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Game of July 23, 2012 at 05:20, 1 player
1. 78 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaenuw   H3    70    70   unaware
 2. ?afirsu   3G    80   150   fusarium
 3. adeilpt   N2    74   224   implated
 4. ademnot   9A    66   290   nematode
 5. aeegils   A8   140   430   ensilage
 6. abeloox   O6    69   499   box
 7. cdeilno   C6    78   577   dolmenic
 8. eghirtu   E5    44   621   tighter
 9. adefmuy   G5    36   657   fayed
10. eginoqr   2F    36   693   qi
11. cegpstu   1G    37   730   getups
12. cdeostv   M8    37   767   devots
13. cenoort   B1    79   846   coronet
14. ehjlnoy   4A    44   890   john
15. aelnrry  12H    82   972   errantly
16. abkmruv  11H    40  1012   bauk
17. imoorvw  H11    30  1042   bevor
18. iiimowz   O1    35  1077   zo

Remaining tiles: iiimw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5358 Filespellcheck  1  5:37  -999   78     1.5358 spellcheck  1  5:37  -999   78 

On 1st draw, UNAWA(R)E H3 70 --- AWARE having perception or knowledge [adj] --- UNAWARE not aware [adj]
Other tops: UNAWA(K)E H2 70, UNAWA(K)E H3 70, UNAWA(K)E H4 70, UNAWA(K)E H6 70, UNAWA(K)E H8 70, UNAWA(R)E H2 70, UNAWA(R)E H4 70, UNAWA(R)E H6 70, UNAWA(R)E H8 70
Other moves: UNAWA(K)E H5 68, UNAWA(K)E H7 68, UNAWA(R)E H5 68, UNAWA(R)E H7 68, AWA(K)EN H3 24

On 2nd draw, FUSARIU(M) 3G 80 --- FUSARIUM a disease-causing fungus [n]
Other moves: FA(Q)UIRS 10B 79, FUSARI(A) 10F 79, FUS(A)RIA 10F 79, SUF(F)ARI 10H 79, FA(Q)UIRS G9 73

On 3rd draw, I(M)PLATED N2 74 --- IMPLATE to put a covering plate over [v]
Other moves: LAPIDATE 5C 72, LAPIDATE 5G 72, TRIPEDAL K2 72, PLAITED G9 71, DEPILATE 9G 67

On 4th draw, NEMATODE 9A 66 --- NEMATODE a kind of worm [n]
Other moves: NOMADE O6 46, MANED O8 45, MATED O8 45, MENAD O8 45, MOANED O8 45

On 5th draw, ENSILAGE A8 140 --- ENSILAGE to store in a silo [v]
Other moves: EGALITES E4 86, LINEAGES A7 83, ELEGIAST E2 68, GELSEMIA C4 62, SILAGE O8 36

On 6th draw, BOX O6 69 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: AXEL O7 65, AXE O7 62, EXO O7 62, OXO O7 62, LAX O6 61

On 7th draw, DOLMENIC C6 78 --- DOLMEN a prehistoric monument [adj] --- DOLMENIC like a [adj]
Other moves: INDOCILE L3 74, INDOCILE 11A 72, CELADON 5E 40, DEONTIC E5 40, INLACED 5E 40

On 8th draw, TIGHTER E5 44 --- TIGHT firmly or closely fixed in place [adj]
Other moves: HUG 2J 33, SHERE 10A 33, HET 2J 31, HUT 2J 31, THIG D12 31

On 9th draw, FAYED G5 36 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: FEM 2J 35, FUM 2J 35, YAM 2J 35, YUM 2J 35, MAYED G5 34

On 10th draw, QI 2F 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FAQIR 5G 34, REGION M8 30, SOGER I3 29, ENG I5 27, ERINGO 2B 27

On 11th draw, GETUPS 1G 37 --- GETUP a costume [n]
Other moves: PEST I7 36, PES I7 35, PEGS I5 34, GEST I7 32, GETUP 1G 31

On 12th draw, DEVOTS M8 37 --- DEVOT a devotee [n]
Other moves: STOVED B2 32, COSTED B2 30, TEDS I5 30, VOCES D1 30, COVES D1 28

On 13th draw, CORONET B1 79 --- CORONET a small crown [n]
Other moves: CORNETTO 12H 78, CORNETTO 12G 72, CONCERTO 13C 64, CORONETS 13F 62, CEROON B2 27

On 14th draw, JOHN 4A 44 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other tops: JOEY 4A 44
Other moves: HEY I5 41, JOL A4 41, YEH I5 41, SONLY I3 39, HYEN C1 38

On 15th draw, ERRANTLY 12H 82 --- ERRANTLY in a wandering manner [adv]
Other moves: ANY I5 35, EYNE B9 35, NAY I5 35, RAY I5 35, SAYER I3 33
ACRE 1A 21 spellcheck

On 16th draw, BAUK 11H 40 --- BAUK to refrain from proceeding [v]
Other moves: BARK I5 38, VAR 2J 36, VAU 2J 36, BAM I5 35, KEBAR H11 33
YAK O12 10 spellcheck

On 17th draw, BEVOR H11 30 --- BEVOR a piece of armor for the lower face [n]
Other moves: OOM F8 27, WOO 10I 26, RIM B13 25, ROM B13 25, MOO 10I 24
COW 1B 12 spellcheck

On 18th draw, ZO O1 35 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZOOM 14F 35
Other moves: JIZ A4 34, SWIZ L1 32, ZOO 14F 32, OOM F8 27, COZ 1B 24
ZOOM 14F 35 spellcheck

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