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Game of August 17, 2012 at 19:28, 6 players
1. 419 pts tonikay
2. 303 pts raggedy01
3. 199 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aacnrst   H2    74    74   arctans
 2. ??aeimu   8A    83   157   animuses
 3. adeinrt   E5    86   243   indurate
 4. deiilvy   B4    74   317   divinely
 5. aeinoru   D8    26   343   manure
 6. adeiltt   2E    63   406   dilatate
 7. aehmrww   1L    60   466   whew
 8. eekprsu  14B   105   571   perukes
 9. eennost   4H    72   643   centones
10. abbeftv  H10    48   691   favest
11. adegiqy   A1    49   740   qadi
12. acglopr  13G    35   775   pergola
13. filmnoy   F1    40   815   minify
14. bgilorz  15A    42   857   zol
15. bbcoors  N10    37   894   corso
16. behioou  F10    38   932   hub
17. beggiox   5K    45   977   ibex
18. ggijooo   6K    33  1010   gogo

Remaining tiles: ijo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5793 Filetonikay     1 16:19  -591  419     1.7492 susieq8182  0  2:12  -955   55 
  2.6306 Fileraggedy01   0  9:50  -707  303            Group: intermediate
  3.6547 FileSQUAW1      1  8:33  -811  199     1.6306 raggedy01   0  9:50  -707  303 
  4.7492 Filesusieq8182  0  2:12  -955   55     2.6547 SQUAW1      1  8:33  -811  199 
  5.3925 Fileprimrose    0  3:25  -968   42     3.6860 GLOBEMAN    0  1:45  -983   27 
  6.6860 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:45  -983   27            Group: novice
                                             1.5793 tonikay     1 16:19  -591  419 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3925 primrose    0  3:25  -968   42 

On 1st draw, ARCTANS H2 74 --- ARCTAN a trigononometric inverse function [n]
Other tops: CANTARS H4 74
Other moves: ARCTANS H3 70, ARCTANS H4 70, ARCTANS H6 70, ARCTANS H7 70, ARCTANS H8 70
CARATS H4 22 susieq8182
SCANT H6 14 primrose

On 2nd draw, A(N)IMU(S)ES 8A 83 --- ANIMUS a feeling of hostility [n]
Other tops: A(L)UMI(N)ES 8A 83
Other moves: IM(M)ATU(R)E 5D 82, I(M)MATU(R)E 5D 82, MA(T)UTI(N)E 5D 82, MI(N)UT(I)AE 5D 82, MU(L)TIA(G)E 5E 82
A(L)UMI(N)ES 8A 33 susieq8182
MINE 7F 8 primrose

On 3rd draw, INDURATE E5 86 --- INDURATE to make hard [v]
Other tops: DATURINE E5 86

On 4th draw, DIVI(N)ELY B4 74 --- DIVINE pertaining to or characteristic of a god [adv] --- DIVINELY in a divine manner [adv]
Other moves: DEVILRY 3C 38, YIELD F10 38, DYE(S) F5 34, YELD F10 33, Y*D F10 33
YIELD D10 29 tonikay
DEVIL 12D 20 primrose

On 5th draw, MANURE D8 26 --- MANURE to fertilize with manure (animal excrement) [v]
Other tops: MONERA D8 26
Other moves: MONER D8 24, MONIE D8 24, NORIA A1 24, AUREI A11 23, NAIRU A11 23
RAIN C2 13 tonikay

On 6th draw, DILATATE 2E 63 --- DILATATE dilated [adj]
Other tops: DILATATE 2C 63
Other moves: DETRITAL 3E 61, AILED A1 28, ELIAD A1 28, LATED A1 28, LITED A1 28
LAID C2 16 tonikay

On 7th draw, WHEW 1L 60 --- WHEW a whistling sound [n] --- WHEW to utter a sound of astonishment [v]
Other moves: HAWM 1L 57, WHAM 1L 57, WAWE 1L 51, WHAE 1L 51, HAEM 1L 48
HEW F10 40 tonikay

On 8th draw, PERUKES 14B 105 --- PERUKE a wig [n]
Other moves: PERUKE 14B 53, KEEPS A11 45, KREEP A11 45, KREEP A1 44, PEKES A1 42
PUKES 13A 32 tonikay
KEEPERS G6 26 raggedy01

On 9th draw, CENTONES 4H 72 --- CENTO a literary work made up of parts from other works [n]
Other moves: EONS 15A 32, NETS 15A 32, NOES 15A 32, TEES 15A 32, TENS 15A 32
TENS 15A 32 tonikay
NOTES 15G 23 raggedy01

On 10th draw, FAVEST H10 48 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: FAVE A1 37, AFT 15F 35, FAST H12 33, FEST H12 33, VASE H12 33
VAT 15A 24 raggedy01, tonikay

On 11th draw, QADI A1 49 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QI 15A 37, YAD F10 36, YAG F10 36, DYE(S) F5 34, QAID 3C 34
QI 15A 37 tonikay, SQUAW1, raggedy01

On 12th draw, PERGOLA 13G 35 --- PERGOLA a shaded shelter or passageway [n]
Other moves: PAC F10 32, COPE 13A 28, SCALP O4 27, SCARP O4 27, SCOPA O4 27
SCALP O4 27 raggedy01, tonikay

On 13th draw, MINIFY F1 40 --- MINIFY to make small or smaller [v]
Other moves: FILMY 14K 35, FILMY L11 34, FY F5 34, SIMONY O4 33, FOY F4 32
FILMY 14K 35 raggedy01
YON 15A 24 SQUAW1, tonikay

On 14th draw, ZOL 15A 42 --- ZOL a spliff, a marijuana cigarette [n]
Other moves: ZO 15A 37, BEZ C13 36, FIZ 10H 35, BORZOI K9 34, ZIG D3 33
ZOL 15A 42 tonikay, SQUAW1
ZO 15A 37 raggedy01

On 15th draw, CORSO N10 37 --- CORSO a race [n]
Other moves: BOBS 14K 26, BOBS N10 25, COBS N10 25, MANURERS D8 25, ROB 3L 25
MANURERS D8 25 raggedy01, tonikay, SQUAW1

On 16th draw, HUB F10 38 --- HUB the center of a wheel [n]
Other moves: BOHO O8 36, BOOH O7 34, HUE F10 34, HUI F10 34, BOH O8 31
HE F10 30 SQUAW1
HE O14 20 tonikay
HO O14 20 raggedy01

On 17th draw, IBEX 5K 45 --- IBEX a wild goat [n]
Other moves: BOLIX L11 44, ILEX L12 38, XI O14 36, EXO 5K 35, EX 5K 31
XI O14 36 raggedy01, tonikay

On 18th draw, GOGO 6K 33 --- GOGO a discotheque [n]
Other moves: JIG D3 29, JOG D3 29, JIG 7A 27, GOGO D3 25, JOIN 3C 25
GOO 6M 22 tonikay
JOCO 10L 13 raggedy01

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