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Game of July 3, 2012 at 14:35, 5 players
1. 556 pts charmz
2. 430 pts spellcheck
3. 71 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?einstw   H3    76    76   awniest
 2. aadmnty   2F    31   107   mayan
 3. ceioqry   3B    27   134   ricey
 4. ?beelop   5E    94   228   beanpole
 5. defnotu   B1    78   306   fortuned
 6. aenrstv   A7    94   400   taverns
 7. cdgorsu   M1    28   428   crogs
 8. deilmrt   A1    31   459   em
 9. adilnpr   8H    89   548   spandril
10. abisttu   1L    27   575   scab
11. egikllt   D1    26   601   geck
12. aaadlou   L1    24   625   salued
13. aeijoru   N7    28   653   rioja
14. hinootw  O11    50   703   whoot
15. adeoqtu  10A    39   742   equated
16. ailnoou   9E    23   765   unital
17. efghorv  14J    36   801   forego
18. eehiotz  15F    47   848   tozie
19. ehiiivx   6D    58   906   vex

Remaining tiles: hiiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6617 Filecharmz      5 12:25  -350  556     1.6617 charmz      5 12:25  -350  556 
  2.5201 Filespellcheck  3 23:12  -476  430     2.6800 dannyboy    0  1:19  -835   71 
  3.6800 Filedannyboy    0  1:19  -835   71     3.6513 raggedy01   0  1:42  -880   26 
  4.6513 Fileraggedy01   0  1:42  -880   26     4.6251 jimbo       0  1:49  -896   10 
  5.6251 Filejimbo       0  1:49  -896   10            Group: novice
                                             1.5201 spellcheck  3 23:12  -476  430 

On 1st draw, (A)WNIEST H3 76 --- AWNY bristly like an awn [adj]
Other tops: TWINE(R)S H3 76, TWINSE(T) H3 76, TWIN(G)ES H3 76, TW(O)NIES H3 76, T(A)WNIES H2 76, T(O)WNIES H2 76, WESTIN(G) H4 76, WEST(L)IN H4 76, WINTE(R)S H4 76, WINT(L)ES H4 76, WIN(I)EST H4 76, WISENT(S) H4 76, WITNES(S) H4 76, WITNE(S)S H4 76, WITNE(Y)S H4 76, WI(S)ENTS H4 76, W(A)NIEST H4 76, W(A)NTIES H4 76, W(H)ITENS H4 76, W(I)NIEST H4 76, (T)WINSET H3 76
Other moves: ENTWIS(T) H2 70, ENTWIS(T) H3 70, ENTWIS(T) H4 70, ENTWIS(T) H7 70, ENTWIS(T) H8 70
TWINES H3 26 charmz, raggedy01
WESTIN(G) H4 26 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, MAYAN 2F 31 --- MAYA the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy [adj] --- MAYAN pertaining to maya [adj]
Other moves: M(A)NYATA 3G 30, DAYAN 2F 28, DAYNT 2F 28, MAYA 2F 28, DAYNT 2D 27
YA G7 20 charmz
SANDY 8H 13 spellcheck
T(A)WNIEST H2 10 jimbo

On 3rd draw, RICEY 3B 27 --- RICEY like rice [adj]
Other tops: COREY 3B 27
Other moves: CORY 3C 25, RICY 3C 25, Y(A)RE 3G 25, ORIENCY 5D 24, AYE I2 23
AYE I2 23 charmz
QI 6G 11 spellcheck

On 4th draw, BE(A)NPOLE 5E 94 --- BEANPOLE a pole support for climbing beans [n]
Other tops: OPEN(A)BLE 5E 94
Other moves: ROPE(A)BLE B3 65, POSE(A)BLE 8F 62, BEPEL(T) A1 43, BOPEE(P) A1 43, PEB(B)LE A3 43
BOP A1 34 charmz
(R)EPEL A1 34 spellcheck

On 5th draw, FORTUNED B1 78 --- FORTUNE to endow with wealth [v]
Other moves: FONDUE 6J 37, FONDU 6J 36, FOND 6J 33, NIEF 6G 33, DEF 6D 32
DEF 6D 32 charmz
FROND B2 26 spellcheck

On 6th draw, TAVERNS A7 94 --- TAVERN a place where liquor is sold to be drunk on the premises [n]
Other moves: TAVERNS 1I 87, SERVANTS 8H 86, TAVERNS C7 86, VERSANT M2 84, SERVANT C7 80
TAVERNS A7 44 charmz, dannyboy, spellcheck

On 7th draw, CROGS M1 28 --- CROG to ride as a passenger on a bicycle [v]
Other tops: CODGERS L1 28, CORDS M1 28, CRUDS M1 28, CURDS M1 28, DOUCS M1 28
Other moves: OD A1 27, CODGER L1 26, CODS M2 26, COGS M2 26, COURS M1 26
CORDS M1 28 charmz
CURDS M1 28 spellcheck
OD A1 27 dannyboy

On 8th draw, EM A1 31 --- EM the letter M [n]
Other moves: MILTIER 6D 30, TEIID 6F 28, TRIED 6F 28, DICER 1K 27, ED A1 27
DICER 1K 27 spellcheck
RICED 1K 27 charmz

On 9th draw, SPANDRIL 8H 89 --- SPANDRIL a space between two adjoining arches [n]
Other moves: SPANDRIL 13A 74, DIAPIR 6G 35, PICAL 1K 30, PICRA 1K 30, ALCID 1K 27
CAP 1M 21 charmz, spellcheck

On 10th draw, SCAB 1L 27 --- SCAB to become covered with a scab (a crust that forms over a healing wound) [v]
Other moves: BAS 6J 25, BAT 6J 25, BIS 6J 25, BIT 6J 25, TACIT 1K 24
SCAB 1L 27 charmz, spellcheck

On 11th draw, GECK D1 26 --- GECK to mock [v]
Other moves: KILLIE 6D 25, KILTIE 6D 25, KLIEG N6 24, SKILLET 13A 24, GILLIE 6D 22
SILK 13A 16 charmz
PIKE I8 14 spellcheck

On 12th draw, SALUED L1 24 --- SALUE to salute [v]
Other moves: SALUE L1 20, DAL 6J 19, DOL 6J 19, DOULA C7 19, DUEL L3 19
LAD 6D 19 charmz
SALAD 13A 12 spellcheck

On 13th draw, RIOJA N7 28 --- RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n]
Other moves: INJERA K7 26, INJURE K7 26, JAI N6 26, JEU 7G 24, RIOJA 11A 24
JOE 6D 20 charmz
JET 9F 11 spellcheck

On 14th draw, WHOOT O11 50 --- WHOOT to hoot [v]
Other moves: NOHOW O11 38, NOH 6D 31, OOH 6D 31, HID 6J 30, HOD 6J 30
WHOOT O11 50 charmz
SHOWN 13A 22 spellcheck

On 15th draw, EQUATED 10A 39 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other tops: EQUATED F5 39
Other moves: EQUATE 10A 37, EQUATE F5 37, TOQUE M11 34, TOQUE C7 33, ROQUET 11A 30
EQUATED 10A 39 charmz, spellcheck

On 16th draw, UNITAL 9E 23 --- UNITAL pertaining to a unit [adj]
Other moves: NOTAL 9F 20, ALOIN 11E 19, LINO 11D 19, NOLO 11D 19, BONIATO E5 18
TAIL E10 8 spellcheck

On 17th draw, FOREGO 14J 36 --- FOREGO to go before [v]
Other moves: FEH 6D 34, FOH 6D 34, FEH 10J 31, FOH 10J 31, HOVER M11 31
FEH 10J 31 charmz
HUGE C9 12 spellcheck

On 18th draw, TOZIE 15F 47 --- TOZIE a shawl [n]
Other moves: TOZE 15G 44, ZITE 15G 44, ZEE 13K 41, ZEE 15H 41, AZOTH D10 34
ZEE 15H 41 charmz
SIZE 13A 26 spellcheck

On 19th draw, VEX 6D 58 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: HEX 6D 58
Other moves: EX 6E 54, HEX C5 46, EX C6 37, (A)XE 3H 36, AX I2 33
HEX 6D 58 charmz
VOX J4 29 spellcheck

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