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Game sheet of GLOBEMAN (file), Game of August 29, 2012 at 16:25

Word find
Word played
1 AEHNNRT HEART H4 24 -2 24 2/5 HARTEN H4 26 26 2/5
2 ADEINSY SAYED 10H 27 -39 51 2/4 DESYATIN 7C 66 92 2/5
3 ADGIOTY DOIT 8A 24 -43 75 3/4 TOADYING J1 67 159 3/5
4 ?DEIIOU (T)OED 8A 26 -10 101 2/4 OUD(S) K4 36 195 3/5
5 EGOOPRT POOR 8A 27 -13 128 2/5 GOSPORT E5 40 235 3/6
6 ACEORST TRACES 1J 27 -56 155 4/5 SECTATOR 1G 83 318 3/6
7 AEIMNQS SEAM O1 60   215 2/5 SEMINA O1   378 2/6
8 AEIILNS NAILS 12A 23 -35 238 2/5 LATINISE 11C 58 436 2/6
9 AADEILW WALED 10J 34 -4 272 3/5 DWILE K11 38 474 2/6
10 AFIRTUZ ZARF N6 67   339 2/5       541 2/6
11 ?BCEEMQ MERC 8L 33 -12 372 1/3 Q(U)EME 15G 45 586 2/6
12 AABKLNO BOK 6D 42   414 2/5       628 2/6
13 AEIOORX RAX 12B 40   454 5/6       668 2/7
14 AEINRTU RETAIN 13C 30 -42 484 2/6 RUINATE 2B 72 740 2/7
15 CEEFILO FIRE 8L 33 -6 517 3/6 CLEEP 8A 39 779 2/7
16 EELNOOW WORE 8L 33 -7 550 4/6 NEWEL 13A 40 819 2/7
17 BIOTUVV BIRO 8L 27 -1 577 2/4 VIVO D1 28 847 2/7
18 BGHOOPT OH 10I 28 -4 605 3/5 HOP L3 32 879 2/7
19 FGIIOTU FORT 8L 33   638 3/5       912 2/7
20 BGIIJUU JO M7 34   672 2/5 JA 7M   946 2/7

Total: 672/946 or -274 for 71.03%
Rank: 7681

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