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Game of July 15, 2012 at 06:00, 3 players
1. 405 pts denbay
2. 360 pts quirky
3. 233 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. hnoorty   H3    32    32   rhyton
 2. deeehow   G7    31    63   hewed
 3. ?eeenpv   3G    82   145   prevenes
 4. berrsty  F10    37   182   berry
 5. adeistt   N1    70   252   distaste
 6. ailnopt   5E   102   354   ponytail
 7. deeimns   O8    95   449   sidemen
 8. deioosx   1K    63   512   oxide
 9. aciilsw  H11    40   552   swail
10. aemoqru  12A    50   602   quarer
11. ?cijlos  14J    56   658   joskin
12. clmnotu   1H    54   712   monoxide
13. egilnor   C6    72   784   regional
14. abdfgko  E11    45   829   beak
15. aacotuv   L7    78   907   autovacs
16. afgilou  A12    42   949   quag
17. cgiotuz   4D    43   992   cuz
18. afgilor   M7    31  1023   flir
19. adfgiot   8A    30  1053   fagot

Remaining tiles: dgi

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4205 Filedenbay      1 15:33  -648  405     1.7521 kellybelly  1  2:50  -820  233 
  2.6550 Filequirky      1 12:40  -693  360            Group: intermediate
  3.7521 Filekellybelly  1  2:50  -820  233     1.6550 quirky      1 12:40  -693  360 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4205 denbay      1 15:33  -648  405 

On 1st draw, RHYTON H3 32 --- RHYTON an ancient Greek drinking horn [n]
Other tops: THORNY H3 32, THORNY H7 32
Other moves: HOOTY H4 30, HOOTY H8 30, HORNY H4 30, HORNY H8 30, RHYTON H4 26

On 2nd draw, HEWED G7 31 --- HEW to cut with an ax [v]
Other tops: HEWED I7 31
Other moves: HOWDY 5D 30, HOWE G7 29, HOWE I7 29, HEW G7 28, HEW I7 28
HOW 7G 17 denbay

On 3rd draw, PREVENE(S) 3G 82 --- PREVENE to precede [v]
Other tops: PREVENE(D) 3G 82
Other moves: EEVEN(S) H10 41, EVEN(S) H11 36, EVEN(T) H11 36, PREVENE 3G 32, PEEVE F10 31
HOVE 7G 14 denbay

On 4th draw, BERRY F10 37 --- BERRY to produce a small succulent fruit [v]
Other moves: RESTY 4K 33, TRYSTER 6D 33, YEST F10 31, BEYS I7 30, TRYSTE 6D 30
BERRY K2 20 denbay

On 5th draw, DI(S)TASTE N1 70 --- DISTASTE to dislike [v]
Other tops: INSTATED L2 70
Other moves: TARDIEST 13D 62, (S)TAIDEST N3 62, STRAITED 13D 61, STRIATED 13D 61, SEDATED 11E 36
DENTIST L1 20 denbay

On 6th draw, PONYTAIL 5E 102 --- PONYTAIL a hair-style [n]
Other moves: ANVILTOP J1 67, PONYTAIL 14C 65, POLYNIA 5E 48, OEDIPAL 11E 40, ALOIN O4 33
POET 8L 27 quirky
OPEN 8L 21 denbay

On 7th draw, SIDEMEN O8 95 --- SIDEMAN a member of a jazz band [n]
Other moves: DESMINE O8 92, TIDESMEN I5 78, DESMINE I7 76, DESMINE M8 75, DESMINE I8 66
DEMISED 1H 36 quirky
SEMEN 8K 24 denbay

On 8th draw, OXIDE 1K 63 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other tops: OXIDS 1K 63
Other moves: TOXOIDS 6H 62, DEX 6D 56, SEX 6D 55, SIX 6D 55, SOX 6D 55
OXIDE 1K 63 denbay
DEX 6D 56 quirky

On 9th draw, SWAIL H11 40 --- SWAIL a tract of low, marshy ground [n]
Other moves: CLAW 6C 34, SCAIL H11 34, SCAW 6C 34, CAW 6D 33, SEDILIA 11E 32
CLAW 6C 34 quirky
CLAIM 12K 18 denbay

On 10th draw, QUARER 12A 50 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: MARQUE M8 41, AQUAE J5 34, MARQUE 11J 34, MARQUE 13J 34, QUERY 14B 34
QUERY 14B 34 denbay

On 11th draw, JOS(K)IN 14J 56 --- JOSKIN a clown [n]
Other tops: JI(M)SON 14J 56, JOUL(E)S B10 56, JOU(A)LS B10 56
Other moves: JOUL(E) B10 54, JOUS(T) B10 54, JOU(A)L B10 54, JOU(G)S B10 54, JOU(K)S B10 54
CLOD 10L 9 denbay

On 12th draw, MONOXIDE 1H 54 --- MONOXIDE a type of oxide [n]
Other moves: COME E9 35, UNMOLTEN 8A 33, LOME E9 31, NEUM E11 31, NOME E9 31
T*M 6H 23 kellybelly, quirky
COST L12 14 denbay

On 13th draw, REGIONAL C6 72 --- REGIONAL something that serves as a region [n]
Other moves: PERIGONE E5 37, ELOGE E8 29, ENGORE E7 29, IGNORE E7 29, OGEE E10 29
LORINGS L8 18 kellybelly
GLIM 12L 14 denbay
ON 15J 13 quirky

On 14th draw, BEAK E11 45 --- BEAK a bird's bill [n]
Other moves: BOKE E9 43, OKE E10 37, ADOBE E8 35, KEA E11 34, BOAKS 6J 31
BASK L12 30 kellybelly
OF 6E 30 quirky
FAG 8A 21 denbay

On 15th draw, AUTOVACS L7 78 --- AUTOVAC a vacuum assisted fuel transmission [n]
Other moves: AUTOVAC M6 72, QUAT A12 39, VACUA B2 28, CAGOT 8A 27, OCTAVE 11J 22
QUAT A12 39 kellybelly
COG 8A 18 quirky
COST L12 14 denbay

On 16th draw, QUAG A12 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUAI A12 39, FUGAL 8A 30, FUGIO 4A 30, FUGIO 8A 30, IF 6E 30
QUAG A12 42 kellybelly, quirky
FAG 8A 21 denbay

On 17th draw, CUZ 4D 43 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other tops: AZOTIC J5 43, COZ 4D 43
Other moves: ZIG 8A 39, AZOIC J5 36, ZO 2F 35, COZ F4 34, ZOOT 10J 33
ZIG 8A 39 kellybelly, quirky, denbay

On 18th draw, FLIR M7 31 --- FLIR forward looking infrared radar [n]
Other tops: AFRO M6 31, FLOR M7 31
Other moves: ARGOL 6B 29, FOLIAR B2 28, FRA M7 28, FRO M7 28, FIGO 8A 27
FAG 8A 21 kellybelly, quirky, denbay

On 19th draw, FAGOT 8A 30 --- FAGOT to bind together into a bundle [v]
Other moves: FIGO 8A 27, FADO B7 25, GIGOT 8A 24, FIDO D7 23, D*G* 8A 21
FAG 8A 21 kellybelly, denbay
LOAF 15H 21 quirky

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