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Game sheet of raggedy01 (file), Game of July 3, 2012 at 13:07

Word find
Word played
1 ?ABEGOS             (N)OSEBAG H8 74 74  
2 ?AEEIOT TOE(S) 15E 36 -36 36 5/5 ETAE(R)IO I9 72 146 5/5
3 AELMRUY BEAMY 12H 24 -15 60 4/5 YULE J10 39 185 5/5
4 ADLNRSU UNSOLD 15F 51 -9 111 6/6 SOULDAN 15H 60 245 5/6
5 ADDGIRU GRAD L12 12 -12 123 5/5 DURGAN N10 24 269 5/6
6 AEFGMPT FEAT O8 26 -4 149 6/6 FAME O7 30 299 5/6
7 EINORVW VOWER G5 21 -61 170 5/5 OVERWIND L8 82 381 5/6
8 AENOPRT             PRONATE N1 77 458 5/6
9 AABEFMS MAPS 1L 33 -6 203 4/5 ABAMPS 1J 39 497 5/6
10 FGHIIST ITS O13 41 -45 244 3/5 SHIFTING 4H 86 583 5/6
11 DEINPTX NIXED 2H 61   305 2/5       644 5/6
12 EKLOPRY YOKE 1E 39 -18 344 2/6 KYLOE 1D 57 701 4/7
13 EIINOPQ             PINE M3 24 725 5/7
14 HIJLOQT             KOJI D1 30 755 5/7
15 AEIORTZ             FRITZ K4 45 800 5/7
16 ACEEHRW             CHEW G6 31 831 5/7
17 AEINRRT             TERRAIN E4 66 897 5/7
18 CDILOTV             VOLTA 8A 27 924 5/7

Total: 344/924 or -580 for 37.22%
Rank: 6594

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