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Game of June 30, 2012 at 17:12, 6 players
1. 723 pts PIThompson
2. 637 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 569 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eimuwy   H4    32    32   wimpy
 2. eeloors   4H    20    52   woolers
 3. aortvwx   5J    44    96   wax
 4. aeiopuv   3J    46   142   pave
 5. aegorrt   6L    23   165   toga
 6. abeelnr   I8    66   231   enabler
 7. eilnnot  13B    68   299   nonelite
 8. acdenst  15I    93   392   scanted
 9. eorstuv   N8    76   468   outserve
10. ?iijopr  B10    56   524   joiner
11. abeikln   E6    78   602   beanlike
12. acdeqsu   F1    82   684   casqued
13. aemprtz   8A    78   762   matza
14. deghnru   1F    45   807   churned
15. afghioy   J8    46   853   hoya
16. efiprtu   O8    69   922   preif
17. defgiou  15G    39   961   discanted
18. efggiou  15A    39  1000   grufe

Remaining tiles: giiiot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7703 FilePIThompson  9 15:53  -277  723     1.7703 PIThompson  9 15:53  -277  723 
  2.6701 FileGLOBEMAN    7 14:41  -363  637     2.7013 argomearns  0  4:02  -844  156 
  3.6899 Filesunshine12  7 11:09  -431  569            Group: intermediate
  4.5402 Filepaulineasb  1  8:34  -606  394     1.6701 GLOBEMAN    7 14:41  -363  637 
  5.7013 Fileargomearns  0  4:02  -844  156     2.6899 sunshine12  7 11:09  -431  569 
  6.5512 FileSQUAW1      0  3:38  -889  111            Group: novice
                                             1.5402 paulineasb  1  8:34  -606  394 
                                             2.5512 SQUAW1      0  3:38  -889  111 

On 1st draw, WIM(P)Y H4 32 --- WIMPY weak, ineffectual [adj]
Other tops: WIM(P)Y H8 32
Other moves: WI(F)EY H4 28, WI(F)EY H8 28, WI(N)EY H4 28, WI(N)EY H8 28, YUM(P)IE H4 28
WIM(P)Y H8 32 PIThompson
MY H7 14 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, WOOLERS 4H 20 --- WOOLER a domestic animal raised for it's wool [n]
Other moves: OLEO G4 18, OWLERS 4G 18, RESOLE G1 18, WOOERS 4H 18, WOOLER 4H 18
WOOLERS 4H 20 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, PIThompson

On 3rd draw, WAX 5J 44 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WOX 5J 44
Other moves: VARIX 5E 39, RAX 5J 35, AX 5K 31, OX 5K 31, MOXA 6H 29
WAX 5J 44 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, PIThompson

On 4th draw, PAVE 3J 46 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: AVE 3K 32, AVO 3K 32, EVO 6J 32, PAV 3J 32, VAE 3L 31
PAVE 3J 46 PIThompson
EVO 6J 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 5th draw, TOGA 6L 23 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: TOGE 6L 23
Other moves: GORSE N1 22, TAG 6L 22, TEG 6L 22, TOG 6L 22, ETA 6K 21
TOGA 6L 23 PIThompson, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 6th draw, ENABLER I8 66 --- ENABLER one that enables [n]
Other moves: BANALER O5 27, BARMEN 6E 25, ARABLE O6 24, BALEEN O5 24, REELMAN 6D 24
BANALER O5 27 PIThompson
BARN O5 18 sunshine12

On 7th draw, NONELITE 13B 68 --- NONELITE not belonging to an elite group [adj]
Other tops: NONELITE 13F 68
Other moves: LIONET J10 26, TELOI J8 25, TOILE J10 25, ANTLION O6 24, ENSIGN N2 24
NEON J10 18 sunshine12
NOBLE 11G 14 PIThompson

On 8th draw, SCANTED 15I 93 --- SCANT to provide with a meager portion [v]
Other tops: DECANTS 15C 93, DESCANT 15G 93
Other moves: SCANDENT D7 78, SCANDENT B7 76, SCANTLED F8 65, CADETS 15D 46, CASTED 15G 43
CADETS 15D 46 PIThompson
CASTED 15G 43 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SADE J8 28 paulineasb

On 9th draw, OUTSERVE N8 76 --- OUTSERVE to surpass in serving [v]
Other moves: OUTSERVE E6 72, OUTRAVES 10E 71, OVERUSE N9 36, VERSTE N10 34, VERTUE N10 34
TAVERS O5 27 PIThompson
RAVES O5 24 paulineasb

On 10th draw, JOIN(E)R B10 56 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other moves: JI(N)NI B10 54, JOIN(S) B10 54, JOIN(T) B10 54, JOO(K) 8L 54, JARP(S) O5 52
JOIN(E)R B10 56 PIThompson
JO(Y) 8M 27 paulineasb

On 11th draw, BEANLIKE E6 78 --- BEANLIKE resembling a bean [adj]
Other moves: LINKABLE F7 76, BRAKE 15A 48, BRAK 15A 45, BRIK 15A 45, KNOB 8L 45
BRAKE 15A 48 PIThompson
BREAK 15A 36 paulineasb
LAKIN O5 35 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 12th draw, CASQUED F1 82 --- CASQUE a helmet [adj] --- CASQUED having a casque [adj]
Other moves: QUOD 8L 72, DESCANTED 15G 39, SQUAD D3 37, SQUAB 6A 36, QUAD D4 35
QUOD 8L 72 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, PIThompson, paulineasb

On 13th draw, MATZA 8A 78 --- MATZA an unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: PREZ 15A 75, TREZ 15A 69, MAZER O5 56, MAZE O5 51, PREZ 12L 50
MATZA 8A 78 PIThompson
MAZE O5 51 argomearns
CRAZE 1F 48 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
ZOA 8M 36 paulineasb

On 14th draw, CHURNED 1F 45 --- CHURN to stir briskly in order to make butter [v]
Other moves: CHUNDER 1F 42, DESCANTED 15G 39, RUCHED 1D 39, ARUHE O6 37, HUGE J8 34
CHURNED 1F 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
RUCHED 1D 39 PIThompson
HAND O5 33 argomearns
DRUG 15A 24 paulineasb

On 15th draw, HOYA J8 46 --- HOYA a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: HAAF O5 45, AHOY J7 42, FOGYISH 3A 42, FRAY 15A 42, HOOF 8L 42
HOYA J8 46 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, PIThompson
FRAY 15A 42 argomearns, paulineasb

On 16th draw, PREIF O8 69 --- PREIF a proof [n]
Other moves: FREIT O8 51, FRET O8 42, FRIT O8 42, PROF 8L 36, AFIRE O6 34
PROF 8L 36 paulineasb, PIThompson
REP K9 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TRIPE 15A 30 argomearns

On 17th draw, DISCANTED 15G 39 --- DISCANT to descant [v]
Other tops: DESCANTED 15G 39, FRIDGE 15A 39, GRUFE 15A 39
Other moves: GUDE K9 34, DEG K9 32, DUG K9 32, GED K9 32, DROGUE 15A 30
FRIDGE 15A 39 paulineasb, PIThompson
GRUFE 15A 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, GRUFE 15A 39 --- GRUFE the face [n]
Other moves: FR*G 15A 30, FROG 15A 30, FRUG 15A 30, GRIEF 15A 30, GROUF 15A 30
GRUFE 15A 39 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FROG 15A 30 PIThompson, paulineasb, SQUAW1

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