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Game of June 28, 2012 at 20:59, 4 players
1. 581 pts PIThompson
2. 536 pts scrab21
3. 161 pts primrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aklnopt   H8    32    32   plonk
 2. aerssst  11D    82   114   sarsnets
 3. cfgiort  12A    30   144   fico
 4. ?ehlrtu   B8    74   218   thurible
 5. deeginr   K4    70   288   energids
 6. dgilnov  15A    48   336   delving
 7. eeoorsw   A4    42   378   woose
 8. ?abeeio  13H    32   410   obelia
 9. aeemopu   8K    33   443   gompa
10. aefhnot  14J    50   493   hoten
11. aadeirt   J1    73   566   airdate
12. acegmuz   1E    54   620   zeugma
13. aefjlrv   L2    50   670   javel
14. aeiotuw   E1    34   704   zowie
15. ceiirrt   O1    83   787   criteria
16. abfntux   2B    85   872   unbox
17. afnqtuy   D4    48   920   qat
18. aafinuy   M1    37   957   fay

Remaining tiles: adinuy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7718 FilePIThompson  6 10:40  -376  581     1.7718 PIThompson  6 10:40  -376  581 
  2.6341 Filescrab21     1 13:42  -421  536            Group: intermediate
  3.3932 Fileprimrose    0  7:15  -796  161     1.6341 scrab21     1 13:42  -421  536 
  4.  -  Filevalvenus    0  2:14  -935   22            Group: not rated
                                             1.3932 primrose    0  7:15  -796  161 
                                             2.  -  valvenus    0  2:14  -935   22 

On 1st draw, PLONK H8 32 --- PLONK to fall or drop heavily [v]
Other tops: PLANK H8 32
Other moves: PLANK H4 28, PLONK H4 28, POKAL H4 28, POLKA H4 28, POKAL H8 24
PLANK H8 32 scrab21, PIThompson

On 2nd draw, SARSNETS 11D 82 --- SARSNET thin tissue of fine silk [n]
Other moves: ASSERTS 13G 80, ASSERTS 13B 78, TRASSES 13B 78, ASSERTS 13F 71, TRASSES 13D 71
PLONKERS H8 42 PIThompson
STRESS 13C 26 scrab21

On 3rd draw, FICO 12A 30 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other tops: FOCI 12A 30
Other moves: COFT 12A 28, COFT 13G 28, FIGO 12A 28, FOCI 13G 28, CROFT 13F 27
FICO 12A 30 PIThompson
FORT 12A 26 scrab21

On 4th draw, THURI(B)LE B8 74 --- THURIBLE a censer [n]
Other tops: LUTHIER(S) B8 74
Other moves: HU(S)TLER 13F 72, HURTLES(S) K5 70, HURTLE(S)S K4 70, HU(S)TLERS K4 70, LUTHER(N)S K4 70
PLONKER(S) H8 39 PIThompson, scrab21

On 5th draw, ENERGIDS K4 70 --- ENERGID a nucleus and the body of cytoplasm with which it interacts [n]
Other tops: REEDINGS K4 70
Other moves: DERINGER F4 64, REEDLING 9D 63, LINGERED 14B 62, LINGERED 9H 62, REDESIGN K7 60
PLONKING H8 45 scrab21, PIThompson

On 6th draw, DELVING 15A 48 --- DELVE to search in depth [v]
Other moves: PLONKING H8 45, DEVLING 15A 39, NEVOID 15A 33, DEVIL 15A 30, DEVON 15A 30
DELVING 15A 48 PIThompson
PLONKING H8 45 scrab21
NOVA E8 7 valvenus

On 7th draw, WOOSE A4 42 --- WOOSE a wimp [n]
Other tops: WEROS A4 42, WORSE A4 42
Other moves: STEWER 8A 39, STOWER 8A 39, STOWRE 8A 39, WOOERS A3 36, OWRES A5 35
STOWER 8A 39 scrab21
SWEE A6 32 PIThompson
EWES 6I 15 valvenus

On 8th draw, OBE(L)IA 13H 32 --- OBELIA a marine hydroid also pl of OBELION [n]
Other moves: AE(R)OBE B1 31, AE(R)OBE J2 30, OBEA(H) J5 30, A(D)OBE B2 29, (C)EIBA J3 28
BOA(T) J6 27 PIThompson
GAB(L)E 8K 24 scrab21

On 9th draw, GOMPA 8K 33 --- GOMPA a temple [n]
Other tops: MOUP J6 33
Other moves: MOPE J4 32, POME J4 32, PUMA J4 32, MOUP B3 31, POEM B3 31
MOPE J4 32 PIThompson
EMO 14I 26 scrab21

On 10th draw, HOTEN 14J 50 --- HETE to command [v]
Other moves: FOEHN B2 40, HAFT 14J 39, FAH J4 37, FEH J4 37, FOH J4 37
FAH J4 37 PIThompson
AH 14I 30 scrab21

On 11th draw, AIRDATE J1 73 --- AIRDATE the scheduled date of a broadcast [n]
Other moves: ERADIATE 4D 70, AIRDATE I2 64, RADIATE I2 64, ERADIATE 6D 63, RAINDATE 5H 59
RAITED L1 25 PIThompson
WARTED 4A 20 scrab21
TRADE J1 13 primrose

On 12th draw, ZEUGMA 1E 54 --- ZEUGMA the use of a word to modify or govern two or more words, while applying to each in a different sense [n]
Other moves: AMAZE 1H 51, AGAZE 1H 48, ZEUGMA C3 45, MAZE L1 44, GAZE L1 40
AMAZE 1H 51 scrab21
ZAP N6 34 primrose

On 13th draw, JAVEL L2 50 --- JAVEL a worthless fellow [n]
Other moves: JARL L1 46, FAVEL L2 42, LEAF 2C 39, FAVE L2 37, FAVE L1 36
JAP N6 28 scrab21
JADE 4H 20 primrose

On 14th draw, ZOWIE E1 34 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: TAW M1 31, TAW M3 31, TOW M1 31, AW M2 29, IOTA M1 29
TOW M1 31 scrab21

On 15th draw, CRITERIA O1 83 --- CRITERIA standards of judgment [n] --- CRITERION a standard of judgement, pl CRITERIONS or CRITERIA [n]
Other moves: RECTOR 2A 24, IRITIC 4C 22, TRICE D4 22, CITER B1 21, CRIER B1 21
TRICE D4 22 PIThompson
JET 2L 20 scrab21
TRICE 4C 14 primrose

On 16th draw, UNBOX 2B 85 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other moves: FOX 2D 54, BOX 2D 53, FAX M1 53, NOX 2D 51, EX F1 50
UNBOX 2B 85 PIThompson
FOX 2D 54 scrab21, primrose

On 17th draw, QAT D4 48 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUAYS G7 40, FAY M1 37, QAT M1 37, FY 12L 34, FY B5 34
QAT D4 48 PIThompson
QUIT 4C 26 primrose

On 18th draw, FAY M1 37 --- FAY slightly mad [adj] --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: FY 12L 34, FY B5 34, FAINE I7 32, NAY M1 31, AY M2 29
FAY M1 37 PIThompson

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