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Game sheet of churchill (file), Game of July 11, 2012 at 11:11

Word find
Word played
1 ACFSTUX FAX H8 26 -2 26 1/1 FACTS H4 28 28 1/1
2 ?AGMNRW FRAM(I)NG 4H 24 -74 50 1/1 SWARM(I)NG 8H 98 126 1/1
3 AEIILOT             FOLIATE 4H 20 146 1/2
4 ?ADEMNT             D(I)AMANTE 5F 84 230 2/2
5 DEEIKNO             KENDO O1 50 280 2/2
6 BELORSU             DOUBLERS F5 65 345 2/2
7 AEEINOW             WEENIE 2J 34 379 2/2
8 EEIOSTU             EROTISE 11E 28 407 2/2
9 ACEEINO             OCEAN 1G 28 435 2/2
10 DHHIOPU             TOPHI H11 33 468 2/3
11 ADEOSVY             NOYADES N8 38 506 3/3
12 EFGGORX             FOX O13 46 552 3/3
13 DEILUYZ             ZED M11 54 606 3/3
14 AIILPRV             PRIALS 12A 24 630 3/3
15 AAILRUV             VIRAL B10 32 662 3/3
16 AGNRTVY             PYAT A12 34 696 3/3
17 EGINQTU             QUETHING 14D 75 771 3/3
18 BIJRRUV             J(I)B M7 29 800 3/3
19 GIRRUUV             VIG 15C 23 823 3/4
20 HIRRRUU             PHI 13H 23 846 3/4

Total: 50/846 or -796 for 5.910%
Rank: -

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