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Game of July 6, 2012 at 07:55, 3 players
1. 580 pts kellybelly
2. 471 pts spellcheck
3. 197 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cenrrtu   H4    74    74   current
 2. adeiiln   4F    72   146   alcidine
 3. abefggj   5C    29   175   jagg
 4. aenopqt   3I    48   223   qat
 5. ?aeefio   7C    66   289   foedarie
 6. aeeenrs  10B    62   351   serenate
 7. ?aeensz   8J    74   425   sazhen
 8. aehmnpt   8A    53   478   thema
 9. eklorss   O7    63   541   snorkels
10. dilttux   5K    41   582   dux
11. ilmortv   3M    42   624   vim
12. deloptt   6J    48   672   petto
13. adfiily   O1    39   711   limy
14. iinoprt  12H    76   787   poitrine
15. adilorv  14J    34   821   violas
16. adehowy   3B    37   858   howdy
17. dfgnoru  11E    29   887   fug
18. bcdenow   2A    31   918   bow
19. acdinou   1A    28   946   ad
20. bceioru  13C    26   972   ourebi

Remaining tiles: cn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7499 Filekellybelly  6 11:56  -392  580     1.7499 kellybelly  6 11:56  -392  580 
  2.5260 Filespellcheck  0 20:51  -501  471            Group: intermediate
  3.6264 Filejimbo       0  8:19  -775  197     1.6264 jimbo       0  8:19  -775  197 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5260 spellcheck  0 20:51  -501  471 

On 1st draw, CURRENT H4 74 --- CURRENT a continuous flow [n]
Other moves: CURRENT H2 70, CURRENT H3 70, CURRENT H6 70, CURRENT H7 70, CURRENT H8 70
CURRENT H4 24 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, ALCIDINE 4F 72 --- ALCIDINE pertaining to a family of seabirds [adj]
Other moves: ALIUNDE 5E 32, INLACED 4D 20, CANDIE 4H 18, CANDLE 4H 18, CNIDAE 4H 18
CLEAN 4H 14 spellcheck
CLAD 4H 7 jimbo

On 3rd draw, JAGG 5C 29 --- JAGG to cut unevenly [v]
Other moves: JAB 5D 28, JADE J2 28, JEFE M1 28, JEFE M3 28, FAB 3M 26
JAB 5D 28 kellybelly
JIBE K3 26 jimbo
JAGGER 6C 19 spellcheck

On 4th draw, QAT 3I 48 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 6B 43, QAT 3K 41, PATEN 3I 38, POTAE 3I 38, QAT 10F 32
QAT 3I 48 kellybelly
QAT 10F 32 spellcheck
TAPE 3K 24 jimbo

On 5th draw, FOE(D)ARIE 7C 66 --- FOEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: FO(G)IE 6B 36, FO(L)IA 6B 36, FO(L)IE 6B 36, FO(X)IE 6B 36, FEIJOA C2 34
(S)AFE 5K 23 kellybelly
FADE J2 16 jimbo
FO(L)IATE 10C 11 spellcheck

On 6th draw, SERENATE 10B 62 --- SERENATA a dramatic cantata [n] --- SERENATE a love song [n]
Other moves: ARENE 8A 28, ERASE 8A 28, NEARS 8A 28, NEESE 8A 28, REANS 8A 28
NEARS 8A 28 kellybelly
SANER K7 21 jimbo
SNARE K7 21 spellcheck

On 7th draw, SAZ(H)EN 8J 74 --- SAZHEN a Russian measure approx. 2 metres [n]
Other moves: (R)AZEES 8J 73, (A)ZANS 8A 52, (M)ZEES 8A 52, AZ(A)NS 8A 51, ZEAS 8A 50
ZEES 8A 50 kellybelly, spellcheck
ZEES J6 33 jimbo

On 8th draw, THEMA 8A 53 --- THEMA theme [n]
Other moves: AHEM 8A 48, HAEM 8A 48, HEAP 8A 48, THEM 8A 48, EARTH 6F 42
PEH 5K 33 kellybelly
HEM 3M 26 jimbo
HAD J2 15 spellcheck

On 9th draw, SNORKELS O7 63 --- SNORKEL a mouthpiece used by an underwater swimmer [n] --- SNORKEL to swim underwater with a type of breathing device [v]
Other moves: ZERKS L8 36, OKE 6A 31, SAKERS K7 31, LOESS 11E 30, SEKOS 11H 30
SKOLS J10 24 jimbo
SOLER 11A 20 kellybelly
QIS I3 14 spellcheck

On 10th draw, DUX 5K 41 --- DUX the best academic performer in a class [n]
Other moves: XU 5K 40, DUX 11E 39, XU 11E 38, LUX 5K 37, TUX 5K 37
XU 5K 40 kellybelly
EXULT C10 24 spellcheck
TIX K3 20 jimbo

On 11th draw, VIM 3M 42 --- VIM energy [n]
Other moves: VOL 3M 38, VOMITS 14J 38, VOR 3M 38, RIM 3M 30, ROM 3M 30
VIM 3M 42 kellybelly
VEX M3 26 spellcheck

On 12th draw, PETTO 6J 48 --- PETTO the breast [n]
Other moves: DEMPT O1 39, TEMPO O1 36, TEMPT O1 36, TEMP O1 33, TROPE 6G 33
TEMPO O1 36 spellcheck
TEMP O1 33 kellybelly

On 13th draw, LIMY O1 39 --- LIMY resembling or containing lime [adj]
Other moves: DIMLY O1 36, FAY 11E 35, LADIFY 3A 33, FY 11E 31, FAD 11E 29
LIMY O1 39 kellybelly
YAM O1 24 spellcheck

On 14th draw, POITRINE 12H 76 --- POITRINE breast in French cuisine, eg poitrine du poulet [n]
Other moves: PINOTS 14J 28, PINTOS 14J 28, PITONS 14J 28, POINTS 14J 28, POTINS 14J 28
POINTS 14J 28 spellcheck, kellybelly

On 15th draw, VIOLAS 14J 34 --- VIOLA a stringed instrument [n]
Other tops: VALORS 14J 34
Other moves: VIAND 9E 29, FEDERAL C7 26, VIOLA 3C 25, VOILA 3C 25, AVOID 13F 24
AVOID 3B 23 kellybelly
PAID H12 21 spellcheck

On 16th draw, HOWDY 3B 37 --- HOWDY to greet with the words "how do you do" [v]
Other moves: PHEW H12 36, HAW 11E 35, HAY 11E 35, HEW 11E 35, HEY 11E 35
WHEY 3C 33 kellybelly
SHOWY B10 28 spellcheck

On 17th draw, FUG 11E 29 --- FUG to make hot, stuffy and close [v]
Other tops: FOG 11E 29, FUD 11E 29
Other moves: FOG 2A 27, FUD 2A 27, FUG 2A 27, POUF H12 27, PROF H12 27
FOG 11E 29 kellybelly
POUF H12 27 spellcheck

On 18th draw, BOW 2A 31 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other tops: COW 2A 31
Other moves: WEB 2A 30, DEW 2A 29, DOW 2A 29, BOW 13G 28, COB 2A 28
COW 2A 31 kellybelly
WHO B2 18 spellcheck

On 19th draw, AD 1A 28 --- AD an advertisement [n]
Other tops: OD 1A 28
Other moves: AN 1A 24, ODA 9J 24, ON 1A 24, PACO H12 24, PICA H12 24
AD 1A 28 kellybelly
POND H12 21 spellcheck

On 20th draw, OUREBI 13C 26 --- OUREBI an African antelope [n]
Other tops: CORBIE 13C 26
Other moves: ICE 6A 25, OBE 6A 25, BE 6B 24, COB 13G 24, IRE 9B 24
PUCE H12 24 kellybelly
POUR H12 18 spellcheck

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