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Game of July 20, 2012 at 07:00, 2 players
1. 486 pts jimbo
2. 468 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abdgov   H4    26    26   vocab
 2. ?aeeehr   8H    89   115   beheader
 3. dejnrsu   J6    33   148   jehus
 4. innortu   N7    70   218   neutrino
 5. eiinsty   6A    70   288   syenitic
 6. adegiln   E4    90   378   gliadine
 7. aoprtuy   D9    88   466   outpray
 8. ilnorst   A4    77   543   nostrils
 9. addempw  O12    45   588   dawd
10. adfgilp  M12    37   625   fap
11. aeilmrt   K5   105   730   materiel
12. efgiost  15A    33   763   fogy
13. aeloswz   D1    52   815   zoea
14. elostvx  13B    48   863   vortex
15. egloqsu   1A    48   911   glozes
16. abceimr   L1    44   955   camber
17. deiinqu   1H    51  1006   quince
18. cdhiikw  14F    43  1049   hick

Remaining tiles: diw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6227 Filejimbo       1 14:02  -563  486     1.6227 jimbo       1 14:02  -563  486 
  2.5352 Filespellcheck  2 16:50  -581  468            Group: novice
                                             1.5352 spellcheck  2 16:50  -581  468 

On 1st draw, VO(C)AB H4 26 --- VOCAB a vocabulary [n]
Other tops: BOV(I)D H4 26
Other moves: BA(N)DOG H4 24, BOD(E)GA H4 24, BOD(R)AG H4 24, BOV(I)D H8 24, B(R)AVO H4 24
BADG(E) H4 22 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, BEHEA(D)ER 8H 89 --- BEHEADER one that beheads [n]
Other moves: HE(T)AERAE 7B 63, HE(T)AERAE 7E 61, HAERE(S) G7 26, HAERE(S) I7 26, HAREE(M) G7 26
HEAR(S) 9D 17 jimbo
VEERE(D) 4H 16 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, JEHUS J6 33 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: JADE 7G 32, RESOUND 5E 32, UNDOERS 5E 32, ADJURES L8 30, JAUNSED L7 30
JADE 7G 32 jimbo

On 4th draw, NEUTRINO N7 70 --- NEUTRINO a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: INTONER K3 27, INTONE K3 23, NONET K5 23, NOTER K5 23, TONER K5 23
ROTE K5 19 jimbo
INTRO K2 19 spellcheck

On 5th draw, SYENITI(C) 6A 70 --- SYENITE an igneous rock [adj] --- SYENITIC pertaining to [adj]
Other moves: YEST 15L 42, NYES O12 34, SYEN O12 34, SYNE O12 34, TYES O12 34
YEST 15L 42 jimbo, spellcheck

On 6th draw, GLIADINE E4 90 --- GLIADINE a simple protein [n]
Other moves: DANGLIER O1 88, SIGNALED A6 83, DELAYING B2 76, LADENING 13H 72, LADENING D2 72
LEADINGS 10C 64 jimbo
SINGLED A6 33 spellcheck

On 7th draw, OUTPRAY D9 88 --- OUTPRAY to surpass in praying [v]
Other moves: OUTPRAY F9 74, PASTRY A4 42, TYPO O12 42, AUTOPSY A1 39, PARODY 8A 39
SPORTY A6 33 jimbo
SOAPY A6 30 spellcheck

On 8th draw, NOSTRILS A4 77 --- NOSTRIL an external opening of the nose [n]
Other moves: RETINOLS K7 72, TONSILAR L2 66, TYLOSIN 15C 30, LYRIST 15C 27, ROIST 15K 27
ROST 15L 24 jimbo
LOST 15L 24 spellcheck

On 9th draw, DAWD O12 45 --- DAWD to knock [v]
Other tops: YAWPED 15D 45
Other moves: DAMP O12 44, DAME O12 38, YAWED 15D 36, DAWED 7G 33, DEWY 15A 33
YAWED 15D 36 spellcheck
WRAP 13C 18 jimbo

On 10th draw, FAP M12 37 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other moves: FAD M12 34, FADY 15A 33, DAP M12 31, GAP M12 31, FLAY 15A 30
DAP M12 31 jimbo
FLAY 15A 30 spellcheck

On 11th draw, MATERIEL K5 105 --- MATERIEL the aggregate of equipment and supplies used by an organization [n]
Other moves: MATERIAL L2 70, MATERIAL 14C 64, LAYTIME 15B 36, LYMITER 15C 36, MYRTLE 15C 33
MATER K5 27 jimbo
ARMY 15A 27 spellcheck

On 12th draw, FOGY 15A 33 --- FOGY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FOGIE L1 30, FEG L4 29, FIG L4 29, FOG L4 29, GRIEFS 13C 28
FOGY 15A 33 spellcheck
FIGS 13H 20 jimbo

On 13th draw, ZOEA D1 52 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: WIZ G5 51, SLEAZO F10 45, AZOLES 13F 37, LEASOW L1 37, LAZES 13G 36
ZAS 13I 33 jimbo
GLOVES 4E 10 spellcheck

On 14th draw, VORTEX 13B 48 --- VORTEX a whirling mass of fluid [n]
Other moves: ZLOTE 1D 42, TEX 7A 40, EXTOLS 13F 33, LOXES 13G 32, OXES F1 31
OX E1 29 jimbo, spellcheck

On 15th draw, GLOZES 1A 48 --- GLOZE to explain away [v]
Other moves: GLOZE 1A 45, SQUEG L2 45, SUQ 14F 27, SLOG L3 25, SLUG L3 25
US 13J 13 jimbo

On 16th draw, CAMBER L1 44 --- CAMBER to arch slightly [v]
Other moves: BREEM C3 36, MICRA 14F 36, ABRIM L2 34, BREAM L2 34, CREAM L2 34
MICRA 14F 36 spellcheck
MICE 14F 33 jimbo

On 17th draw, QUINCE 1H 51 --- QUINCE a fragrant, acid fruit [n]
Other moves: QUAD 2J 34, QUAI 2J 33, QUA 2J 32, NIED M2 30, QADI 2K 28
QUINCE 1H 51 spellcheck, jimbo

On 18th draw, HICK 14F 43 --- HICK a rural person [n]
Other moves: HIC 14F 38, HID 14F 37, HI 14F 35, KIMCHI 3J 34, D*CK 14F 31
DICH 14F 30 spellcheck

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