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Game of July 25, 2012 at 04:33, 1 player
1. 13 pts spellcheck

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacinoy   H4    28    28   yonic
 2. ?emnost   8H    86   114   contemns
 3. ?abeghj   5E    48   162   begorah
 4. aaenost   O6    59   221   assonate
 5. aeimprs   L8    76   297   empaires
 6. aenpvwz  15G    54   351   wanzes
 7. afklort   7B    71   422   forktail
 8. einrtvx   6J    55   477   xi
 9. aaeirty   N2    45   522   teary
10. abeeitu   O1    28   550   beet
11. aeiloru   4J    28   578   lariat
12. enortuv  13F    82   660   overturn
13. deehioq  10J    38   698   qoph
14. ddilnow  14B    47   745   indow
15. aelosuu   8A    25   770   lase
16. eiloruv   M3    34   804   vier
17. fijlopu  15A    41   845   pfui
18. dgijlou  11E    41   886   judogi
19. cddegil  10F    22   908   gid

Remaining tiles: cdeilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5367 Filespellcheck  0  1:55  -895   13     1.5367 spellcheck  0  1:55  -895   13 

On 1st draw, YONIC H4 28 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [adj] --- YONIC pertaining to the yoni [adj]
Other moves: CYANO H4 26, YONIC H8 26, CYANO H8 22, CONIA H4 20, CYANO H5 20

On 2nd draw, CO(N)TEMNS 8H 86 --- CONTEMN to scorn [v]
Other tops: COM(M)ENTS 8H 86, CONTEM(N)S 8H 86, CO(M)MENTS 8H 86, C(A)MSTONE 8H 86, MESOT(R)ON 5E 86, METO(P)ONS 5E 86, SMOOT(H)EN 5E 86
Other moves: CENT(I)MOS 8H 83, MONET(H)S I3 78, METONY(M)S 4C 74, T(E)MENOS I1 74, (M)ETONYMS 4C 74

On 3rd draw, BEGO(R)AH 5E 48 --- BEGORAH used as mild oath [interj]
Other moves: BA(R)YONIC H1 42, BHAJEE L3 36, BHAJEE L4 36, BHAJEE(S) L3 36, BHAJEE(S) L4 36

On 4th draw, ASSONATE O6 59 --- ASSONATE to match in a vowel sound [v]
Other tops: ASSONATE O7 59
Other moves: ATONES 6E 26, SATAY 4D 25, YATES 4H 24, YEAST 4H 24, ASTONE 4J 21

On 5th draw, EMPAIRES L8 76 --- EMPAIRE to become worse [v]
Other moves: ASPERMIA 11H 74, SAPREMIA 11H 74, EMPAIRES F5 70, SPAMMIER M4 68, SPAMMIER M5 68

On 6th draw, WANZES 15G 54 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: AVIZE 7F 53, PIZE 7G 50, WIZ 7G 50, ZA K11 46, SPAZ 15L 45

On 7th draw, FORKTAIL 7B 71 --- FORKTAIL one of a group of birds including the kite [n]
Other moves: FORKTAIL 12F 66, TAROK N2 54, TROAK N2 54, FONTAL N6 42, FANK N6 40

On 8th draw, XI 6J 55 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: VEX 8A 53, REX 8A 44, TEX 8A 44, VIXEN N2 38, TEX M12 35

On 9th draw, TEARY N2 45 --- TEARY tearful [adj]
Other tops: AIERY N2 45
Other moves: YENTA N6 39, AYRE 8A 37, TYRE 8A 37, RAIYAT 4J 36, YARE 8A 34

On 10th draw, BEET O1 28 --- BEET a garden plant [n] --- BEET to improve [v]
Other tops: BATE O1 28, BEAT O1 28, BETA O1 28, BETE O1 28, BITE O1 28, TUBAE M1 28
Other moves: TAB 4J 26, TAUBE K11 26, TAB 8A 24, TUBA M1 24, TUBE M1 24

On 11th draw, LARIAT 4J 28 --- LARIAT to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other moves: REMAIL M6 27, UREMIA M5 27, LARE 8A 25, LEAR M3 25, LOUR M3 25

On 12th draw, OVERTURN 13F 82 --- OVERTURN to turn over [v]
Other moves: TURNOVER 13E 63, VIER M3 34, TUNIER M1 29, VIE M3 26, VOTE 14F 24

On 13th draw, QOPH 10J 38 --- QOPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: HO 14F 35, DOH 14D 28, EDH 14D 28, RHODIE D7 28, EH 14E 26

On 14th draw, INDOW 14B 47 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: OW 6E 36, WO 14F 35, LOWND 14B 33, WON 6F 32, DOLINA 11G 29

On 15th draw, LASE 8A 25 --- LASE to function as a laser [v]
Other moves: EAUS 14L 19, EELS 14L 19, KALES E7 18, KOELS E7 18, KOLAS E7 18

On 16th draw, VIER M3 34 --- VIER one that vies [n]
Other moves: VELOUR 12A 32, VIOLER 12A 32, LOUIE 15A 28, VIREO 4A 28, LOUVER 12A 26

On 17th draw, PFUI 15A 41 --- PFUI phooey [interj]
Other moves: OF 6E 36, FON 6F 32, LIPA 11I 31, JO 15A 29, JUPE F2 29
JOW F12 13 spellcheck

On 18th draw, JUDOGI 11E 41 --- JUDOGI a judo costume [n]
Other moves: JUD 12D 29, DIOL 6C 28, JUDO 4B 28, JOLE F2 27, JOL 12D 26

On 19th draw, GID 10F 22 --- GID a disease of sheep [n]
Other tops: GED 10F 22
Other moves: DEG 9B 21, DEID 9B 21, GED 9B 21, DEIL 9B 20, GEL 10F 20

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