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Game sheet of naomiari (file), Game of August 29, 2012 at 10:54

Word find
Word played
1 DEELOPW PLOWED H4 30   30 1/1       30 1/1
2 AEEHMST HAM G6 24 -48 54 1/1 MEATHES I8 72 102 1/1
3 AEOPSSV APES H12 33 -3 87 1/1 SAPOTES 11E 36 138 1/1
4 DGLOTYZ ZO 10F 66   153 1/1       204 1/1
5 AELSTVY YEAS J10 35 -43 188 1/1 VESTALLY 5B 78 282 1/1
6 CEGINRT GREE J9 21 -55 209 1/1 ERECTING C3 76 358 1/1
7 EEGILQR QI 12D 24 -3 233 1/1 LEIGER 8A 27 385 1/1
8 ?BDMNRU MUD H13 24 -50 257 1/1 NUMB(E)RED 13C 74 459 1/1
9 ?IJNUUY J(O)Y B1 29 -13 286 1/1 J(O)IN 12A 42 501 1/1
10 ACORTUV JOTA A12 33 -6 319 1/1 JUCO A12 39 540 1/1
11 BDEEIOR OBEY I2 16 -56 335 1/1 REBODIES K4 72 612 1/1
12 AEIOTWY RAW H13 20 -19 355 2/2 DEAWY 8K 39 651 1/2
13 AEFKOTX COAX 6C 58   413 1/2       709 1/2
14 AFGINOR FAN 7M 29 -40 442 1/2 FORAYING O4 69 778 1/2
15 IILNOTU LOIN N2 15 -13 457 1/2 TILDE 9E 28 806 1/2
16 AFHNNOT FAH B1 23 -6 480 1/2 AHENT 10I 29 835 1/2
17 AAEFNRU EF 4E 21 -15 501 1/2 FRAENA L1 36 871 1/2
18 ADIITUV AVID N2 24 -10 525 1/2 VIRID 2J 34 905 1/2
19 AIIOQTU QUA B1 26   551 1/2       931 1/2

Total: 551/931 or -380 for 59.18%
Rank: 6577

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