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Game of July 7, 2012 at 18:05, 4 players
1. 280 pts remij
2. 100 pts argomearns
3. 84 pts rainbow

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeilsuy   H7    26    26   easily
 2. denootv  10C    66    92   devotion
 3. ?aeelnr   E5    90   182   enslaver
 4. eehmnrt   8G    66   248   earthmen
 5. demnrty   F1    36   284   trendy
 6. aejnotv   1D    63   347   jetton
 7. cdefgin   M7    34   381   feeding
 8. ?eiillo   C3    70   451   oilfield
 9. efgmoqs  13A    31   482   fomes
10. oprssuu  14J    39   521   pross
11. abegitv  A11    33   554   befit
12. aabiktv  15G    37   591   kava
13. aaahopu  12A    35   626   ephor
14. acgrtuu   K3    24   650   curagh
15. aiiotwz   8A    45   695   zoeal
16. adruuww   2H    24   719   waw
17. dgituux   G3    36   755   xu
18. acdiruu   D1    32   787   jird
19. aaiqtuu  L11    37   824   qi
20. abcgitu   J6    28   852   bating

Remaining tiles: acituu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4768 Fileremij       0 22:55  -572  280     1.6996 argomearns  1  4:43  -752  100 
  2.6996 Fileargomearns  1  4:43  -752  100     2.6226 jimbo       0  4:02  -771   81 
  3.2784 Filerainbow     0 10:21  -768   84            Group: not rated
  4.6226 Filejimbo       0  4:02  -771   81     1.4768 remij       0 22:55  -572  280 
                                             2.2784 rainbow     0 10:21  -768   84 

On 1st draw, EASILY H7 26 --- EASILY without difficulty [adv]
Other moves: YALES H4 24, YULES H4 24, EASILY H3 20, EASILY H4 20, EASILY H8 20
SLAY H5 14 jimbo
YES H6 12 remij

On 2nd draw, DEVOTION 10C 66 --- DEVOTION the act of devoting [n]
Other moves: ENVOY 12D 22, VOTED G6 22, ODEON G9 21, ODEON I6 21, VOTED G3 20
TONEY 12D 16 remij

On 3rd draw, EN(S)LAVER E5 90 --- ENSLAVER one that enslaves [n]
Other moves: AN(N)EALER 8H 74, A(N)NEALER 8H 74, LEANER(S) K4 74, AN(T)LERED C3 70, ENLAR(D)ED C3 70
(S)LEER K10 20 remij

On 4th draw, EARTHMEN 8G 66 --- EARTHMAN one who lives on the planet earth [n]
Other moves: HERDMEN C7 36, HEME D9 31, MYNHEER 12G 30, THERME D1 30, METHO I6 29
THERE 12B 16 remij

On 5th draw, TRENDY F1 36 --- TRENDY a trendy person [n] --- TRENDY a fashionable person [n] --- TRENDY very fashionable [adj] --- TRENDY fashionable [adj]
Other moves: DEMY F3 35, NERDY F2 35, EMYD 9J 34, ENTRY F2 33, MY F5 32
TERN N5 6 remij

On 6th draw, JETTON 1D 63 --- JETTON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JETON 1D 60, JAVEL 8A 48, JETON D1 44, JETTON 1C 42, JETON D9 39
JOT J6 26 argomearns
JEAT 1C 12 remij

On 7th draw, FEEDING M7 34 --- FEED to give food to [v] --- FEEDING a calculated amount of food [n]
Other tops: FEIGNED M7 34
Other moves: EDENIC D10 31, FEIGNED M3 30, FEIGNED 3A 28, FENCED 3B 28, CEDI 7K 27
MINCED L8 22 argomearns
FINED C6 11 remij

On 8th draw, OIL(F)IELD C3 70 --- OILFIELD an area of mineral oil production [n]
Other moves: EOLI(P)ILE 3F 68, EM(B)OLI L7 29, HO(S)EL K8 26, JO(D)EL D1 26, JELL(S) D1 25
LY(R)E 12G 6 remij
IN 12L 4 rainbow

On 9th draw, FOMES 13A 31 --- FOMES a substance capable of carrying infection [n]
Other moves: FEMS 14J 30, FEGS 14J 29, FEMS 13B 29, FOGS 14J 29, FOES 14J 28
QIS 11L 12 remij
QI 11L 11 rainbow

On 10th draw, PROSS 14J 39 --- PROSS a prostitute [n]
Other moves: HUSOS K8 29, JORS D1 28, JOSS D1 28, PROSY 12D 28, HOSS K8 27
FOR A13 18 remij
ES 3F 3 rainbow

On 11th draw, BEFIT A11 33 --- BEFIT to be suitable for [v]
Other moves: ABET 14A 31, VIBE 15G 31, BAGIE 15G 30, BIGAE 15G 30, BIGAE B2 30
BANG 12K 14 rainbow
FIB 7M 10 remij

On 12th draw, KAVA 15G 37 --- KAVA a tropical shrub [n]
Other tops: KIVA 15G 37
Other moves: BRAKY 12D 36, BANAK 12K 32, AKITA 15F 31, AVANTI N5 31, KATA 15G 28
TAE 8A 9 rainbow
IT 15N 8 remij

On 13th draw, EPHOR 12A 35 --- EPHOR a magistrate of ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: HARP 12C 29, OUPH B1 27, HANAP 12K 26, ASH 9G 25, HARO 12C 25
HOP 2H 21 remij
HOE 8A 18 jimbo
AHA 2I 16 rainbow

On 14th draw, CURAGH K3 24 --- CURAGH a small boat [n]
Other tops: CAUGHT K4 24, GRUTCH K3 24
Other moves: RATCH K4 20, RAUGHT K4 20, CANT N6 19, ARCH K5 18, AUGHT K5 18
CRIT 4A 18 jimbo
TAE 8A 9 remij
AR 2I 6 rainbow

On 15th draw, ZOEAL 8A 45 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [adj] --- ZOEAL pertaining to a zoea [adj]
Other moves: WIZ B1 41, AZO B2 37, ADZ 10L 33, DZO 10M 33, ZA 6J 31
ZA 6J 31 jimbo
ZO B2 24 remij
ZOO 3A 12 rainbow

On 16th draw, WAW 2H 24 --- WAW a wave [n]
Other tops: APOD B11 24, WAID 4A 24, WAND N6 24
Other moves: WAW B1 23, AWL 9A 22, WAIR 4A 22, DAW 2H 20, DAW B1 19
WAND N6 24 argomearns
WAR 6J 14 remij
WOW 3B 9 rainbow

On 17th draw, XU G3 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: TIX B2 31, XI L11 31, XU L11 31, GOX F9 23, DUX 4J 22
TUX 4J 20 remij

On 18th draw, JIRD D1 32 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: APOD B11 24, URANIC 12J 22, CAID 4A 20, CANID 12K 20, RUNIC 12K 20
DID 10M 7 remij

On 19th draw, QI L11 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QAT 6J 32, QUANTA 12J 32, QUINTA 12J 32, QUANTA N5 31, QANAT 12K 30
QUANT 12J 28 argomearns
QUID 4A 24 remij

On 20th draw, BATING J6 28 --- BATE to reduce the force of [v]
Other moves: ABUT J5 27, GAB J4 27, GUB J4 27, BAT J6 24, BUT J6 24
BIZ A6 14 remij

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