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Game of August 24, 2012 at 23:39, 4 players
1. 693 pts musdrive
2. 647 pts sunshine12
3. 638 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aegrtw   H3    78    78   twanger
 2. agioosy  10H    26   104   soya
 3. adgilnr   8A    86   190   dragline
 4. aehinrt   A1    98   288   antherid
 5. deiprtu   5E    94   382   preaudit
 6. aabelsw   L2    78   460   wastable
 7. ?ailnnu   C6    68   528   biannual
 8. cdeinos   M9    75   603   secondi
 9. agijort   2J    64   667   jowari
10. adegktx   1M    77   744   kex
11. eimooty   3K    40   784   may
12. bdelost   N4    71   855   boldest
13. eeoortu   O5    25   880   root
14. aeegtuz  15L    69   949   zite
15. acefioo   K9    29   978   faciae
16. einpquv  12A    46  1024   quai
17. eefgnov  J13    28  1052   ef
18. eehimno   2A    36  1088   nonheme
19. giopuvv  A12    45  1133   quip

Remaining tiles: govv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7461 Filemusdrive    8 14:18  -440  693     1.7461 musdrive    8 14:18  -440  693 
  2.7229 Filesunshine12  4 16:57  -486  647     2.7229 sunshine12  4 16:57  -486  647 
  3.6917 FileGLOBEMAN    6 19:58  -495  638            Group: intermediate
  4.4195 Filedenbay      1 15:58  -769  364     1.6917 GLOBEMAN    6 19:58  -495  638 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4195 denbay      1 15:58  -769  364 

On 1st draw, TWA(N)GER H3 78 --- TWANGER one that twangs [n]
Other moves: TWA(N)GER H8 74, TWA(N)GER H2 72, TWA(N)GER H4 72, TWA(N)GER H6 72, TWA(N)GER H7 72
TWA(N)GER H3 28 sunshine12
WAGER H4 26 musdrive
WAGER H6 18 denbay

On 2nd draw, SOYA 10H 26 --- SOYA the soybean [n]
Other moves: SAY 10H 25, SOY 10H 25, YOS 10F 25, GOOSY I2 24, YAGIS 10D 24
SOYA 10H 26 musdrive, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
STY 3G 11 denbay

On 3rd draw, DRAGLINE 8A 86 --- DRAGLINE a line used for dragging [n]
Other moves: DARLING 11I 80, DRAWLING 4E 76, DARINGLY J3 65, DARTLING 3E 62, DANGLIER 8B 61
DARLING 11I 30 sunshine12
NADIR 11I 25 musdrive
GLAND K8 14 denbay

On 4th draw, ANTHERID A1 98 --- ANTHERID a male reproductive organ of certain plants [n]
Other moves: HAIRNET 11I 84, HEARTING D1 82, TARWHINE 4E 78, EARTHING D1 76, INGATHER D6 74
HEARTING D1 32 musdrive
HEART 11I 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HEART K8 16 denbay

On 5th draw, PREAUDIT 5E 94 --- PREAUDIT an audit made prior to a final settlement of a transaction [n]
Other tops: EUPATRID 5E 94
Other moves: EUPATRID K7 72, PREAUDIT K7 72, TUR(N)IPED 6E 68, EUPATRID C5 65, PREAUDIT C5 63
PUTRID 11I 31 musdrive
PURED 11I 29 sunshine12
PRIDE F6 16 denbay

On 6th draw, WASTABLE L2 78 --- WASTABLE capable of being wasted [adj]
Other moves: SWAYABLE J7 68, WASTABLE 3E 65, BESAW M3 40, BAWLS 11I 39, BAWL 11I 37
BAWLS 11I 39 musdrive
WEBS 11I 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
WEST L2 14 denbay

On 7th draw, (B)IANNUAL C6 68 --- BIANNUAL a plant that flowers in its second year [n] --- BIANNUAL occurring twice a year [adj]
Other tops: IN(F)AUNAL C2 68, LUNA(R)IAN C2 68, (B)IANNUAL C2 68
Other moves: INGU(I)NAL D6 66, UNGAINL(Y) D6 66, UNG(E)NIAL D6 66, (I)NGUINAL D6 66, UNLADIN(G) J1 62
NI(S) M3 21 sunshine12
LAWIN(G) 2J 20 musdrive
LAIN 8L 12 denbay

On 8th draw, SECONDI M9 75 --- SECONDO the lower part in a piano duet [n]
Other moves: SECONDI 14C 70, ICONISED F8 65, CEDIS M1 41, SCOWED 2I 36, DENIS M1 35
CEDIS M1 41 sunshine12
SCOWED 2I 36 musdrive
LODE 8L 15 denbay

On 9th draw, JOWARI 2J 64 --- JOWARI durra (Indian millet) [n]
Other moves: JOWAR 2J 62, JIAO 15L 57, JIAO L12 50, JAI L12 43, JA L12 38
JAI L12 43 musdrive, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
JOG 12L 22 denbay

On 10th draw, KEX 1M 77 --- KEX a dry, hollow stalk [n]
Other moves: TAXIED 15J 66, DEX 1M 65, TAX 1M 61, TEX 1M 61, AXITE 15K 60
KEX 1M 77 musdrive, GLOBEMAN
DEX 11I 48 sunshine12
DIKE 15L 33 denbay

On 11th draw, MAY 3K 40 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v] --- MAY used as an auxiliary to express permission [v]
Other moves: YAM 3K 39, MITY 15L 36, MITY D12 36, YATE 3K 36, AYE 3L 35
MAY 3K 40 GLOBEMAN, musdrive
MITY 15L 36 sunshine12
TIME 15L 21 denbay

On 12th draw, BOLDEST N4 71 --- BOLD daring [adj]
Other moves: DEBITS 15J 36, DOBIES 15J 36, BODIES 15J 33, OBIED 15K 33, TOBIES 15J 33
DEBITS 15J 36 musdrive
BIDS 15L 30 sunshine12
DIET 15L 21 denbay

On 13th draw, ROOT O5 25 --- ROOT to put forth a root (an underground portion of a plant) [v]
Other moves: ERE O7 22, ORE O7 22, TOEIER 15J 21, OOR O6 20, OOT O6 20
ROOT O5 25 musdrive
ORE O7 22 sunshine12
TIRE 15L 15 denbay

On 14th draw, ZITE 15L 69 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: AGUIZE 15J 51, ZEA L12 51, ZEE L12 51, ZA L12 46, ZAG B12 39
ZITE 15L 69 GLOBEMAN, musdrive, sunshine12
GAZE 12B 28 denbay

On 15th draw, FACIAE K9 29 --- FACIA an architectural band [n]
Other moves: FACIA K9 27, FEAT N12 27, FOOT N12 27, COIF 12L 26, COOF 12L 26
COIF 12L 26 musdrive
COOF 12L 26 sunshine12
FACE 12B 18 denbay

On 16th draw, QUAI 12A 46 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: PIQUET 3C 36, QUERN F2 36, QUIRE F2 36, EQUIP 11A 32, QUEINT 3C 32
QUAI 12A 46 musdrive
QUIRE F2 36 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
QUA 12A 22 denbay

On 17th draw, EF J13 28 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: FEET N12 27, FE J14 26, DEF 14M 23, EVOE 4C 20, FERN 9F 20
EF J13 28 GLOBEMAN, musdrive, sunshine12
GONE O12 7 denbay

On 18th draw, NONHEME 2A 36 --- NONHEME not containing iron that is bound like that of heme [adj]
Other moves: NEEM B1 27, MHO B4 26, INERM 9E 25, MEET N12 24, MOIT N12 24
HOE B1 23 sunshine12, musdrive
THINE 3A 16 denbay

On 19th draw, QUIP A12 45 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other tops: QUOP A12 45
Other moves: UPGO 1F 29, UPO 1F 23, PIG 1G 22, PUG 1G 22, DIP 14M 20
QUIP A12 45 sunshine12, denbay, musdrive, GLOBEMAN

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