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Game of August 1, 2012 at 01:20, 1 player
1. 129 pts SOLOKOU1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeimnst   H2    74    74   tamines
 2. ?aeiorv   1C   119   193   ovaries
 3. dginoor   3E    64   257   rigadoon
 4. dehistz   L1    58   315   zeniths
 5. ?deentt   8A    77   392   nedettes
 6. akorstt   M3    46   438   stoat
 7. abiopru   1L    45   483   zobu
 8. cdeiloy   B1    44   527   cloyed
 9. aacdepy   N6    34   561   pya
10. aelnruw   O8    42   603   waler
11. eefglrs   J2    72   675   forelegs
12. adhinru   E5    32   707   unitard
13. aeiilpw   C3    34   741   wali
14. acnnopu   4A    24   765   cyan
15. eginorv   C8    78   843   dovering
16. abeepqu  B13    42   885   qua
17. aehipux  12A    39   924   harp
18. beijkou  12J    34   958   jokier
19. befimux   M9    38   996   bemix

Remaining tiles: fiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileSOLOKOU1    0  4:11  -867  129     1.  -  SOLOKOU1    0  4:11  -867  129 

On 1st draw, TAMINES H2 74 --- TAMINE a fabric [n]
Other tops: INMATES H2 74, MAINEST H4 74, MANTIES H4 74, TAMEINS H2 74
Other moves: ETAMINS H2 70, ETAMINS H3 70, ETAMINS H4 70, ETAMINS H6 70, ETAMINS H7 70

On 2nd draw, OVARIE(S) 1C 119 --- OVARY a female reproduction gland [n]
Other tops: AVOI(D)ER 1C 119
Other moves: AVO(D)IRE 1B 110, VARIO(L)E 1B 110, AVOI(D)ERS 8A 83, SAVORIE(R) 8H 83, SAVORIE(S) 8H 83

On 3rd draw, RIGADOON 3E 64 --- RIGADOON a lively dance [n]
Other moves: RODEOING 7E 63, GADROON 3G 26, DONOR I3 25, NIDOR I3 23, ADORING 3H 22

On 4th draw, ZENITHS L1 58 --- ZENITH the highest point [n]
Other moves: SIZED M3 56, ZENITH L1 56, SITZ M3 48, SIZE M3 48, ZEST M1 48

On 5th draw, NEDETT(E)S 8A 77 --- NEDETTE a female ned [n]
Other tops: DETENT(E)S 8A 77, D(E)TENTES 8A 77, D(I)NETTES 8A 77, N(E)DETTES 8A 77
Other moves: DET(E)NTES 8A 74, NED(E)TTES 8A 74, DENETT(E)D I3 73, DEN(E)TTED I3 73, D(E)NETTED I3 73

On 6th draw, STOAT M3 46 --- STOAT a weasel with a black-tipped tail [n]
Other moves: OAST M1 45, TZARS 1K 42, ARS M1 41, ORS M1 41, STOA M3 39

On 7th draw, ZOBU 1L 45 --- ZOBU a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: ZUPA 1L 45
Other moves: ZORI 1L 39, OP N5 27, TAB 2H 24, TAP 2H 24, TOP 2H 24

On 8th draw, CLOYED B1 44 --- CLOY to gratify beyond desire [v]
Other moves: COILED B1 38, CLOYED 4A 35, COLDIE B1 34, COYED B1 34, ODYLE N5 33

On 9th draw, PYA N6 34 --- PYA a copper coin of Burma [n]
Other tops: PYE N6 34
Other moves: YAD C3 32, PAY(E)D G5 31, TAY 2H 30, PACEY K7 29, PAY(E)E G5 29

On 10th draw, WALER O8 42 --- WALER an Australian-bred saddle horse [n]
Other tops: WANLE O8 42
Other moves: WALE O8 36, WANE O8 36, WARE O8 36, WARN O8 36, WAUL O8 36

On 11th draw, FORELEGS J2 72 --- FORELEG one of the front legs of an animal [n]
Other moves: FELTERS E5 40, FERE C3 34, FRESNEL A4 31, FEE C3 29, FER C3 29

On 12th draw, UNITARD E5 32 --- UNITARD a leotard that also covers the legs [n]
Other tops: HAD C3 32
Other moves: DAH C3 30, DUH C3 30, HAN C3 29, HUN C3 29, DHURNA C8 28

On 13th draw, WALI C3 34 --- WALI a governor [n]
Other tops: WALE C3 34
Other moves: PALE C3 30, PELA C3 30, WAE C3 29, WYLE 4A 28, DEWLAP C8 26

On 14th draw, CYAN 4A 24 --- CYAN a blue colour [n]
Other tops: PUCAN N11 24
Other moves: PACO N11 22, P(E)CAN G7 21, OP 2N 20, PAUNCE 11J 20, POUNCE 11J 20

On 15th draw, DOVERING C8 78 --- DOVER to doze [v]
Other moves: DOVERING 11E 76, OVERING K9 74, VIROGENE 11H 74, OVERING I9 66, RINGDOVE 11A 63

On 16th draw, QUA B13 42 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: BAPU B11 30, PEBA B11 30, PUBE B11 30, QUEER 12K 28, BEAU B11 24

On 17th draw, HARP 12A 39 --- HARP to play on a harp (a type of stringed musical instrument) [v]
Other moves: HARE 12A 35, H(E)X G7 33, APEX F11 32, AP(E)X G6 32, HEX K9 31

On 18th draw, JOKIER 12J 34 --- JOKEY amusing [adj] --- JOKY amusing [adj]
Other moves: JAG 15A 33, JOKER 12K 32, BAGUIO 15A 30, KAGO 15A 30, KAGU 15A 30

On 19th draw, BEMIX M9 38 --- BEMIX to mix thoroughly [v]
Other moves: BEMIX N11 36, IBEX F11 32, IB(E)X G6 32, UNFIX 14B 31, FOXIE K11 30

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