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Game of July 20, 2012 at 06:09, 4 players
1. 438 pts spellcheck
2. 377 pts kellybelly
3. 146 pts ELCEE

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deegnoy   H8    28    28   dogey
 2. defgmot   I9    30    58   moted
 3. ailorsu   G3    69   127   ouralis
 4. deinrst   4C    72   199   intrudes
 5. eelosst   E4    82   281   teleosts
 6. ?aeilmr   3I    81   362   mineral
 7. aeginou   2J    37   399   genoa
 8. ?ceeqtu   1F    55   454   coquet
 9. bceeino   J8    29   483   neb
10. afinntw  J12    30   513   waft
11. hiinoru   2D    29   542   noh
12. aciptuy  15H    42   584   titupy
13. adgilnr   M8    78   662   daringly
14. aeikrvv   O3    42   704   lekvar
15. anopruv   8A    42   746   parvo
16. abhiouz   1A    51   797   zobu
17. aeefhin   2A    31   828   ah
18. aeeiowx   3B    42   870   ox
19. aeiiijn   A1    39   909   zanja
20. eefiiiw   4L    25   934   we
21. cefiiii   1N    21   955   fe

Remaining tiles: ciiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5343 Filespellcheck  2 21:17  -517  438     1.7475 kellybelly  6 11:39  -578  377 
  2.7475 Filekellybelly  6 11:39  -578  377            Group: intermediate
  3.6188 FileELCEE       1  5:44  -809  146     1.6188 ELCEE       1  5:44  -809  146 
  4.3936 FileZEHAVARON   0  1:29  -949    6            Group: novice
                                             1.5343 spellcheck  2 21:17  -517  438 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3936 ZEHAVARON   0  1:29  -949    6 

On 1st draw, DOGEY H8 28 --- DOGEY a stray calf [n]
Other moves: NEEDY H8 26, YOGEE H4 26, DOGEY H4 24, DOYEN H4 22, NOYED H8 22

On 2nd draw, MOTED I9 30 --- MOTED having a mote [adj]
Other moves: GEMOT I7 28, MODE I9 28, DOME I9 26, MOTE I9 26, DEF I7 25
FOGEY 12D 24 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, OURALIS G3 69 --- OURALI a plant which yields curare [n]
Other moves: OURALIS J3 64, ORALS G8 28, OARS G9 24, LIRAS G7 23, SORAL G7 23
SAILOR G4 17 spellcheck

On 4th draw, INTRUDES 4C 72 --- INTRUDE to thrust or force oneself in [v]
Other moves: NURDIEST 4F 70, TINDERS J3 68, DETRAINS 6C 63, RANDIEST 6F 63, STRAINED 6D 63
DINERS 13I 14 spellcheck

On 5th draw, TELEOSTS E4 82 --- TELEOST a bony fish [n]
Other moves: TELOSES 3I 71, TOELESS 3I 71, OSSELETS J2 68, TOELESS 5I 68, NOTELESS D4 59
TOILS C2 10 spellcheck

On 6th draw, MI(N)ERAL 3I 81 --- MINERAL a naturally occurring inorganic substance having a characteristic set of physical properties [n]
Other tops: MAILER(S) 3I 81, MAL(M)IER 3I 81, MAL(T)IER 3I 81, MARLIE(R) 3I 81, MARLI(N)E 3I 81, MARLI(T)E 3I 81, MA(N)LIER 3I 81, MA(R)LIER 3I 81, MEALI(E)R 3I 81, MIRA(B)LE 3I 81, MIRA(C)LE 3I 81
Other moves: M(E)ALIER 3I 80, RAILME(N) 3I 73, RAMIL(I)E 3I 73, RAM(I)LIE 3I 73, REALI(S)M 3I 73
MARLI(N)E 3I 31 spellcheck

On 7th draw, GENOA 2J 37 --- GENOA a large triangular sail [n]
Other tops: GENUA 2J 37
Other moves: EOAN J9 27, EULOGIA O1 27, LINGUAE O3 27, NILGAU O1 27, LAGUNE O3 24
LOUNGE O3 24 spellcheck

On 8th draw, C(O)QUET 1F 55 --- COQUET to flirt [v]
Other moves: C(H)EQUE 1E 53, QUE(M)E 1H 52, EQU(A)TE 1E 47, QUET(H)E 1E 47, QU(I)ET J6 47
QUIETE(D) C2 32 spellcheck

On 9th draw, NEB J8 29 --- NEB of birds, to touch bills [v] --- NEB the beak of a bird [n]
Other moves: OBE 1M 23, OBI 1M 23, BIOCIDE 8C 22, BIONIC C3 22, COB 3A 22
NICE C3 12 spellcheck

On 10th draw, WAFT J12 30 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v]
Other moves: FAWN G11 26, WAFT G11 26, FA 4L 25, FAW G11 25, WAIF J12 24
AW D7 20 kellybelly
FAINT C2 16 spellcheck

On 11th draw, NOH 2D 29 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other moves: OH 2E 28, UH 2E 28, RHINO 8A 27, NORTH 15G 24, RHO 3B 24
RHINO 8A 27 spellcheck
NORTH 15G 24 kellybelly

On 12th draw, TITUPY 15H 42 --- TITUPY unsteady [adj]
Other tops: CATTY 15H 42, CUTTY 15H 42, PATTY 15H 42, PAUCITY 15E 42, PUTTY 15H 42
Other moves: TIPCAT 15J 39, TITUPY 15J 36, ACUITY 15F 33, YUCA 1A 33, ATTIC 15H 30
PUTTY 15H 42 kellybelly
PATTY 15H 42 spellcheck

On 13th draw, DARINGLY M8 78 --- DARINGLY in a brave manner [adv]
Other moves: LADLING O3 30, LARDING O3 30, DALI 4L 29, GRANDLY M9 28, DINGO 8A 27
LARDING O3 30 kellybelly
DINGO 8A 27 spellcheck

On 14th draw, LEKVAR O3 42 --- LEKVAR a prune butter [n]
Other moves: KIVA 1A 39, VIVA 1A 36, VIVE 1A 36, LAIKER O3 33, LAKIER O3 33
KIVA 1A 39 kellybelly
DAK 8M 24 spellcheck

On 15th draw, PARVO 8A 42 --- PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n]
Other moves: RAUPO 8A 30, ARVO 1A 27, NOVA 1A 27, URVA 1A 27, VROU 1A 27
PARVO 8A 42 kellybelly
VAIN 11K 14 spellcheck

On 16th draw, ZOBU 1A 51 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOBU L9 51
Other moves: ZHO 3B 43, ZOBU 3A 41, BAIZA B7 36, ZINEB J6 36, ZHO 3A 34
ZOA 14F 34 kellybelly
ZHO 1B 19 spellcheck

On 17th draw, AH 2A 31 --- AH to make a sound of delight [v] --- AH used to express delight, relief, or contempt [interj]
Other moves: FAH 3A 28, FEH 3A 28, FAITH 10B 27, FA 4L 25, FE 4L 25
AH 2A 31 kellybelly, spellcheck

On 18th draw, OX 3B 42 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: AXE L10 35, EXO L10 35, XI L11 31, WEXE K5 30, EXEAT 10A 28
OX 3B 42 kellybelly
XI C3 18 spellcheck

On 19th draw, ZANJA A1 39 --- ZANJA an irrigation canal [n]
Other moves: JAI 14F 28, JAIL 6B 27, JEAN B6 27, JEAT 10B 27, JANE K5 24
JEAN B6 27 spellcheck
JEAT 10B 27 kellybelly

On 20th draw, WE 4L 25 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: FE 4L 25
Other moves: EF 4L 22, ENEW 12L 22, WIFE K5 22, WIFE L7 22, FE 1N 21
WE 4L 25 kellybelly
WAIF B7 18 spellcheck

On 21th draw, FE 1N 21 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: FICE K5 20, EF N10 16, FIE 14F 16, EF B5 15, EF L8 15
FE 1N 21 kellybelly
FACE B7 11 spellcheck

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