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Game of July 12, 2012 at 03:58, 1 player
1. 494 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefntt   H4    28    28   fatted
 2. ?acinoz   8A   107   135   canonize
 3. aillnsw   I9    66   201   inwalls
 4. aeegimw  15D    42   243   meawes
 5. dejprty  14B    58   301   predy
 6. adelnou  11E    44   345   unlawed
 7. ?egotux   C4    67   412   oxtongue
 8. aeerstv   E2    72   484   veterans
 9. ailmort  13C    37   521   amort
10. bdeiltu  12H    34   555   baled
11. aaginoy  B10    30   585   yag
12. hikopqs   B1    40   625   qoph
13. bcinosu   4A    26   651   bhoots
14. hnnorsu   J3    72   723   unshorn
15. aefiiko  13K    32   755   fike
16. aijnort   3I    42   797   junior
17. acgiotv   N9    38   835   avocet
18. eegiiru   I1    23   858   rejig

Remaining tiles: eiiiiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6502 FileZweep       2 15:40  -364  494     1.6502 Zweep       2 15:40  -364  494 

On 1st draw, FATTED H4 28 --- FAT to make plump [v]
Other moves: FATED H4 26, FATTEN H4 26, FATTED H7 24, FETTA H4 24, DEFAT H4 22
FATTED H4 28 Zweep

On 2nd draw, CA(N)ONIZE 8A 107 --- CANONIZE to declare to be a saint [v]
Other tops: CANO(N)IZE 8A 107, CA(P)ONIZE 8A 107
Other moves: (H)OACTZIN 7D 81, (H)OACTZIN 6D 72, ZACA(T)ON 5E 68, AZOTIC 6E 43, AZOT(I)C 6E 42
ZIT 6F 32 Zweep

On 3rd draw, INWALLS I9 66 --- INWALL to surround with a wall [v]
Other moves: INWALLS 5E 40, WAIS I5 37, LIAS I5 31, SAWN I8 31, SAW I8 30
WAIS I5 37 Zweep

On 4th draw, MEAWES 15D 42 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n]
Other moves: ASWIM 15H 39, GAWSIE 15F 30, IMAGES 15D 30, WAMES 15E 30, WEEMS 15E 30
IMAGES 15D 30 Zweep

On 5th draw, PREDY 14B 58 --- PREDY to make ready [v]
Other moves: JAPERY 12H 52, JADERY 12H 50, JARPED 12H 48, JAPED 12H 46, JAPER 12H 44
JETTY 6F 39 Zweep

On 6th draw, UNLAWED 11E 44 --- UNLAW to annul [v]
Other moves: DOEN J9 23, DUEL J9 23, NOEL J9 21, DAE J9 20, DOE J9 20
DE 15A 13 Zweep

On 7th draw, (O)XTO(N)GUE C4 67 --- OXTONGUE a European herb [n]
Other moves: OXT(O)(N)GUE C4 66, OXGATE(S) 5E 56, GATE(A)UX 12H 42, TAXE(D) 12H 39, TAXE(R) 12H 39
TUX 6H 26 Zweep

On 8th draw, VETERANS E2 72 --- VETERAN a former member of the armed forces [n]
Other moves: VASE 12A 37, VAST 12A 37, VEST 12A 37, VEXERS 5A 32, ARETES B1 30
VEST 12A 37 Zweep

On 9th draw, AMORT 13C 37 --- AMORT being without life [adj]
Other moves: AMATOL 12G 36, MARITAL 12H 36, MALOTI 12H 34, AMIR 13C 33, ALAMORT 12G 32
MOT B10 23 Zweep

On 10th draw, BALED 12H 34 --- BALE to form into tightly compressed bundles [v]
Other tops: BATED 12H 34
Other moves: BLUDE B1 27, BEEDI J9 25, BIDE B2 25, BLITE B1 24, BLIVE 2B 24
BAITED 5G 18 Zweep

On 11th draw, YAG B10 30 --- YAG acronym for yttrium aluminium garnet, a synthetic gemstone [n]
Other moves: YON B10 29, ALAYING 14H 28, YA B10 28, YO B10 28, YOGIN 13K 28
YOGA 13K 26 Zweep

On 12th draw, QOPH B1 40 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: QI 15A 37, KOPH B1 30, HOKI G3 28, KAPHS 5G 28, PHOS B3 28
QI 15A 37 Zweep

On 13th draw, BH(O)OTS 4A 26 --- BHOOT a small whirlwind [n]
Other tops: CH(O)UTS 4A 26
Other moves: BH(O)OT 4A 24, BO D3 24, CH(O)UT 4A 24, BISON 13K 23, BONUS 13K 23
BINS G3 18 Zweep

On 14th draw, UNSHORN J3 72 --- SHEAR to cut the hair or wool from [adj] --- UNSHORN not shorn [adj]
Other moves: FOHNS 4H 22, FROSH 4H 22, FRUSH 4H 22, NOSH 13K 21, SHORN J5 20
SHORN J5 20 Zweep

On 15th draw, FIKE 13K 32 --- FIKE to fidget restlessly [v]
Other tops: FAIK 13K 32, FAKE 13K 32
Other moves: OAF K5 26, KEEF 3D 23, FAE 13K 22, FIE 13K 22, FOE 13K 22
FIKE 13K 32 Zweep

On 16th draw, JUNIOR 3I 42 --- JUNIOR one who is lower in rank or age than another [n]
Other tops: JURANT 3I 42
Other moves: JUNTA 3I 40, JUNTO 3I 40, JURAT 3I 40, FINJAN 4H 32, JANTIER N8 32
JO 15A 31 Zweep

On 17th draw, AVOCET N9 38 --- AVOCET a wading bird [n]
Other moves: CIVET N10 32, COVET N10 32, VRAIC N2 32, VITA 14L 31, VAT 14L 29
COVET N10 32 Zweep

On 18th draw, REJIG I1 23 --- REJIG to re-equip [v]
Other moves: JIG I3 21, JUG I3 21, REGIE O5 20, EGER O6 17, EUGE O6 17
RIG O7 15 Zweep

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