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Game of July 24, 2012 at 10:16, 3 players
1. 233 pts nudelily
2. 87 pts jimbo
3. 34 pts strykyster

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efklorw   H7    32    32   reflow
 2. ?adeeiu   G2    64    96   auditee
 3. cdeinrt   5D    94   190   indicter
 4. afgklou   4A    42   232   folk
 5. cgmnoop   F2    28   260   mood
 6. agmnort   A4    39   299   frogman
 7. beersvw   H7    45   344   reflowers
 8. aeenorv  12D    78   422   ovenware
 9. abilqtw   H1    44   466   qat
10. ?adeexy  13H    66   532   exedrae
11. ailnnps  11H    37   569   opals
12. abchipt   4J    39   608   haptic
13. degiisu  15F    61   669   disguise
14. iinrstw   N9    47   716   twiners
15. aotuuyy   B8    39   755   yay
16. behijoo   O6    41   796   jibe
17. ahinotz   O1    45   841   zoic
18. agilnou  14A    23   864   lingua
19. behnott   6J    35   899   hent

Remaining tiles: botuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7409 Filenudelily    4  6:53  -666  233     1.7409 nudelily    4  6:53  -666  233 
  2.6240 Filejimbo       0  3:58  -812   87            Group: intermediate
  3.5289 Filestrykyster  0  1:53  -865   34     1.6240 jimbo       0  3:58  -812   87 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5289 strykyster  0  1:53  -865   34 

On 1st draw, REFLOW H7 32 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v] --- REFLOW to flow again [v]
Other tops: FLOWER H4 32, FOWLER H4 32, WOLFER H4 32, WROKE H4 32
Other moves: FLOWER H3 26, FLOWER H7 26, FLOWER H8 26, FOWLER H3 26, FOWLER H7 26
FOWLER H4 32 nudelily

On 2nd draw, AUDI(T)EE G2 64 --- AUDITEE one that is audited [n]
Other tops: AUDI(T)EE I2 64
Other moves: AUDI(T)EE G1 63, AUDI(T)EE I1 63, AEDI(C)ULE 10B 60, (M)IAOUED 11E 28, ADIEU(S) 13C 26
DUE(S) 13E 17 jimbo
AUDI(T)EE I2 14 nudelily

On 3rd draw, INDICTER 5D 94 --- INDICTER one that indicts [n]
Other tops: INDIRECT 5D 94, REINDICT 5E 94
Other moves: REINDUCT 3B 74, CENTROID 11C 72, DOCTRINE 11G 72, INDICTER 5G 72, INDIRECT 5G 72
REINDICT 5E 44 nudelily
WINCED 12H 24 jimbo

On 4th draw, FOLK 4A 42 --- FOLK a people or tribe [n]
Other tops: FLAK 4A 42
Other moves: GOUK 4A 34, KO F2 34, KULFI D1 34, KAGO 4A 32, ALKO 4B 30
FLAK 4A 42 nudelily
FAKE J2 19 jimbo

On 5th draw, MOOD F2 28 --- MOOD a person's emotional state at a particular moment [n]
Other tops: POOD F2 28
Other moves: CONF A1 27, COOF A1 27, P**F A1 27, COMPO 6A 24, CONGO 13F 24
POOD F2 28 nudelily
P**F A1 27 jimbo

On 6th draw, FROGMAN A4 39 --- FROGMAN a person equipped for extended periods of underwater swimming [n]
Other moves: FOGMAN A4 36, FOGRAM A4 36, FORMANT A4 36, FANTOM A4 33, FORMAT A4 33

On 7th draw, REFLOWERS H7 45 --- REFLOWER to flower again [v]
Other tops: SWERVE 13H 45
Other moves: VERBS L1 40, BREWS L1 38, BEVERS 13C 37, BREVES 13C 37, WEBERS 13C 37
SWERVE 13H 45 nudelily

On 8th draw, OVENWARE 12D 78 --- OVENWARE heat-resistant dishes for baking and serving food [n]
Other moves: OVERNEAR 14A 76, OVERNEAR 14E 71, OVERNEAR K2 61, VAREC H1 46, RAVENER 14H 36
OVENWARE 12D 28 nudelily

On 9th draw, QAT H1 44 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BAWL 11K 26, BLAW 11K 26, WAB 11K 26, WAT H1 26, AWL 11J 24

On 10th draw, EXED(R)AE 13H 66 --- EXEDRA a curved bench in a recess [n]
Other moves: EXED(R)A 13H 64, YEXE(S) L8 64, EXE(M)ED 13H 62, (S)EXY L12 62, YEXED B10 61

On 11th draw, OPALS 11H 37 --- OPAL a mineral [n]
Other moves: OPAL 11H 35, S(R)I L12 34, PAILS L1 32, PAINS L1 32, PIANS L1 32

On 12th draw, HAPTIC 4J 39 --- HAPTIC pertaining to the sense of touch [adj]
Other tops: HAPTIC B9 39
Other moves: PATHIC 4J 38, PHAEIC N10 38, OUTBITCH 3F 36, OUTPITCH 3F 36, BICEP N10 34

On 13th draw, DISGUISE 15F 61 --- DISGUISE to alter the appearance of [v]
Other tops: DISGUISE 15B 61
Other moves: SUICIDE O1 30, GUID 3K 27, GUIDES B9 27, GUISED B9 27, DUS(T) 6D 26

On 14th draw, TWINERS N9 47 --- TWINER one that twines [n]
Other moves: DISGUISERS 15F 36, WINTERS N9 35, TWINER N9 34, TWINES N9 34, TWIRES N9 34

On 15th draw, YAY B8 39 --- YAY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: YOU B6 34, AY 6I 32, OY 6I 32, YAY B10 30, AYU B9 29

On 16th draw, JIBE O6 41 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other tops: JOBE O6 41
Other moves: JOE 3K 38, JOE O8 37, HE 6J 33, EH 6I 32, JOE O7 32

On 17th draw, ZOIC O1 45 --- ZOIC pertaining to animals or animal life [adj]
Other tops: ZINC O1 45
Other moves: HOATZIN M1 40, TOZIE F8 37, ZA 3B 37, AZOTH M1 34, ZOEA F10 33

On 18th draw, LINGUA 14A 23 --- LINGUA the tongue or a tonguelike part [n]
Other tops: LANUGO 14A 23
Other moves: ANGLO 14B 21, GONIA 14B 21, GUANO 14B 21, LINGA 14B 21, LINGO 14B 21

On 19th draw, HENT 6J 35 --- HENT to grasp [v]
Other moves: HEN 6J 34, HET 6J 34, HE 6J 33, HELO A12 33, HOLE A12 33
HEN 6J 34 strykyster

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