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Game sheet of babsbedi (file), Game of July 22, 2012 at 15:24

Word find
Word played
1 ABTTVWY             BAWTY H8 34 34  
2 EGHIORW             HOWE I7 36 70  
3 DENSTUX             DEX J8 68 138  
4 AEKRTUY             YUKE 11J 37 175  
5 AEHRSUU             HARES 12K 37 212  
6 AIMORST MART 13L 31 -49 31 3/5 AMORISTS O7 80 292 4/5
7 ?AADIPR             (L)APIDARY 12A 76 368 5/5
8 CEEILRT             RETICLE N2 86 454 5/5
9 ?GIJNTV             JIG(O)TS 14J 58 512 5/5
10 CDELNSU             UNSCALED B8 76 588 5/5
11 ADGNORU             GUANO 15H 36 624 5/5
12 ABEFINS             BASIN A4 36 660 5/5
13 DEEFORT             FOETIDER D8 67 727 5/5
14 ELMNOPV             LEMON O1 35 762 5/5
15 AILOPQZ             APOZEM 3J 38 800 5/5
16 EGINNOR             RONEOING L2 70 870 5/5
17 AEFIOTU             FAUTED E7 33 903 5/5
18 IILOQVV             VIVO B1 24 927 5/5

Total: 31/927 or -896 for 3.344%
Rank: -

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