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Game of July 23, 2012 at 06:50, 2 players
1. 438 pts spellcheck
2. 194 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ademnsu   H4    76    76   medusan
 2. acelntu   5D    90   166   nucleate
 3. abdeenw   C3    39   205   dweeb
 4. aadeiuy   G4    39   244   alayed
 5. aeknqrs   8A    42   286   kesar
 6. hioppsy   F2    52   338   psych
 7. ?eioors  11E    85   423   erosion
 8. ?dhiiuz  10H    65   488   nazi
 9. imnorrx  12B    35   523   minx
10. egjortu  10B    37   560   jour
11. aegilno   J1    63   623   legation
12. aeefort   1J    39   662   lofter
13. aeghnou  12J    42   704   anough
14. bcgiiln  O10    36   740   iching
15. adeiiit   L1    31   771   fetid
16. beilprv  B10    34   805   jimper
17. abllotv  15A    42   847   bravo
18. efilttw   D2    31   878   fient
19. aloqrtw   M9    32   910   loquat

Remaining tiles: lrtvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5361 Filespellcheck  2 19:44  -472  438     1.6246 jimbo       1  6:51  -716  194 
  2.6246 Filejimbo       1  6:51  -716  194            Group: novice
                                             1.5361 spellcheck  2 19:44  -472  438 

On 1st draw, MEDUSAN H4 76 --- MEDUSAN a jellyfish [n]
Other tops: SUDAMEN H8 76
Other moves: MEDUSAN H2 74, SUDAMEN H2 74, MEDUSAN H3 72, MEDUSAN H6 72, MEDUSAN H7 72
AMUSED H3 24 spellcheck

On 2nd draw, NUCLEATE 5D 90 --- NUCLEATE to form into a nucleus [v]
CLUES 8D 10 spellcheck

On 3rd draw, DWEEB C3 39 --- DWEEB an unattractive or inept person [n]
Other moves: WANED L1 38, BANED L1 34, BEDEW 4K 34, BEDEW L3 34, BEDEW C2 33
AWNED L1 32 spellcheck

On 4th draw, ALAYED G4 39 --- ALAY to quell [v]
Other moves: DAY 8A 36, DEY 8A 36, LAYED G5 34, UEY 8A 33, YAUD B6 33
DAY L5 20 spellcheck

On 5th draw, KESAR 8A 42 --- KESAR an emperor [n]
Other moves: ENRANKS D4 40, KANES L1 40, KARNS L1 40, KERNS L1 40, KNARS L1 40
QATS J3 15 spellcheck

On 6th draw, PSYCH F2 52 --- PSYCH to stimulate to a proper frame of mind [v]
Other moves: SHOPPY 4J 47, HYPOS L1 46, PSYOP I7 46, P*P*SH L1 44, HIPPY 4K 43
HOYS L2 32 spellcheck

On 7th draw, EROSIO(N) 11E 85 --- EROSION the act of eroding [n]
Other tops: (G)OOSIER 11E 85
Other moves: (G)OOSIER L2 76, OROI(D)ES L1 75, O(D)ORISE L4 75, EROSIO(N) L2 74, OORIES(T) 11C 73
(P)ROSE L2 20 spellcheck

On 8th draw, N(A)ZI 10H 65 --- NAZI a type of fascist [n]
Other moves: ZI(T)I 10J 64, ZI(G) 10J 63, ZI(N) 10J 63, ZI(P) 10J 63, ZI(T) 10J 63
Z(E)D L3 37 spellcheck

On 9th draw, MINX 12B 35 --- MINX a pert girl [n]
Other moves: MINX 6K 33, MIX 12C 33, MINX 4K 30, OXIM 12B 30, NIX 12C 29
ZOOM J10 15 spellcheck

On 10th draw, JOUR 10B 37 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other moves: JEON D2 35, JUTE 13A 32, JOR L8 31, JOTTER J2 31, OUTJET J3 29
JOG 9K 22 spellcheck

On 11th draw, LEGATION J1 63 --- LEGATION the sending of an official envoy [n]
Other tops: GELATION J1 63
Other moves: LONGA 12I 28, LONGE 12I 28, ANGEL 12J 26, ANGLE 12J 26, ANGLO 12J 26
MING B12 14 spellcheck, jimbo

On 12th draw, LOFTER 1J 39 --- LOFTER a type of golf club [n]
Other tops: LEFTER 1J 39
Other moves: FREON D1 37, FLOATER 1I 33, FLOREAT 1I 33, REFLATE 1G 33, REFLOAT 1G 33
LOFTER 1J 39 spellcheck
FOLATE 1H 30 jimbo

On 13th draw, ANOUGH 12J 42 --- ANOUGH enough [adj]
Other moves: ENOUGH N1 36, HOWE 4A 32, HAE B6 31, HOE B6 31, ANOUGH 4J 30
HAW 4A 13 spellcheck

On 14th draw, ICHING O10 36 --- ICH to eke [v]
Other tops: BINGHI O8 36
Other moves: BIGGIN N10 32, CHILI O11 30, LINCH O8 30, ABLING 4J 26, BILGING N9 26
LINCH O8 30 spellcheck
HING O12 24 jimbo

On 15th draw, FETID L1 31 --- FETID having an offensive odor [adj]
Other tops: FATED L1 31
Other moves: NIDATE 8J 27, ENTIA D4 26, AIDE 2L 25, ADIT L4 23, AIDE L3 23
TIDE L3 23 jimbo
IDEA B1 18 spellcheck

On 16th draw, JIMPER B10 34 --- JIMP natty [adj]
Other moves: BERLIN 14J 28, LIVER 9K 28, LIBER 9K 26, BIEN D2 25, VERB N7 25
PUBE M11 16 jimbo
ELVER N1 16 spellcheck

On 17th draw, BRAVO 15A 42 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n] --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other moves: OBA A13 29, BALLON 14J 28, ORVAL 15A 27, ARVO 15A 24, VROT 15A 24
BRAVO 15A 42 spellcheck, jimbo

On 18th draw, FIENT D2 31 --- FIENT a fiend [n]
Other moves: ENTIA D4 26, FE 2N 22, FILET N6 22, FLITT N6 22, LIEN D2 21
WILT 14E 14 jimbo
LIFT 14E 11 spellcheck

On 19th draw, LOQUAT M9 32 --- LOQUAT a small evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: WAE B6 32, WOE B6 32
Other moves: QI 10N 31, QUART M11 28, QUOTA M11 28, QUAT M11 26, QAT E1 25
QI 10N 31 jimbo
QUART M11 28 spellcheck

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