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Game of July 18, 2012 at 21:19, 2 players
1. 102 pts SQUAW1
2. 17 pts primrose

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bmosuwy   H8    38    38   womby
 2. deegnrw   I5    29    67   endew
 3. defilms   5H    78   145   medflies
 4. ?aaepqy   O1    60   205   queys
 5. aehrssu  11E    36   241   surbase
 6. agnooru   H1    27   268   garum
 7. eioppru   G6    35   303   proper
 8. adgkntu   N2    41   344   naked
 9. ?aacgsz   L1    48   392   zygal
10. dhlootu   L8    91   483   holdout
11. abnorsu   1A    86   569   osnaburg
12. aeginot   C1    70   639   negation
13. aceotvx   B5    55   694   exo
14. eiiilor   8L    21   715   hili
15. aceittv   A7    94   809   cavetti
16. cijnort  13I    40   849   jotun
17. aehnrtv  14J    49   898   hater
18. afilrtv  B10    34   932   fiat
19. ceiinrv   E5    24   956   crivens

Remaining tiles: eiil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6222 FileSQUAW1      2  2:22  -854  102     1.6222 SQUAW1      2  2:22  -854  102 
  2.3925 Fileprimrose    0  1:13  -939   17            Group: not rated
                                             1.3925 primrose    0  1:13  -939   17 

On 1st draw, WOMBY H8 38 --- WOMBY hollow [adj]
Other tops: WOMBY H4 38
Other moves: SYBOW H8 34, WOMBS H4 32, WOMBY H5 30, WOMBY H6 30, WOMBY H7 30

On 2nd draw, ENDEW I5 29 --- ENDEW to endow [v]
Other moves: EWE I8 28, DEW I7 27, DREW I6 27, GREW I6 27, GREWED I4 27

On 3rd draw, MEDFLIES 5H 78 --- MEDFLY a Mediterranean fruit fly [n]
Other tops: MEDFLIES 5C 78
Other moves: FIMBLES 11E 56, MISFEED 5E 52, DIMBLES 11E 48, DISME H1 35, FELID H1 33
SMILE J2 17 primrose

On 4th draw, Q(U)EYS O1 60 --- QUEY a young cow [n]
Other tops: Q(U)AYS O1 60
Other moves: Q(U)EASY O1 54, PAYSA(G)E O2 45, Q(U)ENA 6F 44, APAYS O1 42, AQ(U)AS O1 42

On 5th draw, SURBASE 11E 36 --- SURBASE a molding or border above the base of a structure [n]
Other moves: SURAH 4D 35, HAREM H1 33, RHEUM H1 33, ASH 6L 31, ASHY 4L 31

On 6th draw, GARUM H1 27 --- GARUM a thick sauce [n]
Other tops: GONER N2 27, GROOM H1 27
Other moves: UNARM H1 24, OGAM 10E 22, ORGANUM 10B 22, AGON G6 21, GANE N2 21

On 7th draw, PROPER G6 35 --- PROPER a portion of the Mass [n] --- PROPER a part of the Mass [n] --- PROPER suitable [adj]
Other moves: ROPER G7 32, PEP G7 30, POP G7 30, P**P G6 29, PREP G6 29

On 8th draw, NAKED N2 41 --- NAKED being without clothing or covering [adj]
Other moves: DANK L11 29, DUKA L11 29, DUNK L11 29, DUKING M2 28, DAK L11 27

On 9th draw, Z(Y)GAL L1 48 --- ZYGAL formed like the letter [adj]
Other moves: SA(D)ZA L11 38, S(P)AZA L11 38, AGAZ(E) 10K 36, GAZALS L1 36, ASS(E)Z J10 35

On 10th draw, HOLDOUT L8 91 --- HOLDOUT one who delays signing a contract [n]
Other moves: HOLDOUTS E4 74, HUT F10 30, DHOL L11 27, DOTH L11 27, OOH F6 26

On 11th draw, OSNABURG 1A 86 --- OSNABURG a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: BARONS 15G 40, BOURNS 15G 40, BURANS 15G 40, UNBARS 15G 40, BARNS 15H 37

On 12th draw, NEGATION C1 70 --- NEGATION the act of negating [n]
Other moves: OATEN 2B 30, AHING 8K 27, EHING 8K 27, OHING 8K 27, THAGI 8K 27

On 13th draw, EXO B5 55 --- EXO excellent (Australian slang) [adj]
Other tops: TAX B4 55, TEX B4 55
Other moves: AX B5 52, EX B5 52, COXA M7 48, VEX M7 47, VOX M7 47

On 14th draw, HILI 8L 21 --- HILUS a small opening in a bodily organ [n]
Other tops: DOER J5 21, HEIL 8L 21, HEIR 8L 21, HELO 8L 21, HERL 8L 21, HERO 8L 21, HIOI 8L 21, HIRE 8L 21, HOER 8L 21, HOLE 8L 21, HORE 8L 21, HORI 8L 21
Other moves: LIER M4 19, REOIL A7 18, ALOE D1 17, ARIL D1 17, LIE M4 17

On 15th draw, CAVETTI A7 94 --- CAVETTO a concave moulding [n]
Other moves: VITICETA O7 64, CAVETTI 14H 40, TIETAC A7 36, VATIC 14J 36, CAVIE A7 35

On 16th draw, JOTUN 13I 40 --- JOTUN a giant [n]
Other moves: CITRON 14J 28, JIRD J2 28, JUNCO 13K 28, TENOR 2B 28, JETTON 5A 26

On 17th draw, HATER 14J 49 --- HATER one that hates [n]
Other moves: NAH 14H 36, RAH 14H 36, AH 14I 35, HUNTER F10 35, THENAR N10 35

On 18th draw, FIAT B10 34 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other tops: FURAL F10 34
Other moves: FURL F10 31, FUR F10 30, FA B10 28, VIFDA J2 26, FIER 2A 25

On 19th draw, CRIVENS E5 24 --- CRIVENS an exclamation expressing amazement [interj]
Other moves: ERN J7 22, RUNIC F10 22, IRENICS E5 18, IVIED J1 17, NEVI D7 17

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