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Game of June 30, 2012 at 02:49, 1 player
1. 57 pts SOLOKOU1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaoosz   H4    48    48   zoaeas
 2. cilmoor   9F    67   115   miscolor
 3. adelnpt  10A    73   188   planted
 4. aeflmtw   8L    53   241   weft
 5. einnort   O8    77   318   tontiner
 6. agiorsy  A10    45   363   payors
 7. ?abiilu   4D    34   397   albizia
 8. adeilqr   D8    52   449   qindar
 9. eehnstw   6D    74   523   enswathe
10. ceiostu   L1    37   560   coitus
11. afhmort   C9    48   608   haoma
12. eeggkor  E10    36   644   teek
13. adglnux   1L    39   683   calx
14. deintuv  14H    90   773   duvetine
15. deiopru  15D    47   820   pouder
16. beginrv  10J    35   855   bing
17. aeegruv  11I    27   882   veg
18. aegijru   3A    36   918   gauje

Remaining tiles: efiry

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileSOLOKOU1    0  1:58  -861   57     1.  -  SOLOKOU1    0  1:58  -861   57 

On 1st draw, ZOA(E)AS H4 48 --- ZOAEA a larval stage of crabs, pl ZOAEAE or ZOAEAS [n]
Other tops: ZOO(E)AS H4 48
Other moves: ZOA(E)A H4 46, ZOO(E)A H4 46, ZOO(K)S H4 46, ZOO(M)S H4 46, ZOO(N)S H4 46

On 2nd draw, MISCOLOR 9F 67 --- MISCOLOR to color incorrectly [v]
Other tops: COLORISM 9B 67
Other moves: COOM I3 28, CORM I3 28, ZORIL 4H 28, COIL I3 24, COIR I3 24

On 3rd draw, PLANTED 10A 73 --- PLANT to place in the ground for growing [v]
Other moves: PANTILED G5 72, PEATLAND 6F 69, PEATLAND 6C 67, ENDPLAT(E) 7A 63, (E)NDPLATE 7H 62

On 4th draw, WEFT 8L 53 --- WEFT a woven fabric or garment [n] --- WEFT to weave fabric [v]
Other tops: WAFT 8L 53
Other moves: WAME 8L 50, MEWL 8L 45, WALE 8L 44, WATE 8L 44, WEAL 8L 44

On 5th draw, TONTINER O8 77 --- TONTINER the receiver of an annuity [n]
Other moves: INTONER I1 76, TERNION 11F 73, NONINERT D8 70, NONINERT D6 68, REANOINT C8 68

On 6th draw, PAYORS A10 45 --- PAYOR prayer [n]
Other tops: GIPSY A8 45
Other moves: YAGS 10J 41, YOGA 10J 41, AZYGOS 4G 38, GROSZY 4D 38, YAG 10J 37

On 7th draw, (A)LBIZIA 4D 34 --- ALBIZIA a tropical tree [n]
Other tops: ALBIZI(A) 4D 34
Other moves: BA(S)ILIC I3 32, BLAIZ(E) 4D 32, (T)ABOULI 5E 32, BI(G)A 10J 31, ABU(Z)Z 4D 30

On 8th draw, QINDAR D8 52 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QADI 3I 47, QAID 3I 47, QIBLA F2 38, QADI 5B 34, AILED N10 32

On 9th draw, ENSWATHE 6D 74 --- ENSWATHE to wrap around [v]
Other tops: WHEATENS 6E 74
Other moves: SHEW N11 39, SHEW K4 38, WRETHES 13C 36, HENTS 3I 35, HETES 3I 35

On 10th draw, COITUS L1 37 --- COITUS sexual intercourse [n]
Other tops: CUTIES L1 37
Other moves: COSIE K2 32, COSTE K2 32, OUTSEE K1 30, CITES L2 29, COITS L2 29

On 11th draw, HAOMA C9 48 --- HAOMA a drink used in Zoroastrian ritual [n]
Other moves: FRATCH 1H 42, HARIM 3I 39, FROTH 2J 38, MATRON 10J 37, FAH M3 35

On 12th draw, TEEK E10 36 --- TEEK well (Indian) [adj]
Other moves: KEROGEN 13I 34, TEREK E10 34, OCKER 1K 33, COKE 1L 30, CORK 1L 30

On 13th draw, CALX 1L 39 --- CALX a mineral residue [n]
Other moves: AX 3F 38, OXLAND J9 34, DANG 10J 29, AXING 3J 28, DUX 5K 28

On 14th draw, DUVETINE 14H 90 --- DUVETINE a soft fabric [n]
Other moves: VEDUTE 14J 36, VENDUE 14J 36, VENITE 14J 34, VERDITE M7 30, VIE 5D 28

On 15th draw, POUDER 15D 47 --- POUDER powder [n]
Other moves: DOPIER 15D 44, PEDRO 15D 42, PRIDE 15D 42, PRUDE 15D 42, DRUPE 15D 39

On 16th draw, BING 10J 35 --- BING to go [v]
Other moves: BIEN 10J 33, BIER 10J 33, BINE 10J 33, BEGIN 3I 31, BIG 10J 31

On 17th draw, VEG 11I 27 --- VEG a vegetable [n] --- VEG to laze about, VEGGED, VEGGES, VEGGING [v]
Other tops: VAG 11I 27
Other moves: UVAE 11H 25, AREG 11H 23, VAE 11I 23, VEE 11I 23, LAVEER N1 22

On 18th draw, GAUJE 3A 36 --- GAUJE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JUGAL B6 35, JURAL B6 34, JIG 13G 31, JIBES F2 30, JUBAS F2 30

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