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Game sheet of annelhynz (file), Game of July 9, 2012 at 07:21

Word find
Word played
1 ADHINRV             VIAND H4 26 26  
2 EEKNPSV             KEEPS G6 27 53  
3 AAEFLOW             FOWL F5 31 84  
4 DELNORR             REROLLED 8A 30 114  
5 AILLNSU             ALLUSION D2 66 180  
6 AEEORUX             VEXER 4H 30 210  
7 ?AAACOV             CA(S)AVA M2 37 247  
8 ?GIOQTZ ZOS 6B 32 -45 32 2/4 TOZI(N)G H10 77 324 3/4
9 AEFGHRT FAH 3I 36 -6 68 1/4 FETCH 2J 42 366 2/4
10 DEEERTU DUE 1H 17 -53 85 3/4 (N)EUTERED 14H 70 436 3/4
11 BCDGIOY YO 3I 31 -9 116 4/4 ZYGOID 12H 40 476 3/4
12 BEIQRTU QUIT 1H 46 -65 162 4/5 BRIQUET 1E 111 587 3/5
13 ADIIJMN JAI 11K 43   205 2/4       630 3/5
14 ABEERTW BRAW C7 23 -78 228 3/3 WATERBED O7 101 731 3/5
15 INNOSTY WATERBEDS O7 45 -44 273 2/3 STONYING 15A 89 820 2/5
16 ACDIMNO             DAEMONIC B6 69 889 3/5
17 GHMOPSU             WATERBEDS O7 45 934 3/5
18 AGHIMOU HAM N8 31 -8 304 2/3 IHRAM C6 39 973 3/5

Total: 304/973 or -669 for 31.24%
Rank: 5813

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