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Game of July 14, 2012 at 16:11, 4 players
1. 454 pts PIThompson
2. 406 pts worsie
3. 246 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egoopu   H4    22    22   poogye
 2. abinnrt   5E    36    58   taborin
 3. aejlnst   L1    50   108   jeans
 4. einrtuw   G7    80   188   unwrite
 5. celmnor   6B    33   221   celom
 6. ?eilsty  11E    90   311   tuilyies
 7. deeirsw  14G    74   385   sweired
 8. nooprrv  15H    28   413   ono
 9. aefghru  15L    54   467   hauf
10. acellry   E8    63   530   rectally
11. addnotv  15A    36   566   toddy
12. abefmrt   1L    45   611   jamb
13. adehkvz   2J    57   668   kheda
14. aegopqr  13J    36   704   gapo
15. aeinrst   C3    70   774   arsenite
16. aeiotuv   D1    28   802   vite
17. aefgnru   1A    33   835   fauve
18. ginoqru  12A    48   883   quina
19. egiiorz  14B    47   930   zo
20. egiirvx   2A    41   971   ex

Remaining tiles: giirv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7779 FilePIThompson  7  9:05  -517  454     1.7779 PIThompson  7  9:05  -517  454 
  2.5959 Fileworsie      1 14:11  -565  406            Group: intermediate
  3.6930 Fileargomearns  2  5:52  -725  246     1.6930 argomearns  2  5:52  -725  246 
  4.  -  Filenudelily    1  1:17  -935   36            Group: novice
                                             1.5959 worsie      1 14:11  -565  406 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  nudelily    1  1:17  -935   36 

On 1st draw, POOG(Y)E H4 22 --- POOGYE an Indian nose-flute [n]
Other tops: POGOE(D) H4 22, POGOE(R) H4 22, UPGOE(S) H3 22, UPGO(N)E H3 22
Other moves: GE(T)UP H8 20, G(L)OOP H8 20, G(R)OUP H8 20, PE(N)GO H4 20, POGE(Y) H4 20

On 2nd draw, TABORIN 5E 36 --- TABORIN a small drum [n]
Other moves: ABRI I4 21, BANT G6 20, ABRIN G7 19, ABRI G7 18, ABRIN G8 18
TABORIN 5E 36 nudelily

On 3rd draw, JEANS L1 50 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other tops: JANES L1 50, JEATS L1 50
Other moves: JANES 4A 42, JEANS 4A 42, JEATS 4A 42, SEJANT 10H 38, SEJANT L4 38
JETS L2 32 argomearns

On 4th draw, UNWRITE G7 80 --- UNWRITE to undo the writing of [v]
Other moves: UNWRITE I8 66, INJURE 1J 39, WIENER 2J 34, JURE 1L 33, JUTE 1L 33

On 5th draw, CELOM 6B 33 --- CELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other tops: JEON 1L 33, JOLE 1L 33
Other moves: CLEOME 2J 32, CORMEL 4A 30, CREME 2J 30, OLM M1 29, CRENEL 2J 28
OMEN H12 28 worsie

On 6th draw, T(U)ILYIES 11E 90 --- TUILYIE to struggle [v]
Other tops: SE(N)ILITY 11D 90, (F)EISTILY 11E 90
Other moves: T(A)ILYES 14A 83, (S)TYLISE 14B 83, STYLI(S)E 14B 82, EYELI(F)TS C6 80, LY(M)ITERS 10A 79
J(O)YS 1L 39 worsie

On 7th draw, SWEIRED 14G 74 --- SWEIR [v]
Other moves: J*WS 1L 42, REWEDS 14B 39, WEIRDS 14B 39, SWEERED 2I 38, JEDI 1L 36
J*WS 1L 42 worsie

On 8th draw, ONO 15H 28 --- ONO a large mackerel [n]
Other moves: NOOP 15L 27, ROOP 15L 27, POON 10J 26, POOR 10J 26, PROO 10J 26

On 9th draw, HAUF 15L 54 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other moves: FARE 15L 45, FAUR 15L 45, FEAR 15L 45, HARE 15L 45, HEAR 15L 45
HAUF 15L 54 PIThompson
HE 10J 28 worsie

On 10th draw, RECTALLY E8 63 --- RECTAL pertaining to the rectum [adv] --- RECTALLY by way of the rectum [adv]
Other moves: AERY M1 34, ALLY M1 34, ARY M1 33, JARL 1L 33, JELL 1L 33
JELL 1L 33 PIThompson
JA 1L 9 worsie

On 11th draw, TODDY 15A 36 --- TODDY an alcoholic beverage [n]
Other tops: DANDY 15A 36, NODDY 15A 36
Other moves: JATO 1L 33, JOTA 1L 33, TOADY 15A 33, TODAY 15A 30, ADD M1 28
DANDY 15A 36 argomearns
TODDY 15A 36 PIThompson
VENT 2K 14 worsie

On 12th draw, JAMB 1L 45 --- JAMB to jam [v]
Other moves: AMBER 10I 36, BREAM 10J 35, AFREET 2I 34, JEAT 1L 33, AMBEER 2I 32
JAMB 1L 45 PIThompson, worsie
ART M1 21 argomearns

On 13th draw, KHEDA 2J 57 --- KHEDA an enclosure for elephants [n]
Other moves: HAZER 8A 54, ZEAL 14B 54, DAZER 8A 48, KHEDA 10J 48, ZA 14B 47
HAZER 8A 54 PIThompson, worsie, argomearns

On 14th draw, GAPO 13J 36 --- GAPO a flooded forest [n]
Other moves: QI J10 31, APE 10I 28, APO 10I 28, APO 13K 28, OPE 10I 28
GAPO 13J 36 PIThompson
QI J10 31 argomearns, worsie

On 15th draw, ARSENITE C3 70 --- ARSENITE a chemical salt [n]
Other tops: STRAINED C8 70
Other moves: TRAINEES C1 68, RATINES N7 67, RETAINS N7 67, RETINAS N7 67, MARINATES N1 63
SET I7 19 PIThompson
TRAINS N8 16 worsie

On 16th draw, VITE D1 28 --- VITE quickly [adv]
Other tops: VIAE D1 28, VOTE D1 28
Other moves: UVAE D1 22, VARE 4A 22, VERA 4A 22, VERT 4A 22, VIRE 4A 22
VITE D1 28 PIThompson
VETS L8 11 worsie

On 17th draw, FAUVE 1A 33 --- FAUVE a member of a group of expressionist painters [n]
Other moves: AUF B8 31, GRAVEN 1A 30, VAGUER 1D 30, FANG B10 29, FRAG B10 29
GRAVEN 1A 30 PIThompson
GRAVE 1A 27 worsie

On 18th draw, QUINA 12A 48 --- QUINA tree bark [n]
Other moves: QUARTO 12C 36, QUOIN B8 33, QI J10 31, QUANT 12C 29, QUART 12C 29
QI J10 31 PIThompson, worsie

On 19th draw, ZO 14B 47 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZIRAM F2 36, ZOEA 3I 34, GRIZE 10J 32, RIZ J4 32, ZERO I3 29
ZO 14B 47 PIThompson, argomearns
QI A12 11 worsie

On 20th draw, EX 2A 41 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EX I8 40, GREX 10J 27, XI J10 25, AXE B1 23, XI 3I 23
EX 2A 41 PIThompson
XI J10 25 argomearns
XI B8 20 worsie

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