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Game sheet of nudelily (file), Game of August 20, 2012 at 11:07

Word find
Word played
1 EGIRTUV VIRTUE H4 26   26 1/3       26 1/3
2 ?BCEOOT OB(J)ECTOR 6A 19 -50 45 1/3     69 95 1/3
3 ADEGINT DEBATING B4 14 -66 59 3/3 VINTAGED 4H 80 175 2/3
4 AINRRSZ             SARRAZIN L3 77 252 3/4
5 ELLORSU             OUZELS 8J 45 297 3/5
6 EEHINSW             WHOSE A4 45 342 4/5
7 IMNOPRY             MOPERY N1 42 384 4/5
8 AANPRTY             PRYTANEA 9B 66 450 4/6
9 BEFHNOQ             OHED O1 45 495 5/6
10 ?ABDIKU             B(L)EAKY D4 38 533 5/6
11 DENNORU             DUG M2 29 562 5/6
12 ADEGLRS             DARGLES 11F 86 648 5/6
13 AILLMNN             AMEN M6 26 674 5/6
14 AENQUWX             REWAX H11 48 722 5/6
15 AEGLOUV             VOULGE 12A 31 753 5/6
16 CDIIOQT             QI 3I 44 797 5/6
17 CDIINOT             ACTINOID 14H 76 873 5/6
18 AEEFIJT             JEDI O12 60 933 5/6
19 AEFILNO             FOVEAL A10 36 969 5/6

Total: 59/969 or -910 for 6.088%
Rank: -

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