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Game of July 17, 2012 at 05:53, 2 players
1. 417 pts spellcheck
2. 23 pts ZEHAVARON

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eekmruy   H8    36    36   murky
 2. ?aijlno  11H    32    68   kanji
 3. ?cdeilr   8H    86   154   merchild
 4. adegnot  12K    29   183   anted
 5. cehortt   M3    86   269   trochite
 6. adefhno  N10    51   320   foehn
 7. ?ggnopu  O12    28   348   doup
 8. ?aelsuw   4G    72   420   waulkers
 9. aaaditv   H1    24   444   diva
10. agilnov   5D    30   474   avion
11. eloqstu   D1    50   524   quotas
12. eeilnrt  12A    74   598   entirely
13. aeeglno   C6    74   672   elongate
14. aeeiprs   B2    81   753   epeiras
15. aabostx   A1    40   793   stob
16. aabfirw   8A    33   826   isobar
17. adfgioz  14C    46   872   diazo
18. aefggmw  15E    47   919   wame
19. efggixy  11C    33   952   axe

Remaining tiles: fggiy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5303 Filespellcheck  2 16:39  -535  417     1.5303 spellcheck  2 16:39  -535  417 
  2.3947 FileZEHAVARON   0  2:20  -929   23            Group: not rated
                                             1.3947 ZEHAVARON   0  2:20  -929   23 

On 1st draw, MURKY H8 36 --- MURKY dark [adj]
Other moves: MURKY H4 34, REEKY H8 32, REKEY H8 32, EMERY H8 28, MURKY H5 28
MURKY H8 36 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, KANJI 11H 32 --- KANJI a system of Japanese writing characters [n]
Other tops: JIN(G)KO 11D 32, JOIN(T)LY 12B 32, JOKIL(Y) 11F 32, JOKIN(G) 11F 32, JO(S)KIN 11E 32, KANJI(S) 11H 32
Other moves: JALO(P)Y 12C 30, JAN(G)LY 12C 30, JARIN(A) 10F 30, JAR(G)ON 10F 30, JAR(O)OL 10F 30
JOKIN(G) 11F 32 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, MERC(H)ILD 8H 86 --- MERCHILD a fish with the body of a child [n]
Other moves: CREDI(B)LY 12A 82, DIREC(T)LY 12A 80, CLERID(S) M5 77, RIDIC(U)LE L8 74, C(H)ILDER I3 72
CR(A)DLER 10B 17 spellcheck

On 4th draw, ANTED 12K 29 --- ANTE to put a fixed stake into the pot before the cards are dealt in poker [v]
Other moves: ANODE 12K 27, ATONE 12K 25, OATEN 12J 25, ODEA 12K 25, ADO 12K 23
ONE 12K 19 spellcheck

On 5th draw, TROCHITE M3 86 --- TROCHITE an encrinite joint [n]
Other moves: CHEERO N10 34, ROTCHIE M3 34, CHEER N10 32, CHERE N10 32, CHERT N10 32
TETCHY 12C 28 spellcheck

On 6th draw, FOEHN N10 51 --- FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n]
Other moves: HALED N6 50, HOLED N6 50, HALON N6 44, ENHALO N4 43, DHOLE N5 42
DEAF O12 24 spellcheck

On 7th draw, DOUP O12 28 --- DOUP the posterior, or bottom of anything [n]
Other moves: DO(U)P O12 24, D(O)UP O12 24, PORG(I)NG J6 24, PUGGY 12D 24, PUGG(R)Y 12C 24
(S)PONGY 12C 22 spellcheck

On 8th draw, WAUL(K)ERS 4G 72 --- WAULKER a fuller of cloth [n]
Other moves: WAUL(K)ERS J2 68, W(H)EAL L1 30, WASE(S) L1 29, WA(S)ES L1 29, WUSE(S) L1 29
WASP 15L 25 spellcheck

On 9th draw, DIVA H1 24 --- DIVA a distinguished female operatic singer [n]
Other moves: TAVA H1 21, VALID J2 21, VITA H1 21, AVID G12 17, VARA 10F 17
DATA H1 15 spellcheck

On 10th draw, AVION 5D 30 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other moves: ALONG 5E 29, TOGA M12 26, LONGA 5F 25, AGON 5E 24, TOG M12 24
LOVING 2E 16 spellcheck

On 11th draw, QUOTAS D1 50 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QUOTA D1 48, SUQ 6H 42, QUESTOR 10B 38, QUIETS 2F 37, QUILTS 2F 37
QUOTER 10C 17 spellcheck

On 12th draw, ENTIRELY 12A 74 --- ENTIRELY completely [adv]
Other tops: LIENTERY 12A 74
Other moves: INERTLY 12B 20, NITRYL 12D 20, EERILY 12C 18, IRE E1 18, LENITY 12C 18
QI 1D 11 spellcheck

On 13th draw, ELONGATE C6 74 --- ELONGATE to lengthen [v]
Other moves: TOGA M12 26, TOGE M12 26, TOG M12 24, GENNEL B10 22, LEONE 13A 22
ANGLE A8 18 spellcheck

On 14th draw, EPEIRAS B2 81 --- EPEIRA a type of spider [n]
Other moves: PEREIRAS E7 70, SPEARIER E8 70, SERAPE B2 41, ASPIRE 14B 30, ESPIER 14B 30
PRAISE A7 24 spellcheck

On 15th draw, STOB A1 40 --- STOB to stab [v]
Other moves: SAX 6H 36, SEXTO A11 36, SOX 6H 36, TEXAS A11 36, TUX 9G 36
BOXES A9 14 spellcheck

On 16th draw, ISOBAR 8A 33 --- ISOBAR a type of atom [n]
Other moves: BI A7 26, FAW 13I 26, WAI D8 25, FAB 13I 24, FERIA A11 24
DWARF 1H 16 spellcheck

On 17th draw, DIAZO 14C 46 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other moves: FORZA 10F 42, ZARF 10F 41, OZALID J1 40, FORZANDI J6 39, IZARD 10E 38
FRIZ F7 36 spellcheck

On 18th draw, WAME 15E 47 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other moves: GAME 15E 39, AWE 15F 34, GEEGAW A10 33, FAME 15G 32, FAW 15G 32
AWE 15F 34 spellcheck

On 19th draw, AXE 11C 33 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: FE 6F 32, FLEX J3 30, FLIX J3 30, GREX F7 28, YEX 7E 28
JAY K11 13 spellcheck

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