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Game sheet of PIThompson (file), Game of August 6, 2012 at 18:50

Word find
Word played
1 AEEIIJN JEAN H6 22   22 3/3 AJEE H7   22 3/3
2 ?ELNOSX LOXES I7 52 -22 74 1/3 S(I)LOXANE 7C 74 96 2/3
3 ?EEFOOT (R)OOF 8A 40 -30 114 1/4 FO(V)EOLET E2 70 166 1/4
4 AEILOOR ANOLE I6 20 -56 134 1/3 AEROFOIL 2A 76 242 1/4
5 AGKRSTU SKART 1F 41 -1 175 1/4 OKA 6E 42 284 1/4
6 AAEGIMS MAES 1A 40   215 1/4 MAAS 1A   324 1/4
7 ADEFIOP DEAF 1G 33 -3 248 2/4 APODE 8A 36 360 1/5
8 ABCERTZ BLAZE H1 78   326 1/4       438 1/5
9 ADDENSV SAVED K7 33 -12 359 1/4 DAVENS 8J 45 483 1/5
10 DIINRSU DISA K5 25 -47 384 1/5 URIDINES M2 72 555 1/6
11 EEHNTUY HETE N2 31 -4 415 4/5 YEH L2 35 590 1/6
12 IINORTY YON I3 32   447 1/5       622 1/6
13 BEGHILP PE N2 27 -42 474 3/6 PHILABEG A4 69 691 1/6
14 AEILNRU ILEA J1 24 -53 498 1/6 LUNARIES O1 77 768 1/6
15 CIORTTW WO 6J 28 -6 526 3/6 WINO N6 34 802 1/6
16 DGINRTU DURING B10 34 -36 560 1/6 ANTIDRUG K8 70 872 1/6
17 EFITTTW FITTE B10 48   608 1/5       920 1/6
18 GIMTUVW VUGG 15H 27   635 3/6       947 1/6
19 CIMRRTW CRIM 15A 42   677 1/6       989 1/6

Total: 677/989 or -312 for 68.45%
Rank: 7582

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