  4.6958 Fileargomearns  0  2:59  -791   62            Group: novice
  5.6815 Filesunshine12  0  1:49  -802   51     1.5162 spellcheck  2 22:46  -437  416 
                                             2.5257 strykyster  1 12:19  -648  205 

On 1st draw, JAMBING H4 104 --- JAMB to jam [v]
Other moves: JAMBING H2 94, JAMBING H6 92, JAMBING H3 90, JAMBING H7 90, JAMBING H8 90
JAMBING H4 54 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, J(O)(I)NTURE 4H 78 --- JOINTURE to set aside property as an inheritance [v]
Other tops: JUN(C)T(U)RE 4H 78, JUN(K)ET(E)R 4H 78, JUN(K)(E)TER 4H 78, J(A)UNT(I)ER 4H 78, J(U)N(C)TURE 4H 78
Other moves: UNJ(U)(S)TER 4F 76, (U)NJU(S)TER 4F 76, RENATU(R)(E) 5E 74, RUNA(G)(A)TE 5E 74, RU(I)NATE(D) 5D 74
J(O)URNE(Y) 4H 24 spellcheck
T(O)NE I3 18 strykyster

On 3rd draw, DEDUCTS O3 33 --- DEDUCT to subtract [v]
Other moves: DEDUCT O3 30, DUROCS N2 30, DUROC N2 28, CODED O1 27, EDUCTS O4 27
CODED O1 27 spellcheck
DOTED O1 21 jimbo
CUTS M3 12 strykyster

On 4th draw, BALDNESS 9D 64 --- BALDNESS the state of being bald [n]
Other tops: D(I)SABLES J3 64
Other moves: LABDA 5G 25, BEAD G5 24, BUDLESS M3 24, ABUSED M2 22, SUBSALE M3 22
BLAMED 6E 17 spellcheck
BAMS 6F 14 jimbo
BEGS 10F 13 strykyster

On 5th draw, ODONATE E5 32 --- ODONATE any of the order of predacious insects [n]
Other moves: WANDOO 5G 29, NUTWOOD M3 28, ODEON 8A 28, BOWNED D9 24, OWNED 10A 24
BOWED D9 22 strykyster, spellcheck
SWOONED J9 21 jimbo

On 6th draw, VENOM D1 32 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: MOANED 3J 31, UNMAN 8A 29, VENOM D3 29, VOEMA F2 29, MARON N2 28
RAM N4 24 sunshine12
MOVE D11 22 jimbo
BEAM D9 20 strykyster
AMEN N9 14 spellcheck

On 7th draw, AGENESIAS K1 70 --- AGENESIA absence or imperfection of a bodily part [n]
Other moves: AGAVES 1A 30, GABIES D7 30, VEGIES 1D 30, VISAGE 1D 30, SIEGED 3J 29
VEGIES 1D 30 jimbo
VIGAS 1D 27 sunshine12
SIEVE 1A 24 spellcheck
GAIN 3A 10 strykyster

On 8th draw, HOTE C2 30 --- HETE to command [v]
Other tops: HATE C2 30
Other moves: OBEAH D8 29, HAUTE F2 28, BAHUT D9 27, BAHT D9 25, BATHE D9 24
HET C2 23 jimbo
HATE D11 19 strykyster
VOTE 1D 7 spellcheck

On 9th draw, WAVERY 1J 57 --- WAVERY unsteady [adj]
Other tops: WAVILY 1J 57
Other moves: VIRELAY 1F 51, LAWYER 1J 48, WAVIER 1J 48, WHERVE 2B 46, VIEWLY 1D 45
WAVERY 1J 57 strykyster
VIEWY 1D 42 jimbo
WAIVER 1J 39 spellcheck

On 10th draw, PYRONE 8A 43 --- PYRONE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: EUPHORY M3 40, HARPY D11 39, HEAPY D11 39, PHEON 8A 38, PYRAN 8A 38
ROPEY D11 30 jimbo
SHY J9 17 strykyster
PAYER 11B 10 spellcheck

On 11th draw, VARIA 1D 24 --- VARIA a collection of various literary works [n]
Other tops: VIRTU 1D 24
Other moves: THEIR 2B 20, TI B2 19, TO B2 19, AT B1 16, IT B1 16
PORTA A8 8 spellcheck
RE 11D 2 jimbo

On 12th draw, EARFUL N9 24 --- EARFUL as much gossip as one can stand [n]
Other tops: FARO 7B 24
Other moves: FARLE D11 23, FERAL D11 23, FEUAR D11 23, FLARE D11 23, FURAL D11 23
FLARE D11 23 jimbo
FRY B6 17 strykyster
FRAPE A5 10 spellcheck

On 13th draw, AGIO O12 29 --- AGIO a premium paid for the exchange of one currency for another [n]
Other moves: PAC O13 27, PIC O13 27, PEAG 3J 25, PICAL D11 24, PIG O13 24
ACHE 2A 18 spellcheck
COG 7D 17 argomearns
PLY B6 14 jimbo

On 14th draw, PHENE 2B 30 --- PHENE an old name for benzene [n]
Other moves: PEINED 3J 29, INHERE 2A 28, THERE 2B 26, P(I)NITES J3 24, TRIPLE M6 24
PLYER B6 18 jimbo
SPRITE J9 16 spellcheck

On 15th draw, REX N4 54 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other moves: HOX L6 45, OX L7 36, HELIX F7 35, HEX D11 31, HOX D11 31
HOX L6 45 jimbo, argomearns
EXPORT A6 15 spellcheck

On 16th draw, QAT M7 27 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: ATTIC D11 22, OBITAL D8 20, PHENETIC 2B 19, TACIT D11 18, TICAL D11 18
QAT 10C 17 spellcheck
CAY B6 14 jimbo

On 17th draw, ZHO G5 39 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: LUZ M3 37, ZO 1A 37, FILTH D11 35, FIZ D11 35, FLITT 10B 28
ZO 1A 37 jimbo
ZOL 6A 22 spellcheck

On 18th draw, FIRK D11 27 --- FIRK to whip [v]
Other tops: FOLK D11 27, FORK D11 27
Other moves: FIRK F11 26, FOLK F11 26, FORK F11 26, KOLO 7B 26, KORO 7B 26
KO 1A 22 jimbo
FLOUR 11J 16 spellcheck

On 19th draw, LICK 14A 20 --- LICK to lap, taste or moisten with the tongue [v]
Other tops: LOCK 14A 20, LUCK 14A 20
Other moves: IONIC 3B 19, ICK 14B 18, OULK 14A 16, COG 2I 15, COL 6A 15
LOCK 14A 20 jimbo, spellcheck

On 20th draw, TWILL A11 36 --- TWILL to weave so as to produce a diagonal pattern [v]
Other moves: WILI A12 33, WILL A12 33, WILT A12 33, OWL 6A 22, OWN 6A 22
TWILL A11 36 spellcheck
WILT A12 33 jimbo

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