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Game of July 10, 2012 at 06:24, 3 players
1. 483 pts spellcheck
2. 280 pts ZEHAVARON
3. 215 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aagrtv   H4    78    78   vagrant
 2. deinprw   5D    26   104   predawn
 3. anopsst   J3    68   172   nonpasts
 4. aaeorsy   K1    57   229   arayse
 5. aelntux  10A    83   312   exultant
 6. abbeinu   8J    39   351   subbie
 7. eginnor   E8    68   419   nitrogen
 8. ?ikmooq   1H    75   494   umiaq
 9. eflorsu   2B    75   569   furoles
10. adeiijo  D12    53   622   jade
11. aeklmty   8A    51   673   alkyne
12. acegorv   O1    95   768   coverage
13. demnotu  15A    99   867   tenendum
14. eehoooz   1A    43   910   zoo
15. ceehiow   4A    36   946   whio
16. efhiott   N4    37   983   feh
17. deilott  F12    27  1010   teld
18. cdiiiot   N8    24  1034   idiotic

Remaining tiles: iii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5277 Filespellcheck  1 24:10  -551  483     1.7464 kellybelly  2  6:18  -819  215 
  2.3938 FileZEHAVARON   0 13:49  -754  280            Group: novice
  3.7464 Filekellybelly  2  6:18  -819  215     1.5277 spellcheck  1 24:10  -551  483 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3938 ZEHAVARON   0 13:49  -754  280 

On 1st draw, VAGRA(N)T H4 78 --- VAGRANT a wanderer, with no apparent means of support [n]
Other moves: VAGRA(N)T H2 74, VAGRA(N)T H3 72, VAGRA(N)T H6 72, VAGRA(N)T H8 72, VAGRA(N)T H5 70
RAVAG(E) H8 22 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, PREDAWN 5D 26 --- PREDAWN the time just before dawn [n]
Other tops: PRAWNED 5F 26
Other moves: PAWNED 5G 24, WARPED 5G 24, ENWRAP 5D 22, INWRAP 5D 22, PAWED 5G 22
PAWNED 5G 24 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, NONPASTS J3 68 --- NONPAST a verb form that lacks an inflection for a past tense [n]
Other moves: NONPASTS J5 64, NO(N)PASTS 9F 64, (N)ONPASTS 9H 61, POTASS K1 44, APSOS K1 42
SPOTS 11H 25 spellcheck

On 4th draw, ARAYSE K1 57 --- ARAYSE to raise [v]
Other tops: ARSEY K3 57
Other moves: AYES K2 49, OYES K2 49, RAYS K2 49, RYES K2 49, SAY K5 49
OSPREY D3 30 spellcheck

On 5th draw, EXULTANT 10A 83 --- EXULTANT exulting [adj]
Other moves: SEXTAN 8J 63, SEXUAL 8J 63, UNTAX 1H 60, EX 6E 52, LUXATE 1H 42
LATEX 1J 13 spellcheck

On 6th draw, SUBBIE 8J 39 --- SUBBIE a subcontractor [n]
Other moves: SABINE 8J 33, SNUBBE 8J 33, ABUNA 1K 30, ABUNE 1K 30, BABU 4A 30
BABA 1H 24 spellcheck

On 7th draw, NITROGEN E8 68 --- NITROGEN a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: RINGBONE M4 64, ENROBING M4 63, ENGINE A10 27, ENGORE A10 27, ENGRAIN 1G 27
GRANNIE 1I 27 spellcheck

On 8th draw, (U)MIAQ 1H 75 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: QUOOK(E) C9 56, QUI(C)K C9 54, QUI(R)K C9 54, QUO(N)K C9 54, Q(U)OOKE A5 54
Q(U)IP D2 28 spellcheck

On 9th draw, FUROLES 2B 75 --- FUROLE a liquid obtained from bran and acid [n]
Other moves: FORLESE A4 42, OURSELF A6 42, FERULES A9 33, FORLESE A6 33, FUELERS A6 33
FLEES A8 27 ZEHAVARON, spellcheck

On 10th draw, JADE D12 53 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JIAO 4A 46, JA D12 39, JADE A7 36, JEED A8 36, RIOJA 2K 35
JADE A7 36 spellcheck, ZEHAVARON

On 11th draw, ALKYNE 8A 51 --- ALKYNE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: MEEKLY A8 48, TAMELY A7 45, LAY F12 43, LEY F12 43, TAY F12 43
MEEKLY A8 48 spellcheck

On 12th draw, COVERAGE O1 95 --- COVERAGE the extent to which something is covered [n]
Other moves: COVERAGE O5 65, GAVE F12 49, RAVE F12 47, ROVE F12 47, GOV F12 45
ENGRAVE 15D 33 spellcheck
COG C13 32 kellybelly

On 13th draw, TENENDUM 15A 99 --- TENENDUM a clause in a deed [n]
Other moves: UNTOMBED M3 84, DEMOUNTED 14D 71, DEMON 1A 41, DEMO 1A 36, DOME 1A 36
MOD C13 32 kellybelly
DEMENT 15A 27 spellcheck, ZEHAVARON

On 14th draw, ZOO 1A 43 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: ZHO 6B 39, ZHO 4B 38, ZO 1A 38, OOZE 14H 37, ZEE 6B 36
ZOO 1A 43 spellcheck, kellybelly

On 15th draw, WHIO 4A 36 --- WHIO New Zealand mountain duck [n]
Other moves: WEED F12 33, WEID F12 33, HOG 6F 31, HIN C13 30, HON C13 30
HOG 6F 31 kellybelly
OCH K10 18 spellcheck

On 16th draw, FEH N4 37 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FOH N4 37
Other moves: TEF 6D 34, FEG 6F 31, FIG 6F 31, FOG 6F 31, HOG 6F 31
TEF 6D 34 kellybelly
FAG 13C 14 spellcheck

On 17th draw, TELD F12 27 --- TELL to give a detailed account of [v]
Other tops: LOID F12 27, LOTTED 6A 27, TILTED 6A 27, TOED F12 27, TOITED 6A 27, TOLD F12 27
Other moves: LITED 6B 26, TOTED 6B 26, BLOTTED M8 22, BOTTLED M8 22, DIN C13 22
LOTTED 6A 27 kellybelly
BLOTTED M8 22 spellcheck

On 18th draw, IDIOTIC N8 24 --- IDIOT a mentally deficient person [adj] --- IDIOTIC pertaining to an idiot [adj]
Other moves: BIOTIC M8 22, CAGED 13C 22, TROOP D1 22, BIOTIC L8 20, DIG 6F 19
CAGED 13C 22 ZEHAVARON, spellcheck
COT 6B 16 kellybelly

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