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Game of June 30, 2012 at 21:00, 5 players
1. 629 pts PIThompson
2. 149 pts dannyboy
3. 30 pts primrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?elnoot   H8    64    64   moonlet
 2. ?aemoru  15B   101   165   rameous
 3. bdeeors  11D    94   259   deboners
 4. aeehiry  14C    42   301   yeah
 5. ceiimno  12A    36   337   income
 6. aefnrsw   A8    39   376   fawnier
 7. beiorst   B2    77   453   sorbite
 8. aijknou   A1    50   503   jak
 9. eilrsuu   C3    30   533   reis
10. adelryz   D3    56   589   adz
11. fginsuv  I10    24   613   neif
12. aadhiqt   E1    29   642   qaid
13. agnoptx  12K    28   670   taxon
14. aelprvw   M9    40   710   wraxle
15. iinstuy   1D    60   770   squinty
16. egiilpv   O7    33   803   veiling
17. acdilou  15K    45   848   ludic
18. egghopu   2J    31   879   ouphe
19. aggpttv   1M    24   903   apt

Remaining tiles: ggtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7697 FilePIThompson  9 13:39  -274  629     1.7697 PIThompson  9 13:39  -274  629 
  2.6732 Filedannyboy    2  3:27  -754  149     2.7013 argomearns  0  1:16  -874   29 
  3.3937 Fileprimrose    0  3:24  -873   30            Group: intermediate
  4.7013 Fileargomearns  0  1:16  -874   29     1.6732 dannyboy    2  3:27  -754  149 
  5.6315 Filescrab21     0  0:51  -888   15     2.6315 scrab21     0  0:51  -888   15 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3937 primrose    0  3:24  -873   30 

On 1st draw, (M)OONLET H8 64 --- MOONLET a small satellite [n]
Other tops: TOOL(M)EN H2 64, TOOL(M)EN H3 64, TOOL(M)EN H4 64, TOOL(M)EN H6 64, TOOL(M)EN H7 64, (M)OONLET H2 64, (M)OONLET H3 64, (M)OONLET H6 64, (M)OONLET H7 64, (P)ELOTON H2 64, (P)ELOTON H3 64, (P)ELOTON H6 64, (P)ELOTON H7 64, (P)ELOTON H8 64
Other moves: TOOL(M)EN H5 62, TOOL(M)EN H8 62, (M)OONLET H4 62, (M)OONLET H5 62, (P)ELOTON H4 62
TOOLE(D) H4 12 PIThompson

On 2nd draw, RAMEOU(S) 15B 101 --- RAMEOUS of a branch [adj]
Other moves: TAU(T)OMER 14H 72, EMULA(T)OR 12E 68, ENAMOUR(S) 11G 68, E(N)AMOUR I4 68, NEUROMA(S) 11H 68
AMOUR(S) 15C 48 PIThompson

On 3rd draw, DEBONERS 11D 94 --- DEBONER a bone remover [n]
Other moves: REDBONES 11C 72, SOBERED G3 70, SOBERED I3 70, BEDSORE I4 68, BEDSORE G2 63
BOTS 14F 24 PIThompson

On 4th draw, YEAH 14C 42 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other tops: HERY 14C 42
Other moves: HAY 14D 39, HEY 14D 39, RHYTA 14E 39, HAYER 12A 38, HAIRY 12B 37
YEAH 14C 42 PIThompson

On 5th draw, INCOME 12A 36 --- INCOME a sum of money earned regularly [n]
Other moves: CINEOL 12C 30, COME 12C 30, COME 12A 28, MICE 12A 28, MICO 12A 28
MICE 12A 28 PIThompson

On 6th draw, FAWNIER A8 39 --- FAWNY of a yellowish-brown color [adj]
Other tops: FANWISE A8 39
Other moves: SERAFIN A7 30, WEANERS 13G 30, FAW G7 27, FAW I7 27, FEW G7 27
FAWNIER A8 39 PIThompson
FANS B10 15 scrab21

On 7th draw, SORBITE B2 77 --- SORBITE a fine-grained constituent of steel [n]
Other moves: SORBITES K4 70, ROBOTISE 9G 65, ORBITERS J5 64, ROBOTISE 9E 64, SORBITE G2 62
BIER B6 19 PIThompson
BO B9 17 dannyboy

On 8th draw, JAK A1 50 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: JAK G7 39, JAI A1 34, JIN A1 34, JUN A1 34, KINA A1 34
JAK A1 50 PIThompson, dannyboy
JA A1 29 argomearns
JINKS K7 16 primrose

On 9th draw, REIS C3 30 --- REI an erroneous English form for a former Portuguese coin [n] --- REIS a twig [n]
Other moves: ERRS 4A 26, REI C3 26, SEI C3 26, SI C2 21, ERR 4A 20
REIS C3 30 PIThompson
ERRS 4A 26 dannyboy
BIERS 5B 14 primrose

On 10th draw, ADZ D3 56 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: L*Z D2 56, REZ D2 56
Other moves: L*Z G7 45, REZ G7 45, ZED D2 42, YEAD D1 40, DRAZELS K5 34
REZ D2 56 dannyboy
YEAD D1 40 PIThompson

On 11th draw, NEIF I10 24 --- NEIF the fist or hand [n]
Other tops: SEIF I10 24
Other moves: FUGIO G7 23, GIF I7 23, FIE I9 21, FUNGO G7 21, SIF I7 21
GIF I7 23 PIThompson

On 12th draw, QAID E1 29 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: QAT G7 27, DAH G7 23, HID E2 22, QI I7 22, AAH G7 21
QAT G7 27 PIThompson

On 13th draw, TAXON 12K 28 --- TAXON a unit of scientific classification [n]
Other moves: AXON 2E 27, AX 2E 25, TAXON G5 25, AXON G6 24, AGO 10D 23
TAXON 12K 28 PIThompson

On 14th draw, WRAXLE M9 40 --- WRAXLE to grapple with [v]
Other moves: PLOVER N10 34, PLOWER N10 34, PROVE N10 32, PROWL N10 32, PAVEN O8 30
PROWL N10 32 PIThompson

On 15th draw, SQUINTY 1D 60 --- SQUINTY marked by squinting [adj]
Other moves: SQUINY 1D 57, QUINSY 1E 54, SQUINT 1D 48, QUINTS 1E 45, SQUIT 1D 45
QUINSY 1E 54 PIThompson

On 16th draw, VEILING O7 33 --- VEILING a veil [n]
Other moves: LIVING O8 30, GIVEN O8 27, PIEING O8 27, PILING O8 27, PINGLE O10 27
VEILING O7 33 PIThompson

On 17th draw, LUDIC 15K 45 --- LUDIC aimlessly playful [adj]
Other moves: ODIC 15L 42, AUDIO 15K 39, DOC 15M 36, IDOL 15L 36, ODAL 15L 36
LUDIC 15K 45 PIThompson

On 18th draw, OUPHE 2J 31 --- OUPHE an elf [n]
Other moves: OHONE 10F 28, AH 2E 26, HOGGER J6 26, HUGGER J6 26, UH F1 26
OUPHE 2J 31 PIThompson

On 19th draw, APT 1M 24 --- APT suitable [adj] --- APT to fit [v]
Other moves: APT 2E 23, GAP G7 19, VAG G7 19, ATT 3M 18, HAGG M2 18
APT 1M 24 PIThompson

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