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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of July 17, 2012 at 11:53

Word find
Word played
1 INOPTUY             POINTY H7 30 30  
2 ?AFIITX             (F)IXATIF I2 78 108  
3 ADERRSW             AWARDERS 5G 74 182  
4 ?DGHORS             DRO(O)GISH 9C 85 267  
5 CEEFJRS             RESEW H1 40 307  
6 AILORUY             LOUSY N2 32 339  
7 AAGILRT             ATTAGIRL 11G 68 407  
8 CEEGNRU             URGENCE 6A 70 477  
9 ADEFIIM             FLAMED N10 40 517  
10 ABEIOPU             BOEP O1 44 561  
11 CDIMOTU MODI O12 53   53 4/4       614 4/4
12 BEJOTVW JOR M3 45   98 1/4       659 3/5
13 EILNNOT LENTEN L4 26 -44 124 1/5 LENITION L8 70 729 3/5
14 CEIIKSW WRICKS D8 38 -7 162 2/5 WICKEN 15G 45 774 3/6
15 AAEENTV EVEN O6 26 -13 188 2/3 AVAUNT A3 39 813 3/6
16 AHNOTUV HON 10F 30   218 2/3       843 3/6
17 ABEILTV BRAVE D8 26 -8 244 2/3 ALIVE O6 34 877 3/6
18 AINQTUZ QI 10B 34 -34 278 2/4 QUINZE D1 68 945 3/6
19 ABEESTU USE 7C 35 -16 313 2/4 BASQUE 1A 51 996 3/6

Total: 313/996 or -683 for 31.42%
Rank: 7591

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