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Game of July 6, 2012 at 04:07, 3 players
1. 559 pts kellybelly
2. 131 pts paulineasb
3. 129 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aintvy   H6    82    82   naivety
 2. aefilov   G3    24   106   foveal
 3. eilprsx   H1    85   191   prex
 4. ?ccderu  11E    98   289   crutched
 5. eiknorw   L4    84   373   inworked
 6. aeefgmo   8J    33   406   formee
 7. abdestt   4C    30   436   teabox
 8. dilnotw   5B    26   462   wind
 9. eeilrtu   E7    60   522   reticule
10. aahjntt   7K    40   562   john
11. ainopst   1F    63   625   appoints
12. agilmor   2B    38   663   gloam
13. adeorsu  15A    88   751   aroused
14. aghiqty   K4    37   788   qi
15. adhiotz   8A    75   863   adoze
16. ailnort   9A    25   888   tarot
17. abghisy  14D    35   923   yeh
18. aegilns   O8    80  1003   ensilage
19. beiistu  10B    25  1028   be

Remaining tiles: giistu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7521 Filekellybelly  5 16:31  -469  559     1.7521 kellybelly  5 16:31  -469  559 
  2.5407 Filepaulineasb  0  4:03  -897  131            Group: intermediate
  3.6735 Filedannyboy    0  5:03  -899  129     1.6735 dannyboy    0  5:03  -899  129 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5407 paulineasb  0  4:03  -897  131 

On 1st draw, NAIV(E)TY H6 82 --- NAIVETY the quality of being naive [n]
Other tops: TAN(T)IVY H6 82, TAN(T)IVY H7 82, (T)ANTIVY H6 82, (T)ANTIVY H7 82
Other moves: NAIV(E)TY H2 76, NAIV(E)TY H3 76, NAIV(E)TY H4 76, NAIV(E)TY H7 76, TAN(T)IVY H2 76
VANITY H4 32 paulineasb

On 2nd draw, FOVEAL G3 24 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [adj] --- FOVEAL relating to a fovea [adj]
Other moves: ALEF G4 22, ALIF G4 22, FOLEY 12D 22, LEAF G4 22, LEAFY 12D 22
FA G7 20 kellybelly
FINE 6F 15 paulineasb

On 3rd draw, PREX H1 85 --- PREX a president [n]
Other tops: PLEX H1 85
Other moves: ILEX H1 79, OXLIPS 4G 46, OXSLIP 4G 46, LEX H2 40, REX H2 40
PLEX H1 85 kellybelly
FIXES 3G 23 paulineasb

On 4th draw, CRUTC(H)ED 11E 98 --- CRUTCH to prop up or support [v]
Other moves: CURLIC(U)ED 8D 68, C(U)RLICUED 8D 68, C(A)RDECU(E) 10A 67, C(A)RD(E)CUE 10D 65, RECUR(E)D 2H 30
D(I)CEY 12D 20 kellybelly
PR(I)CED 1H 11 paulineasb

On 5th draw, INWORKED L4 84 --- INWORK to work in [v]
Other moves: WOKE I3 41, WOK I3 37, WORE I3 37, REINK 12K 36, WOE I3 33
KINDER L8 32 kellybelly
DROWN L11 20 paulineasb

On 6th draw, FORMEE 8J 33 --- FORMEE having the arms narrow at the center and expanding toward the ends -- used of a heraldic cross [adj]
Other moves: EMO I2 31, FORAGE 8J 30, FRAME 8K 30, MOG I3 30, MOA I3 29
FRAME 8K 30 paulineasb, kellybelly

On 7th draw, TEABOX 4C 30 --- TEABOX a box for storing tea leaves [n]
Other moves: ASKED 9J 26, DETOX 4D 26, BADE K2 21, SKATE 9K 21, SKATT 9K 21
DETOX 4D 26 kellybelly

On 8th draw, WIND 5B 26 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v]
Other tops: WILD 5B 26, WOLD 5B 26
Other moves: WIND 3B 25, DIV 5E 24, TOWLINE N2 24, WILT 5B 22, WONT 5B 22
WIND 5B 26 kellybelly
WOOD 7K 22 dannyboy

On 9th draw, RETICULE E7 60 --- RETICULE a woman's handbag [n]
Other moves: EMIR M7 20, EMIT M7 20, RETE 6A 19, TELE 6A 19, KEEL 9L 18
EMIR M7 20 kellybelly
TEE 6A 15 dannyboy

On 10th draw, JOHN 7K 40 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: JAWAN 6J 33, RAJAH 2H 31, JAFA J6 30, JHALA 13B 30, AHA F13 29
JAW 6J 29 dannyboy, kellybelly

On 11th draw, APPOINTS 1F 63 --- APPOINT to name or assign to a position or office [v]
Other tops: APPOINTS 1G 63
Other moves: PSION 15D 41, PSOAI 15D 41, PISTON 15C 38, POSTIN 15C 38, NIPAS 15A 35
PAINS 15A 35 kellybelly
STOPE 8A 30 dannyboy

On 12th draw, GLOAM 2B 38 --- GLOAM gloaming [n]
Other moves: GLIME 8A 33, GRAME 8A 33, GRIME 8A 33, IMAGE 8A 30, MALIGNER N2 30
GRIME 8A 33 dannyboy
GRAME 8A 33 kellybelly

On 13th draw, AROUSED 15A 88 --- AROUSE to stimulate [v]
Other moves: EARDS 15A 35, READS 15A 35, ROADS 15A 35, AROUSE 15A 32, DARES 15A 32
ROADS 15A 35 kellybelly

On 14th draw, QI K4 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: YEH 14D 35, HAY 14A 32, YAH 14A 32, GEY 14D 31, YAH D8 29
QI K4 37 kellybelly

On 15th draw, ADOZE 8A 75 --- ADOZE dozing [adj]
Other moves: TOAZE 8A 72, AZIDE 8A 51, AZOTE 8A 45, TOZIE 8A 45, ZA 14A 37
HE F14 26 kellybelly

On 16th draw, TAROT 9A 25 --- TAROT any of a set of playing cards used for fortune-telling [n]
Other tops: LIROT 9A 25
Other moves: ARK 9J 22, ORNATE F10 22, TOENAIL 14C 20, IOTA 9C 19, NOTA 9C 19
TAROT 9A 25 kellybelly

On 17th draw, YEH 14D 35 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other moves: HAY 14A 32, YAH 14A 32, YAHS 2K 32, ABYE 14B 31, EYAS 14E 31
YA 10B 31 kellybelly

On 18th draw, ENSILAGE O8 80 --- ENSILAGE to store in a silo [v]
Other moves: GAEN 1A 26, GAES 1A 26, LEGALS 13A 26, LIEG(E) 10D 26, SIEG(E) 10D 26
SEALING O7 24 kellybelly

On 19th draw, BE 10B 25 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other moves: SIBS M1 24, SUBS M1 24, SUITE 2J 24, SUET 1A 23, BUT N13 22
BE 10B 25 kellybelly

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