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Game of August 7, 2012 at 04:53, 1 player
1. 310 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??aaeru   H3    62    62   caesura
 2. egghist   7G    70   132   huggiest
 3. aeijstw   G7    42   174   hajes
 4. efnortt   8K    51   225   ofter
 5. hilmotw  H11    47   272   thowl
 6. aeempsy   I9    43   315   payee
 7. adelnsu   5E    86   401   unleased
 8. abenrtz   4K    56   457   nertz
 9. abilorv   E1    63   520   biovular
10. aeiotvy   O1    60   580   avyze
11. aiiknnt   D7    79   659   tankini
12. afiiptx  C11    48   707   pix
13. bdeimqt  J10    34   741   met
14. bcimoru   1A    42   783   cromb
15. aceinqu   C3    43   826   cinque
16. deoorsw  15E    63   889   woolders
17. adfgilo  14J    33   922   foid
18. abdgiln   1A    45   967   crombing
19. abdilou   A1    92  1059   cuboidal

All tiles in the bag were taken.

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4213 Filedenbay      0 17:57  -749  310     1.4213 denbay      0 17:57  -749  310 

On 1st draw, (C)AE(S)URA H3 62 --- CAESURA a pause in a line of verse [n]
Other tops: AR(C)UA(T)E H3 62, AR(C)UA(T)E H4 62, AR(C)UA(T)E H6 62, AR(C)UA(T)E H8 62, AURA(T)E(D) H2 62, AURA(T)E(D) H3 62, AURA(T)E(D) H4 62, AURA(T)E(D) H7 62, AURA(T)E(S) H2 62, AURA(T)E(S) H3 62, AURA(T)E(S) H4 62, AURA(T)E(S) H7 62, AUREA(T)(E) H2 62, AUREA(T)(E) H3 62, AUREA(T)(E) H4 62, AUREA(T)(E) H8 62, AURE(L)(I)A H2 62, AURE(L)(I)A H3 62, AURE(L)(I)A H4 62, AURE(L)(I)A H6 62, AURE(O)(L)A H2 62, AURE(O)(L)A H3 62, AURE(O)(L)A H4 62, AURE(O)(L)A H6 62, AUR(E)A(T)E H2 62, AUR(E)A(T)E H3 62, AUR(E)A(T)E H4 62, AUR(E)A(T)E H6 62, AUR(E)A(T)E H8 62, AUR(O)(R)AE H2 62, AUR(O)(R)AE H3 62, AUR(O)(R)AE H4 62, AUR(O)(R)AE H6 62, AUR(O)(R)AE H7 62, AU(R)(O)RAE H3 62, AU(R)(O)RAE H4 62, AU(R)(O)RAE H6 62, AU(R)(O)RAE H7 62, AU(R)(O)RAE H8 62, A(B)A(T)URE H2 62, A(B)A(T)URE H4 62, A(B)A(T)URE H6 62, A(B)A(T)URE H7 62, A(B)A(T)URE H8 62, A(M)A(T)EUR H2 62, A(M)A(T)EUR H4 62, A(M)A(T)EUR H6 62, A(M)A(T)EUR H7 62, A(M)A(T)EUR H8 62, A(Q)UA(F)ER H2 62, A(Q)UA(F)ER H4 62, A(Q)UA(F)ER H6 62, A(Q)UA(F)ER H7 62, A(Z)UREA(N) H2 62, A(Z)UREA(N) H4 62, A(Z)UREA(N) H7 62, A(Z)UREA(N) H8 62, RA(D)U(L)AE H3 62, RA(D)U(L)AE H4 62, RA(D)U(L)AE H6 62, RA(D)U(L)AE H7 62, URAE(M)(I)A H2 62, URAE(M)(I)A H3 62, URAE(M)(I)A H4 62, URAE(M)(I)A H6 62, U(N)A(W)ARE H2 62, U(N)A(W)ARE H4 62, U(N)A(W)ARE H6 62, U(N)A(W)ARE H7 62, U(N)A(W)ARE H8 62, (B)AUERA(S) H2 62, (B)AUERA(S) H3 62, (B)AUERA(S) H7 62, (B)AUERA(S) H8 62, (C)AE(S)URA H2 62, (C)AE(S)URA H6 62, (C)AE(S)URA H7 62, (C)AE(S)URA H8 62, (C)A(P)UERA H3 62, (C)A(P)UERA H6 62, (C)A(P)UERA H7 62, (C)A(P)UERA H8 62, (M)URAE(N)A H2 62, (M)URAE(N)A H3 62, (M)URAE(N)A H6 62, (M)URAE(N)A H8 62, (N)A(T)URAE H3 62, (N)A(T)URAE H6 62, (N)A(T)URAE H7 62, (N)A(T)URAE H8 62, (S)U(B)AREA H3 62, (S)U(B)AREA H6 62, (S)U(B)AREA H7 62, (S)U(B)AREA H8 62, (T)AUREA(N) H2 62, (T)AUREA(N) H3 62, (T)AUREA(N) H7 62, (T)AUREA(N) H8 62, (T)UA(T)ERA H2 62, (T)UA(T)ERA H3 62, (T)UA(T)ERA H6 62, (T)UA(T)ERA H7 62, (T)UA(T)ERA H8 62
Other moves: AR(C)UA(T)E H2 60, AR(C)UA(T)E H5 60, AR(C)UA(T)E H7 60, AURA(T)E(D) H5 60, AURA(T)E(D) H6 60
AREA H8 8 denbay

On 2nd draw, HUGGIEST 7G 70 --- HUGGY ensitive and caring [adj]
Other moves: THIGGERS 8B 64, HEIST I7 27, GHEST I2 26, HEST I7 26, HETS I7 26
HI(S)S 6F 14 denbay

On 3rd draw, HAJES G7 42 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other tops: HAJIS G7 42
Other moves: HAJI G7 41, HAJ G7 40, JAWS G9 39, J*WS G9 39, JAW G9 38
JEST 10F 33 denbay

On 4th draw, OFTER 8K 51 --- OFT often [adv]
Other tops: OFTEN 8K 51
Other moves: FOEN 8L 46, OFTENER 5E 40, FETOR 8K 39, OFTEN H11 38, OFTER H11 38
FORE L4 14 denbay

On 5th draw, THOWL H11 47 --- THOWL an oar pin [n]
Other moves: THIOL H11 38, THOLI H11 38, WHILOM I9 36, HOWL F10 33, WHIM I9 33
HOWS 11D 20 denbay

On 6th draw, PAYEE I9 43 --- PAYEE one to whom money is paid [n]
Other moves: WAMPEES 14H 40, YMPE I11 39, GYMP I7 36, GYMS I7 34, GYPS I7 34
MEWS 14F 15 denbay

On 7th draw, UNLEASED 5E 86 --- LEASE to grant temporary use of in exchange for rent [adj] --- UNLEASED not leased [adj]
Other tops: UNSEALED 5E 86
Other moves: RUNDALES O8 80, UNLEASED 5B 68, UNSEALED 5B 68, UNS(C)ALED 3E 60, ANGLED J5 43
SLEW 14E 9 denbay

On 8th draw, NERTZ 4K 56 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other moves: ZEBRA 6B 44, ZANTE 6B 42, BEZ 4K 38, BRAZE 10C 36, BEN J10 34
RAZED L1 32 denbay

On 9th draw, BIOVULAR E1 63 --- BIOVULAR derived from two ova [adj]
Other moves: BRAZIL O1 51, VARIOLAR 8A 36, BRAVO 4A 28, VOLA 3J 25, *B* 3K 23
VIED L2 8 denbay

On 10th draw, AVYZE O1 60 --- AVYZE to advise [v]
Other moves: AVIZE O1 51, OYEZ O1 48, TOAZE O1 42, VEALY 6B 40, VEILY 6B 40
BATE 1E 18 denbay

On 11th draw, TANKINI D7 79 --- TANKINI a woman's swimsuit consisting of bikini briefs and a tank top [n]
Other moves: BANKIT 1E 36, BATIK 1E 33, KAINIT D7 31, BANK 1E 30, BINK 1E 30
BANT 1E 18 denbay

On 12th draw, PIX C11 48 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other tops: PAX C11 48
Other moves: TAXI C11 44, IXIA C12 42, TAX C11 42, TIX C11 42, AX C12 38
FAXED L1 20 denbay

On 13th draw, MET J10 34 --- MEET to come into the company or presence of [v] --- MET short for meteorology [n]
Other tops: BET J10 34
Other moves: EM J9 33, BEDIM 2B 32, BEDIM 1E 30, BE J10 27, ED J9 27
LIME 15H 6 denbay

On 14th draw, CROMB 1A 42 --- CROMB to draw by a crook [v]
Other tops: CRUMB 1A 42
Other moves: BROMIC 1E 36, BROMIC 2A 36, BROMIC C3 35, BIMBO 1E 33, BUMBO 1E 33
MIRED L1 11 denbay

On 15th draw, CINQUE C3 43 --- CINQUE the number five [n]
Other tops: CAIQUE C3 43
Other moves: QUINE C3 34, REQUIN B1 34, QUINOA 3A 30, ACEQUIA 1I 28, QUINO 3A 28
LACE 15H 6 denbay

On 16th draw, WOOLDERS 15E 63 --- WOOLDER a pin in a ropemaker's top [n]
Other moves: DEWS K11 41, DEW K11 39, SEROW K11 39, DEROS K11 37, DERO K11 35
DREAR 8A 18 denbay

On 17th draw, FOID 14J 33 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other moves: AD 6N 32, FAIL 14J 32, FOAL 14J 32, FOIL 14J 32, AD K10 29
FLOGS L11 18 denbay

On 18th draw, CROMBING 1A 45 --- CROMB to draw by a crook [v]
Other moves: AD 6N 32, BLAND 13K 30, BLIND 13K 30, BLING 13K 30, AD K10 29
BLEAR 8A 21 denbay

On 19th draw, CUBOIDAL A1 92 --- CUBOID a bone of the foot [adj] --- CUBOIDAL relating to a cuboid [adj]
Other moves: AD 6N 32, BLAUD 13K 30, AD K10 29, ID K10 29, BLAD 13K 28
BLEAR 8A 21 denbay

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