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Game of July 9, 2012 at 06:37, 2 players
1. 390 pts dragons11
2. 371 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. defksuy   H3    44    44   skyfed
 2. aeinotz   4H    38    82   kaizen
 3. ?aabitu   K4   122   204   zaibatsu
 4. celnoqt   6J    31   235   qi
 5. abelrtx   8J    69   304   baxter
 6. dehlotu   G6    31   335   ohed
 7. aegilrs   N2    92   427   gaselier
 8. aegiilp   9I    28   455   pitier
 9. dimoruv   O1    31   486   vim
10. adfgrty  L11    28   514   tardy
11. ghinoru   3C    41   555   roguish
12. aeelrtw   D2    74   629   toleware
13. ?eelnoo  14H    70   699   melodeon
14. aenootu  15H    33   732   atony
15. ceinstu   F8    74   806   neustic
16. ailmosu  12B    72   878   solatium
17. acegnpv  O12    36   914   vang
18. defnopr   C9    39   953   proofed

Remaining tiles: cjnnow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6827 Filedragons11   1 16:02  -563  390     1.6827 dragons11   1 16:02  -563  390 
  2.5273 Filespellcheck  0 18:25  -582  371            Group: novice
                                             1.5273 spellcheck  0 18:25  -582  371 

On 1st draw, SKYFED H3 44 --- SKYF to smoke (South African) [v]
Other moves: FYKED H4 40, FYKES H4 38, SKYFED H7 38, FYKED H8 36, SKYFED H4 36
SKYED H4 28 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, KAIZEN 4H 38 --- KAIZEN Japanese business practice which seeks continual improvement [n]
Other moves: AZOTISE 3C 36, FAZE 6H 36, ZANIEST 3C 36, FEZ 6H 35, FIZ 6H 35
ZANY 5E 32 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, ZAIBAT(S)U K4 122 --- ZAIBATSU a powerful family combine in Japan [n]
Other moves: (R)UBAIYAT 5C 78, AB(O)ITEAU 7C 62, AUB(R)IETA 7C 62, AUB(R)ETIA 7D 60, AB(S)IT N2 35
BU(S)T N2 29 dragons11
B(L)UNT M1 12 spellcheck

On 4th draw, QI 6J 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ACTON 8K 30, CANTLE 8J 27, LANCET 8J 27, ANCLE 8K 24, CETYL 5E 22
QI 6J 31 dragons11
QAT 8J 13 spellcheck

On 5th draw, BAXTER 8J 69 --- BAXTER a baker [n]
Other moves: RELAX L11 42, RETAX L11 42, AXE L7 41, AX L7 38, EX L7 38
ABLET 8K 30 dragons11
TAXER 8J 20 spellcheck

On 6th draw, OHED G6 31 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: THOLED L10 30, THOUED L10 30, THOLED M8 28, THOUED M8 28, HOLED L11 27
THAE I2 25 dragons11
OLDY 5E 16 spellcheck

On 7th draw, GASELIER N2 92 --- GASELIER a gaslight chandelier [n]
Other moves: GASELIER N5 63, GLA(S)SIER 10H 62, AESIR N2 34, AISLE N2 34, LASER N2 34
LAGS N1 30 dragons11
GREASED 8B 10 spellcheck

On 8th draw, PITIER 9I 28 --- PITIER one that pities [n]
Other moves: PIG O1 24, GILPIES 3B 22, PAGLE L11 22, PAIGLES 3B 22, PEAG 3L 22
PIG O1 24 dragons11
PAGES 3D 9 spellcheck

On 9th draw, VIM O1 31 --- VIM energy [n]
Other tops: VUM O1 31
Other moves: MURID F2 29, DUROY 5D 27, VID O1 27, DIM O1 25, DOM O1 25
DOM O1 25 dragons11
MOVED 8D 14 spellcheck

On 10th draw, TARDY L11 28 --- TARDY an instance of being late [n] --- TARDY late [adj] --- TARDY to retard [v]
Other tops: TRAY F7 28
Other moves: FAY F8 27, FYRD F3 26, FADY F8 25, FAD(S) 10H 25, FAG(S) 10H 25
FAG(S) 10H 25 dragons11
FATHER 7D 13 spellcheck

On 11th draw, ROGUISH 3C 41 --- ROGUISH dishonest [adj]
Other moves: HOYING 15J 39, HUNGRY 15G 39, NOURISH 3C 39, ROUGHY 15G 39, ROUGHY 5C 38
HUNGRY 15G 39 dragons11, spellcheck

On 12th draw, TOLEWARE D2 74 --- TOLEWARE article made with japanned tinware [n]
Other moves: TRAWLEY 15F 39, WELTERED 8A 39, EWT F5 37, LEEWAY 15G 36, TAWERY 15G 36
WELTERED 8A 39 dragons11
WATERY 15G 36 spellcheck

On 13th draw, (M)ELODEON 14H 70 --- MELODEON a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: OENO(M)EL C8 69, OENO(M)EL C9 67, OENO(M)EL F9 63, LOO(S)ENED 14E 62, LOO(S)ENER 13E 59
(L)ONELY 15G 24 spellcheck
LOO(S)EN 10A 20 dragons11

On 14th draw, ATONY 15H 33 --- ATONY muscular debility [n]
Other moves: AGONE E2 25, OATEN C5 22, TOYO 5F 22, ATONE 15D 21, GANE E3 21
ATONE O11 18 spellcheck
TOON 15F 17 dragons11

On 15th draw, NEUSTIC F8 74 --- NEUSTIC relating to neustons [adj] --- NEUSTON an aggregate of small aquatic organisms [adj]
Other moves: NEUSTIC C9 73, NEUSTIC E9 70, INCENT O10 33, SCENT O11 30, CENS O12 27
SCENT O11 30 spellcheck, dragons11

On 16th draw, SOLATIUM 12B 72 --- SOLATIUM a compensation given for damage to the feelings [n]
Other moves: LIMANS O10 33, LUMINA O10 33, ULMINS O10 33, AMINO O11 30, AMINS O11 30
MONS O12 27 spellcheck

On 17th draw, VANG O12 36 --- VANG a rope on a ship [n]
Other tops: VESPA B10 36
Other moves: PAVONE C9 35, CRAPE 13K 33, VANE O12 33, VENA O12 33, VEGANS 11A 31
PANG O12 30 spellcheck

On 18th draw, PROOFED C9 39 --- PROOF to examine for errors [v]
Other moves: GOFER E3 37, ROPED C5 34, FOP C7 33, FREON C9 33, PROOF C9 33
DOF 13A 26 dragons11

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