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Game of July 16, 2012 at 06:00, 1 player
1. 475 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acikmnn   H8    24    24   manic
 2. adfilot  12F    26    50   factoid
 3. aooqrst  11K    51   101   qats
 4. aeiilst  13A    74   175   laities
 5. aeeipru   A8    30   205   puerile
 6. aeeisvw   N4    68   273   seawives
 7. ?abenry   G3    82   355   blarney
 8. ?aeeikr   B2    78   433   earlike
 9. ceoprux  D10    46   479   cortex
10. adeglou   O3    48   527   goaled
11. ehnooty  15C    51   578   oxytone
12. bdehlou   I7    33   611   boh
13. aenosuu  J12    24   635   onus
14. ehimnot   M3    46   681   hitmen
15. addoort   H1    30   711   troad
16. fipruwz  13L    45   756   zurf
17. dggiopv   L2    29   785   dop
18. gijlnuw   J2    36   821   jungli

Remaining tiles: glvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5283 Filespellcheck  3 18:02  -346  475     1.5283 spellcheck  3 18:02  -346  475 

On 1st draw, MANIC H8 24 --- MANIC one that is affected with mania [n]
Other tops: AMNIC H8 24, MACK H5 24, MACK H6 24, MACK H7 24, MACK H8 24, MANIC H4 24, M*CK H5 24, M*CK H6 24, M*CK H7 24, M*CK H8 24
Other moves: AMNIC H4 20, KAIM H5 20, KAIM H6 20, KAIM H7 20, KAIM H8 20
MANIC H4 24 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, FACTOID 12F 26 --- FACTOID a statement said so often that it is believed to be true [n]
Other tops: DOF G7 26
Other moves: FAD G9 25, FADO G7 25, FADO I7 25, FID G9 25, FIDO I7 25
FATAL 9G 13 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, QATS 11K 51 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 11K 49, QATS M9 37, QATS 13E 32, QAT G7 30, QAT I7 30
QATS 11K 51 spellcheck

On 4th draw, LAITIES 13A 74 --- LAITY the non-clerical membership of a religious faith [n]
Other moves: LAITIES I3 67, LIAISE 13D 29, LEATS 13D 24, TAELS 13D 24, TEALS 13D 24
TEATS M8 20 spellcheck

On 5th draw, PUERILE A8 30 --- PUERILE childish [adj]
Other moves: PERAEA B10 28, PLEA A12 27, PLIE A12 27, PLUE A12 27, REPEAL A8 27
PLIE A12 27 spellcheck

On 6th draw, SEAWIVES N4 68 --- SEAWIFE a kind of wrasse, a bony fish [n]
Other moves: VAW I7 30, EWEST I8 29, VIEW I6 28, WAVIEST D7 28, WEISE B6 28
WAITS M8 23 spellcheck

On 7th draw, B(L)ARNEY G3 82 --- BLARNEY to beguile with flattery [v]
Other tops: B(L)ARNEY I3 82, (M)YRBANES 4G 82
Other moves: AB(H)ENRYS 4G 80, (M)YRBANE B2 80, B(E)ANERY I4 75, (M)YRBANE B4 75, BARNEYE(D) 5H 74
BRAIN 8K 24 spellcheck

On 8th draw, EAR(L)IKE B2 78 --- EARLIKE like an ear [adj]
Other moves: (B)EAKIER B3 76, (L)EAKIER B3 76, (P)EAKIER B3 76, (B)EAKIER I3 74, (L)EAKIER I3 74
(F)REAKS 4I 18 spellcheck

On 9th draw, CORTEX D10 46 --- CORTEX the outer layer of an organ [n]
Other moves: EXPO O1 45, XERIC 8K 45, EXO 14A 40, REX C1 40, AXE B13 38
AXE B13 38 spellcheck

On 10th draw, GOALED O3 48 --- GOAL to score a goal (a point-scoring play in some games) [v]
Other moves: AGED O5 37, ALOD O5 33, GED O6 32, GOD O6 32, ALGOID 8J 30
LAID 8L 18 spellcheck

On 11th draw, OXYTONE 15C 51 --- OXYTONE a word having heavy stress on the last syllable [n]
Other moves: HYTE A1 43, TOYON H1 38, THY A1 37, HOOTY I9 36, HOTTY I9 36
HOY A1 34 spellcheck

On 12th draw, BOH I7 33 --- BOH exclamation used to startle [interj]
Other moves: BEDU A1 32, BEHOLD 14I 32, BODE A1 32, BOH A1 31, DOH I7 31
HOB A1 30 spellcheck

On 13th draw, ONUS J12 24 --- ONUS a burden or responsibility [n]
Other tops: ONES J12 24, ONOS J12 24, OONS J12 24, SONE 13K 24
Other moves: AS J14 22, ES J14 22, OS J14 22, SANE A1 22, SENA A1 22
SONE 13K 24 spellcheck

On 14th draw, HITMEN M3 46 --- HITMAN a professional killer [n]
Other moves: HOME A1 39, THEIN H1 35, OHM A1 33, THEIN C2 33, HONE A1 31
THE A1 25 spellcheck

On 15th draw, TROAD H1 30 --- TROAD a track [n]
Other moves: DADO A1 29, DODO A1 29, DAD F8 26, ORDO A1 26, DATO A1 25
ADO H1 16 spellcheck

On 16th draw, ZURF 13L 45 --- ZURF a coffee-cup holder [n]
Other moves: ZIP 13L 41, FRIZ 4A 40, CUZ 10D 34, WAZIR 3A 34, RIZ 2H 32
FRIZ 4A 40 spellcheck

On 17th draw, DOP L2 29 --- DOP to dip [v]
Other moves: OP L3 25, DIP C6 24, DOP A1 24, DOP C6 24, FOP O13 24
DOP A1 24 spellcheck

On 18th draw, JUNGLI J2 36 --- JUNGLI an uneducated peasant [n]
Other moves: JADING 5F 30, JUD 2J 27, JAW 3A 26, JOW 11C 26, WRING 4A 26
JAW 3A 26 spellcheck

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