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Game of July 22, 2012 at 18:28, 6 players
1. 728 pts jimbo
2. 529 pts strykyster
3. 239 pts argomearns

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeiknz   H4    60    60   zendik
 2. ?cegist   5E    90   150   genetics
 3. aehoost  10F    39   189   haste
 4. ?aijnuy   4A    41   230   junta
 5. abelnox   6F    62   292   xenon
 6. cdeerst   K7    79   371   crested
 7. aegintu   A4    42   413   jugate
 8. abnoors  11A    75   488   soroban
 9. adeoorv   8J    33   521   drover
10. abfgino  12D    44   565   fagin
11. eoprrtu  A11    30   595   spore
12. eimortw   A1    51   646   trijugate
13. aehlmot  L12    37   683   holm
14. einrwwy  10B    41   724   yew
15. adefilu  15J    33   757   aimful
16. aelnuvy  14F    40   797   vealy
17. abiimnr   3C    31   828   iambi
18. ainotuw  M13    34   862   wof
19. adiqrtu   L1    50   912   quids
20. aeloprt   2J    28   940   pouter

Remaining tiles: ailn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6230 Filejimbo       7 19:33  -212  728     1.7759 PIThompson  1  1:29  -900   40 
  2.5270 Filestrykyster  1 20:52  -411  529            Group: intermediate
  3.6958 Fileargomearns  2  7:05  -701  239     1.6230 jimbo       7 19:33  -212  728 
  4.6296 FileSQUAW1      0  2:04  -872   68     2.6958 argomearns  2  7:05  -701  239 
  5.7759 FilePIThompson  1  1:29  -900   40     3.6296 SQUAW1      0  2:04  -872   68 
  6.  -  FileAJM         0  1:21  -918   22            Group: novice
                                             1.5270 strykyster  1 20:52  -411  529 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AJM         0  1:21  -918   22 

On 1st draw, ZENDIK H4 60 --- ZENDIK a heretic [n]
Other tops: ZINKED H4 60
Other moves: ZINKE H4 56, ZENDIK H7 50, ZINKED H7 44, ZENDIK H3 42, ZENDIK H8 42
ZINKED H4 60 jimbo
ZED H6 26 strykyster

On 2nd draw, GE(N)ETICS 5E 90 --- GENETICS the science of heredity [n]
Other moves: C(A)GIEST 10C 82, GE(N)ETICS 5G 70, C(H)ESTING 6B 68, C(R)ESTING 6B 68, G(U)CKIEST 9E 68
C(A)GIEST 10C 82 jimbo
CENTS 6F 15 strykyster

On 3rd draw, HASTE 10F 39 --- HASTE to hasten [v]
Other tops: HOSTA 10F 39
Other moves: HONES 6F 38, ETHOS 10D 37, THOSE 10E 37, TOHOS 10D 37, HAST 10F 36
HASTE 10F 39 jimbo
SOH 6D 30 strykyster

On 4th draw, JUN(T)A 4A 41 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: JAUNS(E) L1 40, INJU(R)Y K9 39, JAUN(T)Y K7 39, JAI(L)S L1 38, JAN(E)S L1 38
JAN(N)S L1 38 jimbo
J(O)Y 11E 33 strykyster

On 5th draw, XENON 6F 62 --- XENON a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: AXONE 6E 60, BOXEN 6D 60, AXON 6E 57, BOX 6D 57, EXON 6E 57
EX 6E 54 strykyster
BOXES L1 34 jimbo
LOX 11J 22 AJM

On 6th draw, CRESTED K7 79 --- CREST to reach a crest (a peak) [v]
Other moves: CRESTED 11A 78, DESERTIC 8B 62, DISCREET 8G 62, DISCRETE 8G 62, DEJECTS A2 51
CRESTED 11A 78 jimbo
JEERS A4 36 strykyster

On 7th draw, JUGATE A4 42 --- JUGATE occurring in pairs [adj]
Other tops: JAUNTIE A4 42
Other moves: GAUJE A1 39, JAUNT A4 36, JUNTA A4 36, INTRIGUE 8H 30, GUINEA 3B 28
GRATIN 8J 24 jimbo
TAG 11E 16 strykyster

On 8th draw, SOROBAN 11A 75 --- SOROBAN a Japanese abacus [n]
Other moves: BRADOONS 13H 74, SOROBAN B9 74, SOROBAN B7 67, ARBORS 8J 33, NABKS 9E 30
BRANS L1 20 jimbo
OB B6 15 strykyster

On 9th draw, DROVER 8J 33 --- DROVER a driver of cattle or sheep [n]
Other tops: DERV L12 33
Other moves: RODEO 12D 32, EVADER 12G 31, RAVED 8K 30, ROVED 8K 30, SAVED A11 30
DROVER 8J 33 jimbo
SAVED A11 30 strykyster

On 10th draw, FAGIN 12D 44 --- FAGIN a person who instructs others in crime [n]
Other moves: BAGNIO 12D 42, BOGAN 12D 40, BIGA 12D 36, FAG 12D 35, FIG 12D 35
FAN 12D 32 strykyster
BONGS L1 22 jimbo

On 11th draw, SPORE A11 30 --- SPORE to produce spores (asexual, usually single-celled reproductive bodies) [v]
Other tops: SPORT A11 30, SPOUT A11 30, SPRUE A11 30, SPUER A11 30, SPURT A11 30
Other moves: POORER B10 28, POOTER B10 28, PORTER B10 28, POURER B10 28, POUTER B10 28
SPORT A11 30 strykyster
SPURT A11 30 jimbo

On 12th draw, TRIJUGATE A1 51 --- TRIJUGATE [adj]
Other moves: MEOW L12 37, MOIRE B10 36, MEW 10B 35, MOW 10B 35, TOOMER B10 34
WORMS L1 28 jimbo
MOW L12 27 strykyster
MODER 13I 22 argomearns

On 13th draw, HOLM L12 37 --- HOLM an island in a river [n]
Other tops: HAEM L12 37, HALM L12 37, HELM L12 37, MATH L12 37, METH L12 37, MOTH L12 37
Other moves: HAO 10B 35, AHEM L11 33, HAME L12 33, HOMA L12 33, HOME L12 33
HELM L12 37 argomearns
MATH L12 37 jimbo
HOME L12 33 strykyster

On 14th draw, YEW 10B 41 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: WIDOWER 13I 36, WIDOW 13I 32, WINERY C2 32, WE 10B 28, YE 10B 28
WINES L1 24 jimbo
NIE M13 20 argomearns
DOW 13K 14 strykyster

On 15th draw, AIMFUL 15J 33 --- AIMFUL full of purpose [adj] --- AIMFUL full of purpose [adv]
Other tops: FAMULI 15J 33
Other moves: FAE M13 32, FIE M13 32, FILUM 15H 30, FLEAM 15H 30, RIFLED 14A 28
FAE M13 32 strykyster
FADES L1 26 jimbo, argomearns

On 16th draw, VEALY 14F 40 --- VEALY immature [adj]
Other moves: LEAVY 14F 34, ENVY 4L 32, ENVY 14G 31, LEANY 14F 31, LEVY 14G 31
VEALY 14F 40 PIThompson
NAVY 14G 31 argomearns
LAY 14H 27 strykyster
NAY 14H 27 jimbo

On 17th draw, IAMBI 3C 31 --- IAMBUS a type of metrical foot [n]
Other moves: IAMB 3C 27, LIMA 14L 27, AB 15G 26, AM 15G 26, IAMB 4L 26
AB 15G 26 strykyster
BRIMS L1 24 jimbo
MI 15G 22 SQUAW1
AIM 3C 21 argomearns

On 18th draw, WOF M13 34 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: AW 15G 32, ANOW 4L 26, WAINS L1 24, WAITS L1 24, WANTS L1 24
AW 15G 32 strykyster, SQUAW1, argomearns
WAINS L1 24 jimbo

On 19th draw, QUIDS L1 50 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other tops: QADIS L1 50, QAIDS L1 50, QUADS L1 50
Other moves: QUAIS L1 48, QUATS L1 48, QUITS L1 48, QAID N10 43, QUAD N10 43
QUIDS L1 50 jimbo
QUADS L1 50 argomearns
QA(T) D2 11 strykyster

On 20th draw, POUTER 2J 28 --- POUTER one that pouts [n]
Other moves: POULE 2J 26, POULT 2J 26, PRUTA 2J 26, PLAITER 3I 24, POLITER 3I 24
POUTER 2J 28 jimbo
PIT 3K 10 strykyster

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