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Game of July 17, 2012 at 06:39, 1 player
1. 486 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aailosz   H4    48    48   zilas
 2. aloorst   5E    82   130   ostiolar
 3. dgirstu   4K    21   151   duits
 4. ?egilrv   8A    89   240   virgules
 5. aceekno   3J    41   281   nock
 6. ?eegjuu   4A    41   322   jugum
 7. aadioty   O4    27   349   sayid
 8. aefgmnt   C7    88   437   fragment
 9. aeeltuv   6K    30   467   leavy
10. abehinp   A1    51   518   bhaji
11. adennty  14A    34   552   tetany
12. bdeorsw  13F    75   627   browsed
13. eehinot  14I    39   666   ethion
14. defiimn  15L    40   706   mien
15. aadeopr   2A    32   738   harped
16. aeeiorx  A11    60   798   axite
17. efoortw   1E    97   895   woofter
18. ceeioru  15F    23   918   eco
19. einpqru   J8    36   954   inquest

Remaining tiles: pr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5300 Filespellcheck  1 20:22  -468  486     1.5300 spellcheck  1 20:22  -468  486 

On 1st draw, ZILAS H4 48 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other moves: LAZOS H4 30, LAZOS H8 30, ZILAS H8 30, LAZOS H5 28, LAZOS H6 28
ZAS H7 24 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, OSTIOLAR 5E 82 --- OSTIOLAR pertaining to a ostiole [adj] --- OSTIOLE a small bodily opening [adj]
Other moves: ISOLATOR 5H 66, LORIOTS 5E 28, OORIALS 5E 28, TROOZ 4D 28, LOTAS I3 25
SAT I3 17 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, DUITS 4K 21 --- DUIT an old Dutch coin [n]
Other tops: DURST 4K 21
Other moves: DRUGS 4A 20, GIRDS 4A 20, GRIDS 4A 20, GUIDS 4A 20, T*RDS 4K 20
GRIST L4 14 spellcheck

On 4th draw, VIRG(U)LES 8A 89 --- VIRGULE a diagonal printing mark used to separate alternatives [n]
Other moves: VELIG(E)RS 8A 86, V(E)LIGERS 8A 86, OVERGIL(D) E5 72, OVERGIL(T) E5 72, (C)LAVIGER 7F 67
SILVER(Y) O4 27 spellcheck

On 5th draw, NOCK 3J 41 --- NOCK to notch a bow or arrow [v]
Other moves: CONK 3J 39, NOCAKE 4A 34, SNACK O4 33, SNECK O4 33, OKA 3L 31
SNACK O4 33 spellcheck

On 6th draw, JUGU(M) 4A 41 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: JEU(N)E G7 37, GJUS O1 36, JEE G7 36, JEE(D) G7 36, JEE(L) G7 36
JUGS O1 36 spellcheck

On 7th draw, SAYID O4 27 --- SAYID a title of respect for a Muslim dignitary [n]
Other tops: DAISY O1 27, DITSY O1 27
Other moves: DOILY 6E 25, DAYS O1 24, DOYS O1 24, SATAY O4 24, YADS O1 24
Y*DS O1 24 spellcheck

On 8th draw, FRAGMENT C7 88 --- FRAGMENT to break into pieces [v]
Other moves: FANJET A1 48, FAE N6 35, TEF N4 32, FA N6 31, GANEF 3B 31
FLAME F7 16 spellcheck

On 9th draw, LEAVY 6K 30 --- LEAVY leafy [adj]
Other moves: LEVY 6L 24, ELEVATE 12A 22, ELEVATE 12C 22, VALUE 2F 22, VAUTE 2F 22
VELVET A8 13 spellcheck

On 10th draw, BHAJI A1 51 --- BHAJI in Indian cookery, an appetizer [n]
Other moves: BENJ A1 39, HEAP D12 38, BHEL 6E 36, HELP 6F 36, INHALE 6D 36
PATH 14A 18 spellcheck

On 11th draw, TETANY 14A 34 --- TETANY a condition marked by painful muscular spasms [n]
Other moves: NYED D12 31, TYED D12 31, HANTED 2A 28, AYU B2 27, DYE D12 27
HANDY 2A 24 spellcheck

On 12th draw, BROWSED 13F 75 --- BROWSE to look at casually [v]
Other moves: BOWETS A10 45, DOERS 15D 36, EDS 15A 36, ODS 15A 36, WETS A12 33
WETS A12 33 spellcheck

On 13th draw, ETHION 14I 39 --- ETHION a pesticide [n]
Other moves: OHONE H11 36, THETE A11 36, EOTHEN 15F 35, ETHION 15F 35, THOLE 6E 35
TEETH A11 27 spellcheck

On 14th draw, MIEN 15L 40 --- MIEN demeanor [n]
Other moves: NIEF 15L 33, DEAF D12 32, FEM 15G 32, ENUF B2 31, FEM 15M 31
MITE A12 27 spellcheck

On 15th draw, HARPED 2A 32 --- HARP to play on a harp (a type of stringed musical instrument) [v]
Other moves: EARD 15F 30, HOARED 2A 28, DOER 12H 27, PATE A12 27, POTE A12 27
EARD 15F 30 spellcheck

On 16th draw, AXITE A11 60 --- AXITE a fiber of an axon [n]
Other moves: ORIXA 1D 49, RAX 15G 43, REX 15G 43, AX 15A 42, EX 15A 42
OX 15A 42 spellcheck

On 17th draw, WOOFTER 1E 97 --- WOOFTER (offensive) a male homosexual [n]
Other moves: WOOFER 1E 44, WEFT 1E 38, WOOF 1E 38, GROOF D8 37, FOETOR 1E 35
FET 15G 24 spellcheck

On 18th draw, ECO 15F 23 --- ECO ecology [n]
Other tops: ECU 15F 23
Other moves: CEE 15G 21, CUE 15G 21, ICE 15G 21, CIEL 6E 18, COIL 6E 18
ECO 15F 23 spellcheck

On 19th draw, INQUEST J8 36 --- INQUEST a legal inquiry [n]
Other moves: QUEST J10 34, QUIST J10 34, Q(U)IPU E7 30, PIQUED 8J 28, Q(U)ERN E7 26
QUIST J10 34 spellcheck

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