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Game of July 19, 2012 at 04:13, 1 player
1. 499 pts Zweep

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehlnvy   H8    36    36   heavy
 2. abdeirv   I5    29    65   adverb
 3. ?aeemss   5E    86   151   amesaces
 4. dehlrtu   4A    89   240   hurtled
 5. aefiino   A1    33   273   foehn
 6. dgimotw   L3    30   303   wisdom
 7. ablnort   J8    35   338   tabor
 8. aceijor   3J    32   370   jowari
 9. adeenpu   N1    84   454   unreaped
10. ainoost   C3    70   524   orations
11. ?iiiktu   8A    36   560   atok
12. giilost   O6    92   652   oligist
13. agnqrux  N10    69   721   quag
14. elnrwxy  K10    44   765   ex
15. acpruwz   1M    42   807   cuz
16. aeiloru  L11    22   829   oiler
17. aeinrtw  15H   149   978   interwar
18. gilnpuy  14B    83  1061   uplying

Remaining tiles: cefin

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6512 FileZweep       3 18:29  -562  499     1.6512 Zweep       3 18:29  -562  499 

On 1st draw, HEAVY H8 36 --- HEAVY a villain [n] --- HEAVY having much weight [adj]
Other tops: HEAVY H4 36
Other moves: HALVE H4 30, HAVEN H4 30, HAYLE H4 30, HYENA H4 30, LEAVY H8 30
HEAVY H4 36 Zweep

On 2nd draw, ADVERB I5 29 --- ADVERB a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb [n]
Other tops: ADVERB G5 29
Other moves: BRAVED G4 28, BRAVED I4 28, VERBID I4 27, VADE G7 26, VADE I7 26
VARVED 11E 26 Zweep

On 3rd draw, AMESA(C)ES 5E 86 --- AMESACE bad luck [n]
Other moves: MEAS(L)ES J8 80, MESE(T)AS J8 80, MESSA(G)E J8 80, SEAME(R)S J8 78, (S)ESAMES J8 77
SESAME J1 21 Zweep

On 4th draw, HURTLED 4A 89 --- HURTLE to rush violently [v]
Other moves: HURTLED 6A 76, RUTHS H1 36, HURDLE 4A 34, DERTH 4K 33, HERDS H1 33
HERD 4K 25 Zweep

On 5th draw, FOEHN A1 33 --- FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n]
Other moves: FAINE 4K 27, FAINS L1 24, FANES L1 24, FANOS L1 24, FENIS L1 24
FOU B2 12 Zweep

On 6th draw, WISDOM L3 30 --- WISDOM the power of true and right discernment [n]
Other moves: MOW 6E 29, OMIGOD 2A 28, DOW 6E 27, GODWIT 3F 27, W*G 6E 27
W*G 4K 23 Zweep

On 7th draw, TABOR J8 35 --- TABOR to beat on a small drum [v]
Other moves: NAB J8 33, TAB J8 33, BARTON 6B 30, BLAWORT 3I 30, ABORT J9 29
BON M2 22 Zweep

On 8th draw, JOWARI 3J 32 --- JOWARI durra (Indian millet) [n]
Other moves: RIOJA 3F 31, JOE M1 30, JOWAR 3J 30, AREIC K10 28, CROWEA 3I 28
JOE M1 30 Zweep

On 9th draw, UNREAPED N1 84 --- UNREAPED not reaped [adj]
Other moves: UNREAPED C2 82, UNIPED O1 36, APED K10 32, PAINED O1 30, PEINED O1 30
MADE 8L 21 Zweep

On 10th draw, ORATIONS C3 70 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other moves: IOTAS O5 32, NATIS O5 32, NOSTOI O7 32, SATIN O5 32, TOISON O7 32
TOONS O7 26 Zweep

On 11th draw, (A)TOK 8A 36 --- ATOK a skunk [n]
Other tops: IK(A)T M6 36, K(N)UT 1L 36, T(O)OK 8A 36
Other moves: TIKI O7 35, TIKI(S) O7 35, UK(E) M6 34, KUTI M7 32, KUTI(S) M7 32
T(O)OK 8A 36 Zweep

On 12th draw, OLIGIST O6 92 --- OLIGIST crystallized haematite [n]
Other moves: OLIGIST O8 86, OLIGIST M6 77, OLIGIST M8 74, SIGLOI O7 35, TOILS O1 31
LOGS O7 26 Zweep

On 13th draw, QUAG N10 69 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUA N10 67, XU N10 52, AX K10 44, AX B1 41, QUA 1M 36
QUAG N10 69 Zweep

On 14th draw, EX K10 44 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: EX B1 41, WEX 6E 39, YEX 6E 39, WEX K11 38, YEX K11 38
EX B1 41 Zweep

On 15th draw, CUZ 1M 42 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: CAZ M12 39, CUZ M12 39, CRAZY 12D 38, PAIR O1 38, PUIR O1 38
WAR M12 24 Zweep

On 16th draw, OILER L11 22 --- OILER one that oils [n]
Other tops: ORIEL L11 22, OURIE L11 22
Other moves: OLID 6F 20, ORAL M11 20, OURALI B10 20, REI 6E 19, ROE 6E 19
RAIL M12 17 Zweep

On 17th draw, INTERWAR 15H 149 --- INTERWAR happening between wars [adj]
Other moves: (A)NTIWEAR A8 92, INTERWAR 15E 83, TAWNIER 15F 30, TINWARE 15G 30, WARTIER 15F 30
TWINER 15G 27 Zweep

On 18th draw, UPLYING 14B 83 --- UPLYING pertaining to upland, elevated [adj]
Other moves: GU 14N 42, QUAGGA N10 34, PUY 6E 29, GUY 6E 27, YUG 6E 27
PLYING 14C 17 Zweep

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