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Game of July 5, 2012 at 10:44, 1 player
1. 441 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. lmnostu   H4    22    22   mounts
 2. abcdelo   5E   102   124   caboodle
 3. ?aefkou   8A    95   219   freakout
 4. ?hinoru   C2    74   293   unholier
 5. egirrtv   F8    66   359   overgirt
 6. aeinory  15A    39   398   aroynt
 7. egilost   2B    76   474   eulogist
 8. aaeiiln   1F    28   502   alien
 9. dejpryz   4L    58   560   prez
10. aeiloty   O1    54   614   tolzey
11. adeeiot  15A    36   650   aroynted
12. ceinorw  11E    48   698   crowner
13. abeiqsx   7M    41   739   qis
14. aefgjmv   N6    45   784   figjam
15. beehisw  12L    48   832   wish
16. aeeinpt   D1    30   862   plea
17. abdettu  14H    77   939   abutted
18. aadeiix  15L    54   993   axed

Remaining tiles: aiiinv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5228 Filespellcheck  2 17:11  -552  441     1.5228 spellcheck  2 17:11  -552  441 

On 1st draw, MOUNTS H4 22 --- MOUNT to get up on [v]
Other tops: MOULTS H4 22, MUTONS H4 22
Other moves: MOLTS H4 20, MOTUS H4 20, MOULS H4 20, MOULT H4 20, MOUNT H4 20
MOUNTS H4 22 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, CABOODLE 5E 102 --- CABOODLE a collection [n]
Other tops: CABOODLE 5D 102
Other moves: CODABLE 3E 76, BLANCOED 7E 67, ALBEDO 3H 29, CABLED 3G 26, CEMBALO 4F 26
COOLED 5G 18 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, F(R)EAKOUT 8A 95 --- FREAKOUT an event marked by wild excitement [n]
Other moves: FA(I)K 4L 40, FA(N)K 4L 40, FE(C)K 4L 40, FO(L)K 4L 40, FO(R)K 4L 40
F(L)ECK E2 13 spellcheck

On 4th draw, UNHO(L)IER C2 74 --- UNHOLY not holy [adj]
Other moves: UNHEROI(C) L2 72, ROUNDI(S)H J1 65, UNHEROI(C) C5 65, UNHOLI(E)R K1 60, HOURI 6F 42
FOUR A8 7 spellcheck

On 5th draw, OVERGIRT F8 66 --- OVERGIRD to gird to excess [v]
Other moves: REGIVE L4 28, VERGER L1 28, VIRGER L1 28, VEGIE L1 26, VERGE L1 26
REVERT L2 18 spellcheck

On 6th draw, AROYNT 15A 39 --- AROYNT to frighten away [v]
Other moves: YOUR 6F 34, YEAN B2 33, YOU 6F 31, AYRIE 4K 30, NITERY 15D 30
TINY 15F 21 spellcheck

On 7th draw, EULOGIST 2B 76 --- EULOGIST one that eulogizes [n]
Other moves: LOGGIEST 12C 72, LOGGIEST 12D 72, GOLDIEST J2 66, GODLIEST J3 64, GRISTLE 11E 32
SIEGE L1 14 spellcheck

On 8th draw, ALIEN 1F 28 --- ALIEN to transfer to another, as property [v]
Other moves: AALII 1H 26, ALAE 1F 25, LIANA 1G 25, LIANE 1G 25, NALA 1E 25
LEAN 1G 22 spellcheck

On 9th draw, PREZ 4L 58 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other moves: ZEP 14A 47, ZED 14A 44, JEEZ L3 40, JEEZ L4 40, P(R)EZ B7 40
PREYED L3 28 spellcheck

On 10th draw, TOLZEY O1 54 --- TOLZEY a merchants' meeting place [n]
Other moves: ZLOTY O4 51, OYEZ O1 48, ZEALOT O4 45, TOAZE O1 42, ZLOTE O4 42
AY 1A 20 spellcheck

On 11th draw, AROYNTED 15A 36 --- AROYNT to frighten away [v]
Other moves: ETAERIO 14B 27, DATO 14A 24, ALEE D1 22, ALOE D1 22, AUDIO 6G 22
GOATEED 12F 20 spellcheck

On 12th draw, CROWNER 11E 48 --- CROWNER an officer who investigates questionable deaths [n]
Other moves: WINCER B10 38, COWIER B10 34, CROWER B10 34, OWNER 14B 32, COWING 12A 30
CROWNER 11E 48 spellcheck

On 13th draw, QIS 7M 41 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: AXES 7L 38, AXIS 7L 38, B(R)AXIES B7 37, XIS 7M 37, AXES 12I 35
SEXY 6L 35 spellcheck

On 14th draw, FIGJAM N6 45 --- FIGJAM a bighead (Forsooth I'm Good, Just Ask Me) [n]
Other moves: AJEE N1 44, FLAM D1 42, JAM 14A 41, JEE N2 40, JAG 14A 38
FIVE N6 34 spellcheck

On 15th draw, WISH 12L 48 --- WISH to feel an impulse toward attainment or possession of something [v]
Other moves: H*B*S 12J 47, BISH 12L 46, EISH 12L 42, WISHER B10 40, WEISE L8 37
WISHER B10 40 spellcheck

On 16th draw, PLEA D1 30 --- PLEA an entreaty [n] --- PLEA to dispute in a court [v]
Other moves: PATEN 13I 29, AHENT O11 28, AHINT O11 28, PANEER B10 28, PANIER B10 28
HEPT O12 27 spellcheck

On 17th draw, ABUTTED 14H 77 --- ABUT to touch along a border [v]
Other moves: DUBITATE 13C 76, DAUBE 6F 34, BATED 13I 33, BATTED 13H 31, BUTTED 13H 31
HEAD O12 24 spellcheck

On 18th draw, AXED 15L 54 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: IXIA 15L 51, DEX 15M 39, ADNEXA 3A 30, AX 15N 30, DEXY D12 30
AX 15N 30 spellcheck

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